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View Full Version : This Might Sound Harsh Or Jaded BUT....

04-19-2007, 09:40 AM
after the events of 9/11 I find it harder and harder to muster the sympathy or empathy for something like the VA Tech Shootings.

It is not that I dont care, or feel bad, but it just does not seem to affect me as much. Also the news coverage of it wears me out as well. I used to be one of those that when something like the Oklahoma City Bombing happen I could not take my eyes off of the TV and I read everything I could about it. Now..I have barely atched or read anything about it. As tragic as it is, the scale is nowhere near what 9/11 was and it does not seem to affect me as much. Truly sad I know, but I am just being honest.

It reminds me of watching after 9/11 and there were talking to some people in Jeruselum..and they all were of course very sympathetic...but one said something that struck me

The lady said As sad as this is and tragic as it is, I cant help but think Now the United States knows what it is like living hear everyday.

Ok End of Ramble

04-19-2007, 09:44 AM
I hear ya and I totally understand! :)

04-19-2007, 09:46 AM
Its frustrating when the media seems to memorialize some deaths over others, as if they are more important than any other death.

I am with you on this issue as you know. I am jaded as well.

No death should be unrecognized, but that is not the way the media sees it.

Ranger Mom
04-19-2007, 09:48 AM
I agree also!!

Old Tiger
04-19-2007, 09:49 AM
Since I work at a hospital death is really not a big deal anymore to me. Thinking about it 32 people out of 17 million or so in this country is not that mean. To me the 100,000+ victims of the tsunami was something more demorilizing than this and Katrina.

04-19-2007, 09:52 AM
and since we are being honest....

it is gonna get on my last nerve :twitch: when football rolls around and the media will just continue to bring it up at every game VT is in.

Kinda like they did with the Saints after Katrina & New York teams after 9/11 :hairpunk:

04-19-2007, 09:59 AM
I understand very well. I now choose what media I monitor. The best thing I ever did was stop watching the 5:30 PM national news. I'm much happier for it and rely on the newspaper and other media outlets for my daily news fix.:)

Old Tiger
04-19-2007, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by pirate4state
and since we are being honest....

it is gonna get on my last nerve :twitch: when football rolls around and the media will just continue to bring it up at every game VT is in.

Kinda like they did with the Saints after Katrina & New York teams after 9/11 :hairpunk: Harsh but soo soo true.

AP Panther Fan
04-19-2007, 10:25 AM
I understand what you are saying, I just don't exactly share the same view.

If it weren't for the coverage so many people (self included) would not put much thought into what makes some of these crazies work and our need for a "raised awareness" in our day to day lives.

I DO NOT like how the media tries to coerce people into answering a certain way and sensationalizing things. It was really irritating for me to watch the reporters questions somewhat leading the interviewees to a response that wanted to place alot of blame on Virginia Tech and their lack of response.

There are some good reporters and some "not so good" in my opinion. I like Stone Phillips.:)