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Ranger Mom
03-17-2007, 04:41 PM
1. How did you find the downlow?

2. How long have you been a member?

3. On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you rate your addiction level?
*** 1. Check in every once in a while – not addicted at all.
*** 5. Check in once a day – I can take it or leave it.
*** 10. Check in all day every day – I need a 12 step program.

4. How many people have you met from the downlow.
*** 1. None
*** 2. Less than 10
*** 3. Less than 25
*** 4. More than 25

5. Would you consider meeting a downlower away from a “football” or sports related setting?

6. Do you like the Statebound T-Shirt/Flag idea?

7. If you could have a single “Rommed” person back, who would it be?

8. Do you like the current format of the downlow?

9. Do you have your downlow phone numbers saved in a separate group?

10. If you could change one thing about the downlow….what would it be?

Ranger Mom
03-17-2007, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
1. How did you find the downlow?

2. How long have you been a member?

3. On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you rate your addiction level?
*** 1. Check in every once in a while – not addicted at all.
*** 5. Check in once a day – I can take it or leave it.
*** 10. Check in all day every day – I need a 12 step program.

4. How many people have you met from the downlow.
*** 1. None
*** 2. Less than 10
*** 3. Less than 25
*** 4. More than 25

5. Would you consider meeting a downlower away from a “football” or sports related setting?

6. Do you like the Statebound T-Shirt/Flag idea?

7. If you could have a single “Rommed” person back, who would it be?

8. Do you like the current format of the downlow?

9. Do you have your downlow phone numbers saved in a separate group?

10. If you could change one thing about the downlow….what would it be?

1. Search Engine

2 Almost 5 years

3 8

4. more than 25

5 I have on several occasions

6. It's fun, more so if you aren't the one in charge.

7. PPHSfan

8. I like the format as it is

9. My numbers are saved in the "3adownlow" group.

10. It's my question, and I really didn't even give my own opinion a second thought....I will have to think about it.

LH Panther Mom
03-17-2007, 04:56 PM
1. Oldest son
2. Over 4 years
3. 9 when my laptop's working....6 when it's not :(
4. more than 25
5. Yes & I have
6. Yes (and not volunteering to be "in charge" :p )
7. Hmmmm.....so many choices
8. Yes
9. No, all together
10. P.O.O.H. polls for every sport :devil: :devil:

03-17-2007, 05:00 PM
1. How did you find the downlow?
reggie....and everyonce in a while coach would tell us not to go on there and bad mouth/ make us look bad.

2. How long have you been a member?
joined back in 2002? never posted, and hardly every checked it because it always seemed forever to upload. rejoined fall 2005

3. On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you rate your addiction level?
*** 1. Check in every once in a while – not addicted at all.
*** 5. Check in once a day – I can take it or leave it.
*** 10. Check in all day every day – I need a 12 step program.


4. How many people have you met from the downlow.
*** 1. None
*** 2. Less than 10
*** 3. Less than 25
*** 4. More than 25
....im thinking less than 25, not including the posters i knew previously

5. Would you consider meeting a downlower away from a “football” or sports related setting?

i already have....

6. Do you like the Statebound T-Shirt/Flag idea?


7. If you could have a single “Rommed” person back, who would it be?


8. Do you like the current format of the downlow?

its good

9. Do you have your downlow phone numbers saved in a separate group?

the few numbers i do have....yes

10. If you could change one thing about the downlow….what would it be?

bring back pphsfan

03-17-2007, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
1. How did you find the downlow?

2. How long have you been a member?

3. On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you rate your addiction level?
*** 1. Check in every once in a while – not addicted at all.
*** 5. Check in once a day – I can take it or leave it.
*** 10. Check in all day every day – I need a 12 step program.

4. How many people have you met from the downlow.
*** 1. None
*** 2. Less than 10
*** 3. Less than 25
*** 4. More than 25

5. Would you consider meeting a downlower away from a “football” or sports related setting?

6. Do you like the Statebound T-Shirt/Flag idea?

7. If you could have a single “Rommed” person back, who would it be?

8. Do you like the current format of the downlow?

9. Do you have your downlow phone numbers saved in a separate group?

10. If you could change one thing about the downlow….what would it be?

1. My cousin found it first - it was linked to the Everman web site
2. since '02
3. 10
4. more than 25
5. i already have
6. sure, but I ain't doing it again
7. Casey
8. Yep
9. Yep
10. There are a few things and Matthew already knows what they are :p

03-17-2007, 05:59 PM
1. In my head
2. Since the start
3. 10
4. 4
5. Yah (When are we hittin' up Coyote Ugly again, ILS?)
6. It's cool
7. The KING
8. Yah, not bad
9. No
10. We'd have Nudy Picture Thursdays, Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Sundays, Saturdays and Tuesdays...

03-17-2007, 06:01 PM
1. Some link

2. Few Months

3. 8.9

4. Less Than 10

5. Depends

6. I guess

7. TigerWR

8. Eh, sure

9. Nah. No need for a seperate group if I only have one members number

10. No Caps Lock Allowed

03-17-2007, 06:03 PM
1. 3afan

2. 4 years

3. On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you rate your addiction level?


4. How many people have you met from the downlow.

Less than 25

5. Already have

6. It was my idea

7. Holmes_Fans

8. HTML should be enabled

9. Nah. No need for a seperate group if I only have one members number

10. Don't wanna get rommed so I can't

03-17-2007, 06:45 PM
1. How did you find the downlow? Gobbla

2. How long have you been a member? Since 4/02 I'm #126

3. On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you rate your addiction level?
*** 1. Check in every once in a while – not addicted at all.
*** 5. Check in once a day – I can take it or leave it.
*** 10. Check in all day every day – I need a 12 step program.
4. How many people have you met from the downlow.
*** 1. None
*** 2. Less than 10
*** 3. Less than 25
*** 4. More than 25
Less than 10
5. Would you consider meeting a downlower away from a “football” or sports related setting? Sure

6. Do you like the Statebound T-Shirt/Flag idea? I guess so

7. If you could have a single “Rommed” person back, who would it be? Aggie John

8. Do you like the current format of the downlow? Yes

9. Do you have your downlow phone numbers saved in a separate group? No

10. If you could change one thing about the downlow….what would it be? Nada

03-17-2007, 07:30 PM
7. The Chief......

So until next time brothers...:D

LH Panther Mom
03-17-2007, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by JasperDog94
7. The Chief......

So until next time brothers...:D :eek: :eek: :eek: Oh gracious! :doh: :doh:

03-17-2007, 07:36 PM
1) Someone mentioned it on another site. I googled it.
2) 06-30-2006
3) I'm a good 9
4) Less than 25
5) Absolutely
6) Yep
7) I guess PPHS if he in fact is the King. No country can exist without it's heirarchy. :D 8) Yes
9) I don't have any phone numbers.
10) The black background and white letters to Orange background and White letters. :D :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

03-17-2007, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by bobcat1

10) The black background and white letters to Orange background and White letters. :D :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

It was like that once.

03-17-2007, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
1. How did you find the downlow?
a friend of mine from HS...he still post here too and if he's reading this OMG HI GLEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111 myspace me!

2. How long have you been a member?
haha i was 17 when I first registered I think...I don't really remember it's been too many...of those times ya know

3. On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you rate your addiction level?
*** 1. Check in every once in a while – not addicted at all--yeah, I rarely come around these parts...
*** 5. Check in once a day – I can take it or leave it.
*** 10. Check in all day every day – I need a 12 step program.

4. How many people have you met from the downlow.
*** 1. None--there wasn't a less than 5 option...I don't count the two people I know...and the others...
*** 2. Less than 10
*** 3. Less than 25
*** 4. More than 25

5. Would you consider meeting a downlower away from a “football” or sports related setting? it would depend on who it was and what and who we were going to bother

6. Do you like the Statebound T-Shirt/Flag idea? sure but no one has yet to allow me to sign it...

7. If you could have a single “Rommed” person back, who would it be? definitely BIGGBROTHER

8. Do you like the current format of the downlow? not really...and no matter what I say about it, it won't change and if it does then I'll just complain about the new look more than I do now with this one...

9. Do you have your downlow phone numbers saved in a separate group? I dont have anyone from the downlow's number

10. If you could change one thing about the downlow….what would it be? I believe what I would change is pretty obvious...I've stated it many times

03-17-2007, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
1. How did you find the downlow?

2. How long have you been a member?

3. On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you rate your addiction level?
*** 1. Check in every once in a while – not addicted at all.
*** 5. Check in once a day – I can take it or leave it.
*** 10. Check in all day every day – I need a 12 step program.

4. How many people have you met from the downlow.
*** 1. None
*** 2. Less than 10
*** 3. Less than 25
*** 4. More than 25

5. Would you consider meeting a downlower away from a “football” or sports related setting?

6. Do you like the Statebound T-Shirt/Flag idea?

7. If you could have a single “Rommed” person back, who would it be?

8. Do you like the current format of the downlow?

9. Do you have your downlow phone numbers saved in a separate group?

10. If you could change one thing about the downlow….what would it be?

1. I found the Downlow after seeing some upperclassmen on it my freshman year in high school.

2. I have been a member for around four and a half years.

3. I would classify myself as a 7, I check at least once a day, but some days go without it and it doesn't bother me at all.

4. I've met around 10-15 posters from the here, maybe more, so give me a 3.

5. I have before, going to one's birthday party next week in SA, I think.

6. Yes.

7. The King AND Highschool_fan

8. Yeah, except we need more Democrats. ;)

9. No

10. Make me the supreme authoritative ruler with complete control over everything, and anyone who disagrees with me or even comes close to doing so gets ROM'd instantly. :D

03-17-2007, 11:28 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
1. How did you find the downlow?

2. How long have you been a member?

3. On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you rate your addiction level?
*** 1. Check in every once in a while – not addicted at all.
*** 5. Check in once a day – I can take it or leave it.
*** 10. Check in all day every day – I need a 12 step program.

4. How many people have you met from the downlow.
*** 1. None
*** 2. Less than 10
*** 3. Less than 25
*** 4. More than 25

5. Would you consider meeting a downlower away from a “football” or sports related setting?

6. Do you like the Statebound T-Shirt/Flag idea?

7. If you could have a single “Rommed” person back, who would it be?

8. Do you like the current format of the downlow?

9. Do you have your downlow phone numbers saved in a separate group?

10. If you could change one thing about the downlow….what would it be?

1. A little birdy told me to check it out.

2. 2 1/2 years

3. I'm not addicted, it's much worse than that.

4. I'd say less than 25, but it could be less than 10. I think it's either 10 or 11 though.

5. sure

6. I think it's pretty good. I've tried to come up with a better idea but I never can.

7. The King

8. Yes, but the new chat sux. Too much of a hassle for me to open up Foxfire to get on.

9. No

10. I wish there was a special feature that would keep my wife off of my back about my Downlow addiction. :)

03-19-2007, 08:15 AM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
1. How did you find the downlow?

2. How long have you been a member?

3. On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you rate your addiction level?
*** 1. Check in every once in a while – not addicted at all.
*** 5. Check in once a day – I can take it or leave it.
*** 10. Check in all day every day – I need a 12 step program.

4. How many people have you met from the downlow.
*** 1. None
*** 2. Less than 10
*** 3. Less than 25
*** 4. More than 25

5. Would you consider meeting a downlower away from a “football” or sports related setting?

6. Do you like the Statebound T-Shirt/Flag idea?

7. If you could have a single “Rommed” person back, who would it be?

8. Do you like the current format of the downlow?

9. Do you have your downlow phone numbers saved in a separate group?

10. If you could change one thing about the downlow….what would it be?

1.) One of our coaches was a memeber on here and everybody in school was talkin about it and this guy named "hornetpride" so I joined.

2) Oct. 02

3) 10

4) more than 25

5) yes, went and stayed a week with RM lol

6) yuppers

7)PPHSFAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BRING THE KING BACK!

8) Yes

9) nope, the peoples numbers I do have are all mixed in with my other friends.

10) it wasnt so slow this time of year!

03-19-2007, 08:22 AM
1. I honestly have no clue. I think I found a link off of texashsfootball..com.

2. About a year and a half.

3. I would have to say about an 8.5.

4. Less than 10.

5. If I had the chance.

6. I like it.

7. That's a tough one.

8. Don't change it. It's perfect.

9. Don't have any numbers.

10. If it ain't broken, don't fix it. :thumbsup:

03-19-2007, 09:38 AM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
1. How did you find the downlow?

2. How long have you been a member?

3. On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you rate your addiction level?
*** 1. Check in every once in a while – not addicted at all.
*** 5. Check in once a day – I can take it or leave it.
*** 10. Check in all day every day – I need a 12 step program.

4. How many people have you met from the downlow.
*** 1. None
*** 2. Less than 10
*** 3. Less than 25
*** 4. More than 25

5. Would you consider meeting a downlower away from a “football” or sports related setting?

6. Do you like the Statebound T-Shirt/Flag idea?

7. If you could have a single “Rommed” person back, who would it be?

8. Do you like the current format of the downlow?

9. Do you have your downlow phone numbers saved in a separate group?

10. If you could change one thing about the downlow….what would it be?

1. Our stud QB was on it my junior year....so i got on and got a name...he was just a guest tho.

2. getting close to 5 years

3. during the season.....9-10....during the offseason...about 5-6...i was a 1-2 there for a little while...SORRY

4.less than 25

5. Hell yeah....already have

6. Yes i do

7. zooleander

8.yes and no...it needs a pic of RangerMom in a bikini....giggity-goo

9. nah

10. i'd be a semi-mod:D

03-19-2007, 09:40 AM
Originally posted by DU_stud04
1. How did you find the downlow?
reggie....and everyonce in a while coach would tell us not to go on there and bad mouth/ make us look bad.

HELL YEAH!!!!! haha....i think i recruited alot of ppl to the downlow lol.....i know all the coaches and other ppl started lookin at it more cuz of my posts haha....i will take all credit:D

03-19-2007, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
1. How did you find the downlow?

2. How long have you been a member?

3. On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you rate your addiction level?
*** 1. Check in every once in a while – not addicted at all.
*** 5. Check in once a day – I can take it or leave it.
*** 10. Check in all day every day – I need a 12 step program.

4. How many people have you met from the downlow.
*** 1. None
*** 2. Less than 10
*** 3. Less than 25
*** 4. More than 25

5. Would you consider meeting a downlower away from a “football” or sports related setting?

6. Do you like the Statebound T-Shirt/Flag idea?

7. If you could have a single “Rommed” person back, who would it be?

8. Do you like the current format of the downlow?

9. Do you have your downlow phone numbers saved in a separate group?

10. If you could change one thing about the downlow….what would it be?

2.rolling on 5 years
3. 6 or 7
4. less than 10
5. ya
6. ya its a good idea
7. zooleander or the chief
8. ya its a good format
9. no there just all by there names
10. o i dont no i guess leave it alone its seems to roll along ok now

03-19-2007, 10:03 AM
Hey RM. Since you've been bored lately, let's bring back the Chief and TigerWR. That would provide entertainment for days!:evillol: :evillol:

03-19-2007, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by JasperDog94
Hey RM. Since you've been bored lately, let's bring back the Chief and TigerWR. That would provide entertainment for days!:evillol: :evillol:

I agree the chief was great to read

03-19-2007, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
7. The King AND Highschool_fan

:o :o How could I forget about these two?? :eek: ;) :thinking:

03-19-2007, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
1. How did you find the downlow?

2. How long have you been a member?

3. On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you rate your addiction level?
*** 1. Check in every once in a while – not addicted at all.
*** 5. Check in once a day – I can take it or leave it.
*** 10. Check in all day every day – I need a 12 step program.

4. How many people have you met from the downlow.
*** 1. None
*** 2. Less than 10
*** 3. Less than 25
*** 4. More than 25

5. Would you consider meeting a downlower away from a “football” or sports related setting?

6. Do you like the Statebound T-Shirt/Flag idea?

7. If you could have a single “Rommed” person back, who would it be?

8. Do you like the current format of the downlow?

9. Do you have your downlow phone numbers saved in a separate group?

10. If you could change one thing about the downlow….what would it be?

1) Someone was talking about it on the 4A site a few years back.

2) Almost 3 years.

3) 7

4) 2

5) Yep.

6) Sure.

7) Chief O'Hera...because he made most of us guys look enlightened by comparison.

8) Yes.

9) I think I only have 3...not enough to warrant their own group just yet..

10) I wish it had an "ignore A&M/UT thread" feature.

03-19-2007, 11:36 AM
1) Can't remember
2) Aug. '01 lost my PW during the offseason and had to get a new one in Aug of '02
3) About a 6
4) Less than 10
5) Depends
6) Sure
7) None - they were rommed for a reason
8) As far as the message board yes
9) I have no phone numbers
10) Have region pages like the old days.

03-19-2007, 12:33 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
1. How did you find the downlow?

2. How long have you been a member?

3. On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you rate your addiction level?
*** 1. Check in every once in a while – not addicted at all.
*** 5. Check in once a day – I can take it or leave it.
*** 10. Check in all day every day – I need a 12 step program.

4. How many people have you met from the downlow.
*** 1. None
*** 2. Less than 10
*** 3. Less than 25
*** 4. More than 25

5. Would you consider meeting a downlower away from a “football” or sports related setting?

6. Do you like the Statebound T-Shirt/Flag idea?

7. If you could have a single “Rommed” person back, who would it be?

8. Do you like the current format of the downlow?

9. Do you have your downlow phone numbers saved in a separate group?

10. If you could change one thing about the downlow….what would it be?

2.like 3 years
4.less than 25

03-19-2007, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
1. How did you find the downlow?

2. How long have you been a member?

3. On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you rate your addiction level?
*** 1. Check in every once in a while – not addicted at all.
*** 5. Check in once a day – I can take it or leave it.
*** 10. Check in all day every day – I need a 12 step program.

4. How many people have you met from the downlow.
*** 1. None
*** 2. Less than 10
*** 3. Less than 25
*** 4. More than 25

5. Would you consider meeting a downlower away from a “football” or sports related setting?

6. Do you like the Statebound T-Shirt/Flag idea?

7. If you could have a single “Rommed” person back, who would it be?

8. Do you like the current format of the downlow?

9. Do you have your downlow phone numbers saved in a separate group?

10. If you could change one thing about the downlow….what would it be?

1. Saw another person at school looking a the dlow.. signed up that exact day and I've been addicted ever since:)

2. Sometime in 2005

*1. About a 9;)

*4. Not sure around how many but I believe more that 25

5. Sure, heck I've stayed at another posters house before. Football M&G or non football it's always a blast.

6. Yes I think it's a neat idea.

7. Casey

8. Yeah

9. I used to before I got a new phone.

10. How slow it is this time of the year

03-19-2007, 03:41 PM
1. How did you find the downlow?
I used to "hang out" at www.*********** and saw them talking about "this guy from Cuero with a new 3A site" so I checked it out.....seems like it was after Cuero played Aledo in 1998

2. How long have you been a member? don't remember when I registered "the 1st time" but I re-registered in Nov 2003

3. On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you rate your addiction level?

*** 10. Check in all day every day – I need a 12 step program.

4. How many people have you met from the downlow.

*** 3. Less than 25 ( I might have met more than 25, not sure)

5. Would you consider meeting a downlower away from a “football” or sports related setting? I have on many occasions

6. Do you like the Statebound T-Shirt/Flag idea? yes

7. If you could have a single “Rommed” person back, who would it be? hmmmm not touching that one with a 10 foot pole :)

8. Do you like the current format of the downlow? yes

9. Do you have your downlow phone numbers saved in a separate group? nope

10. If you could change one thing about the downlow….what would it be? on the PM's - I'd like a 'reply to all" button.........

03-19-2007, 03:44 PM
7. If you could have a single “Rommed” person back, who would it be? Aggie John

I guess I missed it - when did Aggie John get ROMMED? I need to pay closer attention.........

03-19-2007, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by 44INAROW
I guess I missed it - when did Aggie John get ROMMED? I need to pay closer attention......... oh wow!!!!

I like your suggestion for a "reply to all" button for PMs. ;)

AP Panther Fan
03-19-2007, 03:57 PM
1. I read about the Downlow on the Caller Times website. They were calling the Board a bunch of snobs...so of course, I thought I needed to check it out, since I might fit in nicely.:D

2. October 2004

3. I think I am about a 7

4. What's the population of Sinton? Just kidding, I would say less than 25.

5. I have met quite a few in people in "non" sports related places.

6. Shirt/Flag:thumbsup:

7. A.J.

8. Current format is fine.

9. Phone numbers are just mixed in with the rest of my saved ones.

10. I want the"Reply to All" feature too in PM's...certainly would make bitching and moaning to the masses much easier. :D

03-19-2007, 03:59 PM
1. How did you find the downlow?
Jeez, on a web search for 3A football. But I remember Gobblas guestbook from his Cuero website.:D

2. How long have you been a member?
5.5 years...

3. On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you rate your addiction level?
*** 1. Check in every once in a while – not addicted at all.
*** 5. Check in once a day – I can take it or leave it.
*** 10. Check in all day every day – I need a 12 step program.

4. How many people have you met from the downlow.
*** 1. None
*** 2. Less than 10
*** 3. Less than 25
*** 4. More than 25
oooooh, I'd say more than 25

5. Would you consider meeting a downlower away from a “football” or sports related setting?
sure, epsecially for midday cocktails :)
6. Do you like the Statebound T-Shirt/Flag idea?
love it

7. If you could have a single person back, who would it be?
The old SintonFan, this new one gets on my nerves sometimes.

8. Do you like the current format of the downlow?

9. Do you have your downlow phone numbers saved in a separate group?
Nope, they're mixed in there with family and friends.

10. If you could change one thing about the downlow….what would it be?
Nothing, you don't mess up a successful

Ranger Mom
01-21-2008, 03:34 PM
I was looking around for a thread and ran across this one....so I am bringing it back up.....just cause!!!:D

It made me think......do you know of any other sports related message board who has as many "get togethers" and have so many members who have met so many other members, as this one does???

01-21-2008, 03:49 PM
1. How did you find the downlow?

I did a search on yahoo that took me to texashsfootball.com and that is where a found a link to here.

2. How long have you been a member?

About 2 1/2 years

3. On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you rate your addiction level?
*** 1. Check in every once in a while – not addicted at all.
*** 5. Check in once a day – I can take it or leave it.
*** 10. Check in all day every day – I need a 12 step program.

I'd have to say about a 7.

4. How many people have you met from the downlow.
*** 1. None
*** 2. Less than 10
*** 3. Less than 25
*** 4. More than 25

More than 10 but less than 25.

5. Would you consider meeting a downlower away from a “football” or sports related setting?

Depends on who the downlower is.

6. Do you like the Statebound T-Shirt/Flag idea?


7. If you could have a single “Rommed” person back, who would it be?


8. Do you like the current format of the downlow?

Love it.

9. Do you have your downlow phone numbers saved in a separate group?

No phone numbers. Sorry.

10. If you could change one thing about the downlow….what would it be?

Nothing really come to mind.

Ranger Mom
01-21-2008, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by piratebg
1. How did you find the downlow?

I did a search on yahoo that took me to texashsfootball.com and that is where a found a link to here.

2. How long have you been a member?

About 2 1/2 years

3. On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you rate your addiction level?
*** 1. Check in every once in a while – not addicted at all.
*** 5. Check in once a day – I can take it or leave it.
*** 10. Check in all day every day – I need a 12 step program.

I'd have to say about a 7.

4. How many people have you met from the downlow.
*** 1. None
*** 2. Less than 10
*** 3. Less than 25
*** 4. More than 25

More than 10 but less than 25.

5. Would you consider meeting a downlower away from a “football” or sports related setting?

Depends on who the downlower is.

6. Do you like the Statebound T-Shirt/Flag idea?


7. If you could have a single “Rommed” person back, who would it be?


8. Do you like the current format of the downlow?

Love it.

9. Do you have your downlow phone numbers saved in a separate group?

No phone numbers. Sorry.

10. If you could change one thing about the downlow….what would it be?

Nothing really come to mind.

Did you compare your answers to the ones you made last year???

01-21-2008, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
Did you compare your answers to the ones you made last year???

I never checked to see if I had done it yet. LOL. My answers are pretty much the same except I've made a couple of M&G since and my addiction level has dropped a bit. :D

Ranger Mom
01-21-2008, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by piratebg
I never checked to see if I had done it yet. LOL. My answers are pretty much the same except I've made a couple of M&G since and my addiction level has dropped a bit. :D


My addiction level has dropped WAY down!!

Back in the day, there is no way I would have gone the entire weekend without logging on....now, it's a miracle if I DO get on during the weekend!!!

01-21-2008, 04:37 PM
1. Original member from the old Pig...

2. 6+ years...pretty much since the beginning

3. 6.2...it's dropped down from about an 8.5

4. How many people have you met from the downlow.
Somewhere around 25...haven't really kept count.

5. Sure...have and would do again

6. Indifferent...won't be purchasing

7. Can we trade out a few ROMies for current members on their 3rd, 4th, 5th leg??? :D

8. No...the color scheme is horrible (kidding).

9. No.

10. My thoughts and opinions have been expressed...

01-21-2008, 04:46 PM
1. How did you find the downlow? Stalked another Member :eek:

2. How long have you been a member? 1 1/2 years

3. On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you rate your addiction level? *** 10. Check in all day every day – I need a 12 step program.

4. How many people have you met from the downlow.*** 2. Less than 10

5. Would you consider meeting a downlower away from a “football” or sports related setting? Boom Chicaka Bow Wow! :D

6. Do you like the Statebound T-Shirt/Flag idea? Yes

7. If you could have a single “Rommed” person back, who would it be? BobcatBenny :D

8. Do you like the current format of the downlow? Yes

9. Do you have your downlow phone numbers saved in a separate group? No

10. If you could change one thing about the downlow….what would it be? Add a "Girls of the Downlow Calendar" page! :eek:

01-21-2008, 04:57 PM
1. a link from the Bridge CIty web site

2. 2001?

3. 3 - I'll check several times daily for a few days, then if nothing big is going on, I may miss several days..............

4. 3 - Less than 25

5. Sure . . . . .


7. PPHSFAN - Assuming he wanted to come back. I really enjoyed his "wit"

8. Yes

9. No phone numbers

10. Perhaps make few seperate boards for other sports ? ? ? Nothing Communist like soccer or anything like that, but maybe baseball, softball, volleyball, etc.......

01-21-2008, 07:07 PM
1. I'm good friends with Sinton66

2. 3 years.

3. i'd say 5, check the first 2 pages, sometimes when i'm bored i check the first 5 pages.

4. at one game GP vs Sinton met about 15 or so.

5. not sure

6. yes

7. none

8. 99% yes, only suggestion i have is to make NF and FB categories to sub off to.

9. lol?

10. see 8

01-21-2008, 09:13 PM

01-22-2008, 07:42 AM
1. Search Engine
2. Couple of weeks.
3. 7-sometimes more than other times.
4. 2
5. Yes, I'd like to meet others.
6. Yes, love the state bound shirt.
7. Can't think of any.
8. Yes, Love it.
9. No phone numbers.
10. Nothing to change at the moment.

Mace Griffin
01-22-2008, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
1. How did you find the downlow?

2. How long have you been a member?

3. On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you rate your addiction level?
*** 1. Check in every once in a while – not addicted at all.
*** 5. Check in once a day – I can take it or leave it.
*** 10. Check in all day every day – I need a 12 step program.

4. How many people have you met from the downlow.
*** 1. None
*** 2. Less than 10
*** 3. Less than 25
*** 4. More than 25

5. Would you consider meeting a downlower away from a “football” or sports related setting?

6. Do you like the Statebound T-Shirt/Flag idea?

7. If you could have a single “Rommed” person back, who would it be?

8. Do you like the current format of the downlow?

9. Do you have your downlow phone numbers saved in a separate group?

10. If you could change one thing about the downlow….what would it be?

1. Saw someone looking at in a computer lab.

2. A little over a year

3. Id say about a 3 I check usually during the week when im bored

4. None noone wants to come to Maryland or Florida

5.Dont know any well enough

6. Yea it seems cool

7. not sure

8. Yes

9. No dont even have anyones numbers

10. Talk more about other hs sports in the spring like basketball, baseball, track, softball etc.

01-22-2008, 11:28 PM
1. my nephew wanted to see what it was about and didnt want his name on it.
2. i think he graduated in '02? so i guess about '01 we signed on. Then I got deleted and signed back up this year after a game where "my area" got invaded by lots of 3ADL poeple who stole my bell. (you know who you are)
3. 3 take it or leave it right now but during football season totally different story.
4. 2 less than 10 (i have other things to do at half time)
5. yes
6. yes
7. dont know dont care
8. yes
9. no numbers
10. ???

big daddy russ
01-23-2008, 01:31 AM
1. How did you find the downlow?
By accident the first time, search engine the second.

2. How long have you been a member?
Hell if I know. Check the registration date to the left.

3. On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you rate your addiction level?
Depends on the season. 8 during football season, 4 during the offseason.

4. How many people have you met from the downlow.
Probably somewhere around 25.

5. Would you consider meeting a downlower away from a “football” or sports related setting?
Why not.

6. Do you like the Statebound T-Shirt/Flag idea?

7. If you could have a single “Rommed” person back, who would it be?
Tough question. Keith7 was fun. So were Schu and PPHS. I'm sure there were some others that I've forgotten, but those are the three that stick out the most.

8. Do you like the current format of the downlow?

9. Do you have your downlow phone numbers saved in a separate group?
Nope. But I only have numbers from a few Downlowers. They should consider themselves lucky.

10. If you could change one thing about the downlow….what would it be?
A separate picture forum dedicated to full frontal nudity.

Old Tiger
01-23-2008, 01:32 AM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
1. How did you find the downlow?

2. How long have you been a member?

3. On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you rate your addiction level?
*** 1. Check in every once in a while – not addicted at all.
*** 5. Check in once a day – I can take it or leave it.
*** 10. Check in all day every day – I need a 12 step program.

4. How many people have you met from the downlow.
*** 1. None
*** 2. Less than 10
*** 3. Less than 25
*** 4. More than 25

5. Would you consider meeting a downlower away from a “football” or sports related setting?

6. Do you like the Statebound T-Shirt/Flag idea?

7. If you could have a single “Rommed” person back, who would it be?

8. Do you like the current format of the downlow?

9. Do you have your downlow phone numbers saved in a separate group?

10. If you could change one thing about the downlow….what would it be?

1) Yahoo search
2) Since 2002
3) 7
4) More than 25
5) Depends
6) Yes
7) Tiger WR or highschool_fan(i think that's how he typed his s/n)
8) No
9) I don't know how to do that
10) less rules and more fun