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View Full Version : On tonights news..............

02-13-2007, 11:34 PM
every night here on the news since ANS passed away
they have had someone on from Mexia to express their thoughts.
Tonight her former sister-in-law came on and said she was upset
and tired of people saying ANS was a train wreck.

I am sorry she died but with all the guys crawling out of the woodwork claiming to be the father Im sorry but it is a train wreck.

It amazes me. 5 guys have now claimed they had a SECRET affair with her. She dies and THEY let the SECRET out.

It may not be a train wreck. It may be a pile up, litertily (sp)

02-14-2007, 12:54 AM
Originally posted by burnet44
every night here on the news since ANS passed away
they have had someone on from Mexia to express their thoughts.
Tonight her former sister-in-law came on and said she was upset
and tired of people saying ANS was a train wreck.

I am sorry she died but with all the guys crawling out of the woodwork claiming to be the father Im sorry but it is a train wreck.

It amazes me. 5 guys have now claimed they had a SECRET affair with her. She dies and THEY let the SECRET out.

It may not be a train wreck. It may be a pile up, litertily (sp)

I've heard there's even some people say they think she isn't dead, just like they think Tupac and Elvis are still alive :rolleyes:

02-14-2007, 01:03 AM
Sadly I'm not kidding about that last post

02-14-2007, 10:15 AM
sadly I know you aint