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03-02-2007, 04:33 PM
March marks as Spring Break across the nation soon there will kids swamping the beaches here in South Texas. Here are some films to kick off the month

Black Snake Moan- Samuel L Jackson is back on the big screen, No not in another Snakes On A Plane or any kind of snake film. From writer and director of the sleeper hit Hustle & Flow comes a gritty, seductive, blues-soaked tale of love, sex, music, and redemption. In a small Tennessee town, two unlikely souls are about to be lured together at the sticky crossroads between rage and love. Found lying on the side of the road beaten and nearly dead is Rae a 22 yr old has a developed a reputation around town for having insatiable itch for sex. He rescuer Lazarus an ex-blues guitarist who has grown used to life's relentless strains of trouble and sorrow, also co-starring Christina Ricci

Wild Hogs-In the rollicking comedy four of Hollywood's biggest stars Tim Allen, John Travolita, Martin Lawerence, and William H Macy stars as a group of weekend warrior friends who decide to rev their ho-hum surburban lives with one last hurrah cross crountry motorcycle trip

Zodiac- Based on actual case files of one of the most intriguing unsolved crimes in the nation's history Zodiac is a thriller from David Fincher director of Seven, and Fight Club. As a serial killer terrifies the San Francisco Bay Area and taunts police with his cipher and letters. There are already other films made with the same name on direct to DVD