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04-27-2007, 01:58 AM
Originally posted by SintonFan
How many factions live in Iraq who hated each other to begin with? Iran is less divided by ethnicity than that. Poor analogy on you part.:p haha the majority in iraq are who? and in fact the intelligence we cited to invade iraq was provided by several iraqi defectors or possible defectors. not poor example just poor vision on your part! oh and Iran being almost homogenous with regards to culture actually makes it HARDER to crack then iraq which was secular. who do you choose, betray your country and aid the americans or unite with your countrymen and fight the americans! come on SF poor analysis on yours

04-27-2007, 01:59 AM
Originally posted by SintonFan
I read that crap and you think that article is of better opinion than our elected leaders?:rolleyes: haha you choose to believe what ya want bud, in fact google it. i got plenty of hits, still cant figure how you missed the memo! ;)

04-27-2007, 02:00 AM
Originally posted by SintonFan
I read that crap and you think that article is of better opinion than our elected leaders?:rolleyes: oh and i did believe our leaders once! and well we all know where that got us!

04-27-2007, 02:01 AM
Originally posted by DDBooger
oh and i did believe our leaders once! and well we all know where that got us!

No what got is there is the politically scrap heaped CIA. Should just burn the place down and start over.

04-27-2007, 02:04 AM
Originally posted by BILLYFRED0000
No what got is there is the politically scrap heaped CIA. Should just burn the place down and start over. hahaha well presidents are humans and just like you stated regarding making choices, W. chose to believe what he was told, despite never having concrete proof of the existence. water under the bridge now.

04-27-2007, 02:06 AM
Originally posted by DDBooger
haha the majority in iraq are who? and in fact the intelligence we cited to invade iraq was provided by several iraqi defectors or possible defectors. not poor example just poor vision on your part! oh and Iran being almost homogenous with regards to culture actually makes it HARDER to crack then iraq which was secular. who do you choose, betray your country and aid the americans or unite with your countrymen and fight the americans! come on SF poor analysis on yours
Poor analysis by saying Iran hates it's own government or is ripe to rebel against their own government? My point of view still stands, even if viewed poorly on your part.:D Iran is a different country, period and with a different makeup of ethnicity.
Why is it now Boog that you seem to say "we can't win" here and everywhere in these arguments? Just what are you defending here? That we are set to lose? What is the point of your arguments? That CNN has a hold of you?:thinking:

04-27-2007, 02:07 AM
Originally posted by DDBooger
oh and i did believe our leaders once! and well we all know where that got us!
Just where did ALL those leaders get us?:thinking:

04-27-2007, 02:09 AM
Originally posted by DDBooger
hahaha well presidents are humans and just like you stated regarding making choices, W. chose to believe what he was told, despite never having concrete proof of the existence. water under the bridge now.
Who else believed the same intel? We're there now...

04-27-2007, 02:10 AM
Originally posted by SintonFan
Poor analysis by saying Iran hates it's own government or is ripe to rebel against their own government? My point of view still stands, even if viewed poorly on your part.:D Iran is a different country, period and with a different makeup of ethnicity.
Why is it now Boog that you seem to say "we can't win" here and everywhere in these arguments? Just what are you defending here? That we are set to lose? What is the point of your arguments? That CNN has a hold of you?:thinking:
:D no i agree they hate they govt. but what in your mind tells you that they hate them enough to be complicit with us in dismantling parts of its country for our benefit? perhaps we should let iranian boys do the fighting? oh here we go, dude, i couldn't name a cnn anchor if i tried. its not that we can't win. its that we are incapable SF. its that you and so many right wingers speak of war as if its easy and as if you have shared our troops sacrifices. while we mourn them i assure you we have not made near the sacrifice they have? how many wars are you gonna ask them to fight? I'm stating we should finish those we are engaged in, whether we like them or not! best thing we have going for us with iran is EU is seeing things in OUR light. Worst is the big RED DRAGON needs those oil supplies. what will we have to give up to asuage them. just like us, they're starving for oil. any military action will severely curb their import

04-27-2007, 02:12 AM
Originally posted by SintonFan
Who else believed the same intel? We're there now...
FINISH THE JOB AT HAND! DON"T RETREAT TO DEFEAT!:mad: lol doesn't matter, only one that does is the man who calls the shots!!! but i don't think Hillary or anyone else who voted for it should harp the prez bout it! and why are you tossing slogans at me? i told ya i agree about finishing the job? take it easy hacksaw! ;)

04-27-2007, 02:16 AM
Originally posted by DDBooger
hahaha well presidents are humans and just like you stated regarding making choices, W. chose to believe what he was told, despite never having concrete proof of the existence. water under the bridge now.

He chose to believe what Clinton, Edwards, Kerry, the Russians,
The chinese, the Brits, The aussies, O the list goes on. I think Saddam got the weapons to Syria with his Ba'athist buddies and fooled us into believing he still had them. But if Clinton can attack
and Iraqi Aspirin factory on the basis of WMD, I have no problem with Bush doing it either. Saddam's track record made it likedly he had them or would have them again. End of story.

04-27-2007, 02:19 AM
Originally posted by BILLYFRED0000
He chose to believe what Clinton, Edwards, Kerry, the Russians,
The chinese, the Brits, The aussies, O the list goes on. I think Saddam got the weapons to Syria with his Ba'athist buddies and fooled us into believing he still had them. But if Clinton can attack
and Iraqi Aspirin factory on the basis of WMD, I have no problem with Bush doing it either. Saddam's track record made it likedly he had them or would have them again. End of story. oh I agree! this crap goes back to clinton, hell he passed legislation supporting regime change in iraq! we certainly were fascinated with that country, left and right

04-27-2007, 02:28 AM
Originally posted by DDBooger
oh I agree! this crap goes back to clinton, hell he passed legislation supporting regime change in iraq! we certainly were fascinated with that country, left and right

So now that we resolved that what else should we tackle?

04-27-2007, 02:34 AM
Originally posted by BILLYFRED0000
So now that we resolved that what else should we tackle? hahaha the bed, im tired bro! been fun! i don't want to talk about politics anymore. the draft is this weekend and im ELATED! to say the least

04-27-2007, 02:54 AM
Originally posted by DDBooger
hahaha the bed, im tired bro! been fun! i don't want to talk about politics anymore. the draft is this weekend and im ELATED! to say the least

still going at it? lol lets all just move to mexico and open up a taco stand and drink coronas or dos X all day!

04-27-2007, 03:16 AM
Originally posted by mistanice
still going at it? lol lets all just move to mexico and open up a taco stand and drink coronas or dos X all day!

Now there is an idea.

LH Panther Mom
04-27-2007, 06:18 AM
Originally posted by injuredinmelee
wow i am disappointed that we havent gotten this thread shut down yet... :doh: :doh: Obviously the subject was "eh" to any mods that were on, so it wasn't read. :p

BTW - I don't watch the national news if I can help it.