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04-17-2007, 06:36 PM
No, it's not about Gilmer or Celina! ;)

Tenn. high school defends letter before Supreme Court
Associated Press

BRENTWOOD, Tenn. -- The U.S. Supreme Court gets the case again Wednesday: Did a Tennessee high school football power violate recruiting rules or simply exercise free speech?

The 10-year-old dispute pits Brentwood Academy, a wealthy private school in suburban Nashville, against the Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association, the state body governing high school sports.

Brentwood Academy sent a letter inviting 12 eighth-graders to attend spring football practice in 1997. The students' parents already had signed contracts and paid deposits to attend the high school.

But the athletic association said the letter violated rules against recruiting high school players, and it penalized the school with a $3,000 fine and four years' probation. School officials unsuccessfully appealed twice before suing.

There have been three appeals to the 6th U.S. Circuit Court and one previous trip to the U.S. Supreme Court. Mediation ordered by a federal judge failed to resolve the case.

The federal appeals court has ruled in favor of the school, saying the letter amounts to protected speech under the First Amendment. If that ruling stands, it would prevent all high school associations from enforcing recruiting rules, say lawyers for the TSSAA.

"I don't know how in the world any of these associations can continue to operate if that is the standard," said attorney Rick Colbert, who represents the athletic association. "There's no way for them to prevent recruiting if recruiting speech has to be permitted."

Brentwood Academy officials say they support rules to prevent giving out cash or presents to football recruits. But headmaster Curt Masters, the school's second since 1997, said the letter was a harmless note to students already signed -- with money paid -- to attend the school.

"What are they really trying to protect from?" Masters said.

Attorney Lee Barfield, who has represented the school from the start, said the TSSAA is essentially asking the Supreme Court for an exemption from the First Amendment so it can crack down on recruiting violations.

"We say they should not do that," Barfield said.

In 2001, the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in favor of Brentwood Academy, saying the athletic association acted in a quasi-governmental capacity and could be sued.

"Statistically speaking, you don't ever really expect a case to get here once, much less twice," Colbert said.

The NCAA, the National School Boards Association and the National Federation of State High School Associations have filed briefs supporting the TSSAA because they say they need broad power to protect children by enforcing recruiting rules.

But Brentwood Academy has the support of the National Women's Law Center, which is worried about holding government accountable for gender discrimination, the Association of Christian Schools International and the National Association of Independent Schools.

A ruling is expected by the end of June.

If Brentwood Academy wins, the school could ask the athletic association to pay for its legal expenses, and that could send the not-for-profit association into bankruptcy.

Brentwood Academy, where tuition is $14,450 for the 2007-08 school year, had spent more than $500,000 on this case through the first six months, Colbert said.

"We're the defendant. We've had no choice but to defend ourselves ... The only way we could have ever made it go away was just raise our hands, give up all rights, say, 'We lose. You win. How much do we owe you?'"

Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press

04-17-2007, 06:52 PM
Yes I saw this one coming. Brentwood should win. They sent letters out to boys that had already enrolled and reserved a spot in the school for the next year. That is not recruiting. That is a school speaking to a future student about the possibilities of joining extracurricular activites. These boys have already had their case heard once by the SC to see if they could sue. Now they are back with the suit and I am betting on a win.

04-17-2007, 06:55 PM
i see nothing wrong

04-17-2007, 07:07 PM
Far worse goes on...just ask Celina.:eek: :eek:

04-17-2007, 07:13 PM
We don't have to recruit. People show up. Funny thing tho. If you think you are going to be someone here just because you were there think again. Celina has success because of GA and because of Butch and the type of men that they are. Sucess breeds success. What most people don't know is that we have 16 or 17 state titles. Only 7 in football. We have excellent programs. Girls Softball is number 3 in the state. I think they will win it all. Boys baseball has a chance with two pitchers having ERA's of around .7.

Old Tiger
04-17-2007, 07:16 PM
Should have spoke with G.A before recruiting.

04-17-2007, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by Tiger WR
Should have spoke with G.A before recruiting.

GA never did anything illegal. The story that got out was blown totally out of proportion. I happen to know the entire story and have spoken to people in the know. He retired because he got tired of the accusations..... And that is all I am going to say on the subject.

I will tell you a story tho. In the middle of the streak, there were 3 anonymous e-mails from other school districts that pointed out 2 special players that were "obvious" recruits. The fact that they had been playing football together since the 6th grade in Celina seemed to have escaped notice.