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View Full Version : Movie Releases 2007

03-30-2007, 02:09 PM
It's the last Friday for March. And Easter is around the corner. Here are some films opening this weekend. You can expect Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles stay at the #1 spot again this week

Blades Of Glory- When rival skaters Chazz Micheal Micheals and Jimmy MacElroy go ballistic in an embarrassing, no holds-barred fight at the World Championships, they are stripped of their gold medals and bannned from the sport for life. Now three-and-a-half years on, they've found a loophole that will allow them to compete: if they can put aside their differences, they can skate together-in pairs figure skating. It stars Will Ferrell and Jon Heder

The Lookout- Joseph Gordon-Levitt stars as a brain damaged janitor who becomes involved in a bank heist. You may remember him in The Juror, Halloween: H20, 3rd Rock From The Sun

Meet The Robinsons- And something for the kids to watch, Lewis
is an orphan who dreams of finding a family. His journey takes an unexpected turn when a mysterious stranger named Wilbur Robinson whisks him away to a world where anything is possible...The FUTURE.

03-30-2007, 02:11 PM
im not a huge fan of mob movies but i rented the departed the other day and loved it