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View Full Version : Question for business owners (NF)

03-17-2007, 09:22 AM
I have a question for anyone on the board who owns a franchise or other type business that required a serious amount of start-up capital- How did you come up with the start-up funds? There's a franchise that I have found that I'm very interested in but don't have anything near the start up capital it is requiring. Any qualified information would be great. Thanks.

03-17-2007, 12:18 PM
I'd start with the local economic developement corporation and see if they have any programs with low interest loans..... If nothing else - call the chamber and talk to the director and ask him/her for some advise - there is funds out there - just finding them is the tricky part - good luck

03-17-2007, 01:18 PM
If you have a good net worth, some franchises will work with you to develop a business plan that can be presented to a bank in order to obtain an SBA guaranteed loan. Aside from that, if you can afford the franchise fee, you should be in good shape.