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View Full Version : Hey Phil...a 40 year old joke

02-27-2007, 11:39 AM
A guy told me this on the golf course Sunday...and he started it off by saying, "Hey...here's a 40 year old joke." I couldn't help but think of Phil.

On the 1st day of school...Mrs Stevens asked her students to each tell about what they did over the summer. Suzie comes to the front of the front of the class and says, "My mom got me two new Barbies and a doll house. I played with them all summer." Peggy said, "I went to the pool with my friends and my family took a trip to visit my grandmother in Florida." Finally it was Timmy's turn to go the front of the class and he says, "I went fishing with my grandpa one day and I caught a 50 lb trout. Grandpa even let me reel it in all by myself." Mrs Stevens knew that obviously this was a tall tale...but she let it slide.

The next day, Timmy came to class and he started telling everybody about how he and his grandpa went fishing and this time he caught a 500 lb marlin all by himself. Everyone in the class was amazed by his stories and wanted to hear more. Timmy continued to tell of his many great adventures with his grandpa.

After a few more days of this, Mrs Stevens decided that something must be done. She went to Principal Johnson and asked him if he would speak to the boy to set him straight. He agreed and Timmy was sent to see the principal. Principal Johnson sat Timmy down and said, "Let me tell you a story about what I did this summer Timmy. I went bow hunting with some friends of mine. I shot three of the biggest bucks in the world...at the same time with 1 arrow. They were all 22 point bucks. Absolutely massive. As I was cleaning them...all of a sudden a grizzly bear showed up and when he stood up he was at least 13 ft tall. I feared for my life and tried to run...but I had no chance of escape. All of a sudden, a small dog came out of nowhere, lept up towards the bear, and ripped his head off with one swipe of his paw. Now Timmy...do you really believe that all of that happened?" Timmy said, "Well of course it happened Principal Johnson. That was my dog that did that and it was the 2nd grizzly bear that he's killed this year."


Phil C
02-27-2007, 11:48 AM
:D :clap: :clap: :clap: