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03-14-2007, 02:44 PM
Wow Pete...tell us something we didn't know.

ESPN.com news services

Pete Rose revealed Wednesday that he bet on the Reds "every night" while he was manager of the team and that the Dowd Report was correct when it said he did so.

Rose spoke Wednesday with Dan Patrick and Keith Olbermann on ESPN Radio to discuss the new Pete Rose exhibit that will be on display at the Great American Ballpark as part of the Reds Hall of Fame. The exhibit will be on display for 11 months.

"I bet on my team every night. I didn't bet on my team four nights a week. I was wrong," Rose said.

Rose said that he believed in his team so much that he bet on them to win every night.

"I bet on my team to win every night because I love my team, I believe in my team," Rose said. "I did everything in my power every night to win that game."

Rose accepted a lifetime ban for gambling in 1989, but denied for nearly 15 years that he bet on baseball. He finally acknowledged in his latest autobiography, published in January 2004, that he made baseball wagers while he managed the Cincinnati Reds.

Rose said he doesn't worry about getting into the Hall of Fame anymore, but if he is reinstated, he hopes to manage again in the majors.

"I quit worrying about it," Rose said about the Hall. The former Reds great said that he thought he was going to be reinstated when he met with commissioner Bud Selig before his book came out. Rose said he met with Selig about a year before the book came out and told him everything that was in the book.

"I really thought I was going to be reinstated. Something changed [Selig's] mind," Rose said.

Rose said he believes it should be up to each individual owner whether he should manage in the majors again.

"[It's] all about dollars, Dan and Keith. If I was ever reinstated. If an owner don't want to win and draw people, don't call my number," Rose said.

Major League Baseball's Hit King also said he thinks that Mark McGwire is getting a raw deal from the writers voting for the Hall of Fame. The reason he said he supported McGwire is because nothing has been proven and they're all "allegations."

"Don't penalize McGwire because you think, other guys are taking steroids," Rose said.

Rose admits he made a mistake in betting on baseball.

"I made a big mistake. It's my fault, It's nobody's esle's fault," Rose said. However, he said he should be reinstated because "I'm the best ambassador baseball has."

Because of the ban, Rose is not eligible for induction into the Reds' or Baseball's Hall of Fame. He also is not allowed to be involved in most on-field activities, which has prevented the Reds from retiring his uniform No. 14.

Major League Baseball did include him in two events -- 1999's All-Century Team and 2002's 30 Memorable Moments -- that were sponsored by a credit card company.

The new exhibit includes more than 300 items from the career of Rose, who finished playing in 1986 with record 4,256 hits. His total is reflected at the Reds' Hall in a three-story high wall of baseballs -- one for each hit.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

03-14-2007, 02:47 PM
Well, now I've heard it all. ;)

03-14-2007, 02:49 PM
BFD, it still doesnt change the fact that he was a great bball player. I believe he should be in the hall of fame, period. I didnt realize that the hall was reserved for those of more moral character, if thats the case...why not induct Ghandi and Mother Theresa......I thought it was about stats and whatnot. Just my take.

03-14-2007, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by IHStangFan
BFD, it still doesnt change the fact that he was a great bball player. I believe he should be in the hall of fame, period. I didnt realize that the hall was reserved for those of more moral character, if thats the case...why not induct Ghandi and Mother Theresa......I thought it was about stats and whatnot. Just my take.

agreed 100%. He should give up wanting to be a manager. They can ban him from baseball by restricting him in that manner.
But I do believe he should be in hall of fame.

03-14-2007, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by BTEXDAD
agreed 100%. He should give up wanting to be a manager. They can ban him from baseball by restricting him in that manner.
But I do believe he should be in hall of fame. Agreed....I mean, theyre constantly talking about Bonds and the HR record....Bonds can cheat, roid up, and his record will be recognized...but Rose bets on games and somehow THAT discrases the game?? I'm sorry...but BULLSH*T! Rose should be in the hall.

gato 76
03-15-2007, 06:50 AM
He was a great ball player,but its to late he should have said that from the get go.I don't believe him he probally did bet against his team,he has a adiction to gambling thats like a drug habit you will do what ever it takes for that habit.

03-15-2007, 07:26 AM
Why can you not understand the difference between right and wrong. There were rules and they were broken. He was suspended from the game (all involvement in baseball). As far as Barry Bonds goes, it is yet to be proven that he broke any baseball rules. As much as I detest Barry Bonds, steriods were not illegal at the time he started using them.

Moral character is not the question. Mickey Mantle is my all time top sports hero and he had a few vices but what he did was not against the rules of the league that paid him to play. Pete Rose broke the rules and then lied about it compromising the integrity of the league and the team that he played and coached for. Based on the continuing admissions that he keeps making, I am not convinced that he did not bet against his team. This is the height of "wrongness."

MLB has the right to ban him and I hope they continue to do so. On Mike and Mike (on ESPN) this morning a sports writer said that the only time he ever had Frank Robinson get mad at him and yell at him was when the writer suggested that he might vote for Pete. Frank Robinson knows what he is talking about.

03-15-2007, 07:34 AM
Come on now guys, you honestly don't think Rose is the only one to ever bet on his team do you? If you do then you need to pull your head out of the sand. Betting goes on all the time right under your noses, from mayors betting on big games (Dallas vs Houston) to players betting with guys on the other teams to shave their heads if they loose.

Sure Rose should have fessed up years ago, but if you keep him from baseball and allow the hundred of players (if not more) to continue to play pro sports that have or continue to do roids & other drugs, it is an injustice.

I for one think that drug testing should be random and at all levels of sports. These pro athletes that get multiple chances and continue to fail tests should be fired. We need to start in Junior High levels educating and warning about the dangers of roids and other drugs and the consequences of those.

Just my opinion...............

03-15-2007, 07:43 AM
Here is what bugs me about this whole thing. why is he even talking and saying this now? Why didn't he admit this a long time ago when he had a chance to clear up the matter. This country is a forgiving country. We forgave Jason Giambi for his debacle. We forgave Gerald Ford for his mess in Watergate. America loves a comeback story, but this thing in this body going by the name Pete Rose, doesn't deserve forgiveness. He has used up any credibility he has on have any chance of redemption and respect.

As far as I am concerned Pete Rose lost all credibility years and years ago when he continued to tell his side of the story. And how many sides of this story have we heard.

First it was.. "I have never bet on baseball." then it was "Um.. okay, I did bet on baseball but never did I bet on my team." then it was. "i bet on baseball but not everyday." now it was "I not only bet on baseball but I bet on my team every day."

Okay Pete, you are just as annoying as that Yankee third baseman right about now. SHUT THE HELL UP! What you are saying now totally contradicts what was in the Dowd Report. You say its in the Dowd Report... No, it is not. Check for yourself and what you just said yesterday.

If you think it was no big deal that you never bet against your team, you are absolutely crazy! If anytthing, it jeopardized your team because of YOUR obsession.

Fact is, Pete Rose will never get voted in by the writers and its past his time to get that chance with the writers. There is NO CHANCE IN HELL that the veterans committee will not vote him in. Hell, the Veterans Committee denied Ron Santo and a few other deserving players on the last ballot this year. No chance in hell will he ever get in the Hall of Fame.

But in my opinion, put him in the HOF as a player, but do NOT let him earn a penny or get involved in baseball for all eternity. Let the Reds retire his number, but thats it. No kid in this era will ever remember Pete Rose as a player. Pete Rose was one hell of a player, perhaps one of the best to ever live. But as time goes on, Pete Rose has become less and less relevant.

03-15-2007, 07:57 AM
He only talks about it when it serves his financial reasons. Either a book or some sort of promotion.

I personally hope he never makes the HOF while he is alive. If they want to put him in the day after he croaks then I am OK with that.

03-15-2007, 07:59 AM
Originally posted by TexasHSFootball

But in my opinion, put him in the HOF as a player, but do NOT let him earn a penny or get involved in baseball for all eternity. Let the Reds retire his number, but thats it.

This is what I was saying. I'm fine with the lifetime ban (not including HOF), but what does his gambling have to do with his on the field accomplishments?

I do think he's changing story to help make money though.

On a discussion note, as much as Michael Jordan and Charles Barkley gamble, including while they were playing, how many of you think they never bet on pro basketball?