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03-06-2007, 11:32 PM
Twin or clone?
I saw the flick and me & my bro are arguing over it. I say Christian Bale's character was a SINGLE CLONE made by Tesla. He says it is a twin brother and that only Hugh Jackman's character had a clone. Is there a definitive answer!??!??

03-06-2007, 11:59 PM
its been a while since i watched but i thought the whole point of the movie was it was his twin brother...thats why no one knew about his past and all?

big daddy russ
03-07-2007, 12:57 AM
Originally posted by theyoefnshow
Twin or clone?
I saw the flick and me & my bro are arguing over it. I say Christian Bale's character was a SINGLE CLONE made by Tesla. He says it is a twin brother and that only Hugh Jackman's character had a clone. Is there a definitive answer!??!??
It's been a while, but only one Bale a "twin." With Jackman, the machine that he bought actually made a "duplicate" of himself. That's why there were tons of Hugh Jackman carcasses in all those water tanks. The "Jackman" that happened to take the stage for the trick really did fall into the water tank and die. The one who appeared in the crowd was a "brand new" man.

03-07-2007, 01:14 AM
Originally posted by big daddy russ
It's been a while, but only one Bale a "twin." With Jackman, the machine that he bought actually made a "duplicate" of himself. That's why there were tons of Hugh Jackman carcasses in all those water tanks. The "Jackman" that happened to take the stage for the trick really did fall into the water tank and die. The one who appeared in the crowd was a "brand new" man.

I don't know about that last part. This has inspired me to watch it again and find out, though. :thinking:

03-07-2007, 01:30 AM
I wondered the same thing about whether or not it was a twin or a clone. Wasn't there a part in the movie where Hugh Jackman was told the inventor had made a machine like that once before? I thought that he must have made it for Bale's character and that was why I thought he had a clone. I may be mistaken though.