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View Full Version : 3A Participation Levels

03-01-2007, 12:17 PM
I'm curious what kind of participation you see from the student body in athletics at your school. I'm shocked sometimes at how few students participate in some sports, especially on the girls side of things. It's interesting to see the variations in team size as you play different schools.

Kennedale has had some fairly good success in recent years across the board, including some very good girls basketball teams recently. Yet, this year, there were fewer than 30 girls that even went out for the sport (V-7, JV-11, F-8). That may not sound like so few to some of you, but KHS is one of the larger 3A schools, with enrollment around 915 or so. There were more girls that tried out for basketball in the 8th grade this year than in the whole high school!

I see the same thing in other sports. Kennedale was/is young in almost every girls sport this year because there are almost no upper-classmen playing. Only two seniors in basketball (1 got hurt), 4 seniors in volleyball, the softball team this year is almost all sophomores and freshmen, and I don't know of a single senior girl running track.

What's up with the kids? My freshman daughter says some of the older girls tell them how stupid they are for wanting to play and do all that work. What an attitude!

I see some of the same thing on the boys side of things, but not as dramatic. There are almost always more boys interested in sports than girls at any school. Right now, the boys participation level is pretty high all around, but there have been past years when it wasn't so.

03-01-2007, 12:19 PM
honestly... that is the attitude kids have now a days for the most part... and most of the parents encourage that... they expect everything to be given to them...

03-01-2007, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by themsu97
honestly... that is the attitude kids have now a days for the most part... and most of the parents encourage that... they expect everything to be given to them...

ding ding ding...we have a winner Johnny!

03-01-2007, 12:23 PM
Good to see you on again, Garageoffice.

My view on this is that I think levels of athletic participation seem to mirror the level of athletic success that a given school has had over the years. If the school has been fortunate enough to snag a really good coach or two who has "lifted" the athletic image and records in the program, then athletic particpation will naturally go up, and usually remain up, unless the school slides back into a protracted athletic slump. Of course, the other factor is how quickly the enrollment is growing. The more enrollment---the more available athletes.