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View Full Version : Saddam's sons are killed.

07-22-2003, 06:37 PM
In US military action today in Iraq, the sons of Saddam Hussein were killed in a US raid in Mozul.
Both sons were positively identified by Saddam's personal bodyguard. There was celebratory gunfire into the air as word spread of their deaths. The American military is searching for clues to Saddam's whereabouts. Two of the top three targets in Iraq are now no more.

<small>[ July 22, 2003, 07:24 PM: Message edited by: sinton66 ]</small>

07-22-2003, 08:12 PM
GOOD!...... that's two of the three guys that can bankroll those faakers that are ambushing our troops. I've got a nephew over there flying around in a huey (marines get the leftovers), and I feel a little better about his chances now that those two are no longer around! Without the financing, I think that we'll see less problems out of those who are making a living ambushing our convoys. NOW FIND SADDAM!

07-22-2003, 09:10 PM
Well, the women of Iraq should rest much easier tonight. The fear that Saddam and his sons would come back after the US leaves is what has kept Iraqi cooperation in our efforts slow in coming. These people need to see the bodies of these two thugs so they can plainly see there is no way they are coming back, not in this life at least.

07-22-2003, 09:40 PM
still one numbnut we still are clueless about in Iraq.. take that back.. two.

1) Saddam Husein
2) Osama bin Laden

07-22-2003, 10:18 PM
Don't be so sure about #1 on that list. Seems they're getting closer every day. Osama actually has people in several countries that like him and would be happy to help hide him. Saddam on the other hand is hated by ALL of his neighboring countries, so he really has no place to go. I honestly think in his case, it's just a matter of time.

<small>[ July 22, 2003, 10:26 PM: Message edited by: sinton66 ]</small>

07-23-2003, 09:44 AM
At least since they were killed we don't have this loooooooooooong drawn out trial. Cause you know that france would love to volunteer their court system...

07-23-2003, 07:00 PM
I actually heard some people on talk radio this morning blasting the US government saying we are no better than Hussein because we just killed them with no trial or anything. I thought "Get a clue, moron!" We didn't exactly let them surrender then summarily execute them. They were killed in a firefight that lasted over four hours(with several American casulties). There was no way they were going to be taken into US custody alive. Neither will their Dad. They know that if they surrender, the US just might let the Iraqi people try them. That's the LAST thing they want.

<small>[ July 23, 2003, 07:01 PM: Message edited by: sinton66 ]</small>

Bandera YaYa
07-24-2003, 04:56 PM
Maybe Saddam is already dead. I hope so, because I'm afraid of what he will do now that he has lost his 2 sons at our hands. He has no heart or soul. I pray he is already dead. His sons were also cold blooded killers, of the Iraqi people, they should be celebrating their demise.

07-24-2003, 05:19 PM
The Iraqi people are celebrating their deaths, at least most of them. From what I hear there is still a minority there that think the US is lying about it and faked or "doctored" the pictures, go figure. I guess we should have taken a page from Saddam's book and put their heads on sticks and paraded them through the streets(unfortunately, we're not into body mutilations). CIA announced today that the voice on the last tape they got(made two days before his sons were killed) is indeed Saddam or it's at least very likely that it is. I don't think it'll take much longer to get "daddy" too.