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Ranger Mom
02-07-2007, 11:46 AM
Just curious how yall felt about Gov. Perry wanting to make this mandatory for all girls around ages 12-13 being vaccinated against.

I don't have a problem with it. I had to laugh at some of the comments on GMA this morning with parents saying if they got this for their daughter it would make it seem like they are saying it's okay for them to have premarital sex....and other counselors saying this will make girls more promiscious.

I would think the fear of pregnancy, AIDS, or some other STD would be more of detterent than a virus that you can pick up sexually that MIGHT lead to cancer when you are older.

I didn't explain to my kids what their MMR shots or Tetanus shots were when they were young. I just took them in when they needed their vaccinations and they just took it as part of what you have to do in life and went on......I think I would treat this HPV shot the same way!!


02-07-2007, 11:57 AM
The vaccination is a great idea, but I have this sickening feeling in my gut that this is just Perry scratching Merck and Co.'s back. Read the revenue would be in the billions from this vaccine, which is incredibly painful and administered in three doses. Still, until a real cure can be made available, this is a wonderful thing to provide to young girls who are, quite frankly, likely going to have sex anyway, regardless of whether they are vaccinated or not. This treatment along with education about safe sex will at least hopefully keep them safe and without unwanted pregnancies.

02-07-2007, 11:59 AM
I don't like the Government forcing anyone to do anything like that...

but I think it's a "heart in the right place" deal...

but there is no conspiracy...

02-07-2007, 11:59 AM
HPV itself is curable when it's contracted. So why pay to get a vaccine that "might" help you out and will be painful for three doses, when if you contract the virus, you can just pop a pill and get better in a couple of weeks?

Stupid Law IMO

Ranger Mom
02-07-2007, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by Blastoderm55
The vaccination is a great idea, but I have this sickening feeling in my gut that this is just Perry scratching Merck and Co.'s back. Read the revenue would be in the billions from this vaccine, which is incredibly painful and administered in three doses. Still, until a real cure can be made available, this is a wonderful thing to provide to young girls who are, quite frankly, likely going to have sex anyway, regardless of whether they are vaccinated or not. This treatment along with education about safe sex will at least hopefully keep them safe and without unwanted pregnancies.

I don't know anything about the vaccine itself, side-effects and what not. In fact, until they started showing commercials about "HPV" I had never even heard of it before.

02-07-2007, 12:03 PM
This vaccine only helps with one form of cervical cancer. And, this is the real kicker, it doesn't work on everyone. Somebody might want to check out Perry's portfolio and how much stock he owns in Merck.

02-07-2007, 12:04 PM
I hadn't heard of it either. Seems to be a new disease everyday. Humans have been having intercourse since the beginning of time, but I barely found out last year that doing so could lead to cervical cancer. Its a frightening reality. If I recall correctly, the vaccine is administered to either the hip or the stomach, the latter of which would be extremely painful.

02-07-2007, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by zeus63
This vaccine only helps with one form of cervical cancer. And, this is the real kicker, it doesn't work on everyone. Somebody might want to check out Perry's portfolio and how much stock he owns in Merck. bet he owns some or wife may own some.

02-07-2007, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by crzyjournalist03
HPV itself is curable when it's contracted. So why pay to get a vaccine that "might" help you out and will be painful for three doses, when if you contract the virus, you can just pop a pill and get better in a couple of weeks?

Stupid Law IMO

It's not that easy. My 18 year old daughter was suspected of having HPV and nothing we heard from the Drs. was encouraging. Yes, if caught early enough, it is treatable, but it can kill. Luckily, after biopsies and all kinds of tests, she came back clear, but it is definetly an eye opener. I say go with the shots.

And to these people opposing the idea because of "giving 11-12 year old girls permission to have sex".... find and read the statistics of teen pregnancy in todays world.

Ranger Mom
02-07-2007, 12:10 PM
Originally posted by crzyjournalist03
HPV itself is curable when it's contracted. So why pay to get a vaccine that "might" help you out and will be painful for three doses, when if you contract the virus, you can just pop a pill and get better in a couple of weeks?

Stupid Law IMO

Is this something new?? This is what I saw:

Can HPV and its associated diseases be treated?

There is no treatment for HPV. But there are treatments for the health problems that HPV can cause, such as genital warts, cervical cell changes, and cancers of the cervix, vulva, vagina and anus.

02-07-2007, 12:11 PM
Originally posted by sww-bull52
It's not that easy. My 18 year old daughter was suspected of having HPV and nothing we heard from the Drs. was encouraging. Yes, if caught early enough, it is treatable, but it can kill. Luckily, after biopsies and all kinds of tests, she came back clear, but it is definetly an eye opener. I say go with the shots.

And to these people opposing the idea because of "giving 11-12 year old girls permission to have sex".... find and read the statistics of teen pregnancy in todays world.

Hmm...never heard about it being deadly...my wife was tested for it a few months ago when she was feeling some discomfort and they told her that it wouldn't be a big deal even if she had caught it...but that's very interesting that they believe it can kill.

02-07-2007, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
Is this something new?? This is what I saw:

Can HPV and its associated diseases be treated?

There is no treatment for HPV. But there are treatments for the health problems that HPV can cause, such as genital warts, cervical cell changes, and cancers of the cervix, vulva, vagina and anus.

I've done some quick research and from what I can tell, there are actually several kinds of HPV...I'm guessing that the one that they thought my wife had was a treatable kind. The vaccine that has been invented only covers two of the more than 30 types that humans can contract, so the doctors probably thought she had a different kind.

Something interesting that I found though was that only 1% of women who contract the virus get cervical cancer later on.

02-07-2007, 12:33 PM
Merk contributes to Perry's campaign.

Perry makes it mandatory for girls to get the shot despite no testing on long term effects.

Merk is the only company that sells the shots.

You connect the dots.

02-07-2007, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by JasperDog94
Merk contributes to Perry's campaign.

Perry makes it mandatory for girls to get the shot despite no testing on long term effects.

Merk is the only company that sells the shots.

You connect the dots.

mmmmm sounds fishy to me

02-07-2007, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by smustangs
mmmmm sounds fishy to me And these shots ain't cheap.

02-07-2007, 01:04 PM
Originally posted by JasperDog94
And these shots ain't cheap.

Nope, they're about $180 for the series. And what's better? They'll be provided at no cost for those without health insurance, putting tax dollars back into the pockets of Merck.

Perry's really ticking off his base with this move. I find it hilarious. Its such an obvious kickback, and he doesn't even seem to care if we all realize it. :p

02-07-2007, 01:05 PM
well I didn't know all of this...

that's insane...

02-07-2007, 01:20 PM
I dont have a problem with the idea... in 10 years when Taylor has to get hers (if its still required) I will just tell her its something that is goin to help protect her.. its really not that big of deal and it doesnt take the right away from parents.. people to me sound like they are just finding something to complain about

02-07-2007, 01:44 PM
the HPV series is 3 shots, equaling about $360. Yes expensive. But look at the scientific reality. A vaccine that can possibly prevent CANCER! that is a wonderful breakthrough. HPV is undetectable and is a silent killer among women. So many women in this world are ignorant to their own reproductive health, that this virus develops into cancer. If you don't want the vaccine, that's fine, but at least do annual or semi-annual check-ups to keep yourself healthy. even if your daughter is NOT sexually active, take her to a doctor as soon as she turns 18, just to make sure everything's alright. And it's not just from women being promiscuous. You could wait until you're married and your husband could be a carrier of HPV, you would never know. I say it's better to be a year too early than an hour too late.

02-07-2007, 01:48 PM
Be one less.

Go get checked out.

02-07-2007, 01:53 PM
$100 a shot and they come in a series of three...one shot then two months later another and then 6 months later the last one...most insurance companies are covering under the major medical....I just spoke with my daughter's doctor about this last week. She gave her a really good talk about it all...helped me understand it all too! A lot of the doctor's offices don't have the meds in their office...they need to manufacture more (from my understanding) You can get a prescription...pick it up at the pharmacy and then have the doctor give the shot...but the RX portion of most insurances do not cover the cost.

That is how I understand it. My daughter will be getting the shots...

02-07-2007, 02:09 PM
Originally posted by Blastoderm55
Perry's really ticking off his base with this move. I find it hilarious. Its such an obvious kickback, and he doesn't even seem to care if we all realize it. :p What does he care? He's term limited out anyway.:mad:

02-07-2007, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by CHS_CG
I dont have a problem with the idea... in 10 years when Taylor has to get hers (if its still required) I will just tell her its something that is goin to help protect her.. its really not that big of deal and it doesnt take the right away from parents.. people to me sound like they are just finding something to complain about Here's one of my problems with it.

Originally posted by Blastoderm55
They'll be provided at no cost for those without health insurance, putting tax dollars back into the pockets of Merck.

02-07-2007, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by gobble_up03
the HPV series is 3 shots, equaling about $360. Yes expensive. But look at the scientific reality. A vaccine that can possibly prevent CANCER! that is a wonderful breakthrough. HPV is undetectable and is a silent killer among women. So many women in this world are ignorant to their own reproductive health, that this virus develops into cancer. If you don't want the vaccine, that's fine, but at least do annual or semi-annual check-ups to keep yourself healthy. even if your daughter is NOT sexually active, take her to a doctor as soon as she turns 18, just to make sure everything's alright. And it's not just from women being promiscuous. You could wait until you're married and your husband could be a carrier of HPV, you would never know. I say it's better to be a year too early than an hour too late.

Well said.
:clap: :clap: :clap:

02-07-2007, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by gobble_up03
If you don't want the vaccine, that's fine, but at least do annual or semi-annual check-ups to keep yourself healthy. Now this we can agree on. I'm just sick and tired of the government telling me what to do. They get more and more intrusive every day. Give me the info and let me make my own decision. Quit telling me what I have to do because "it's for my own good".

02-07-2007, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by crzyjournalist03
HPV itself is curable when it's contracted. So why pay to get a vaccine that "might" help you out and will be painful for three doses, when if you contract the virus, you can just pop a pill and get better in a couple of weeks?

Stupid Law IMO
HPV is treatable not curable...If HPV was curable then we would no longer have warts in our culture...HPV is the virus that causes normal warts but a mutated strain (I can't recall the exact numbers but i think its about 20 some odd differnt strains) causes genital warts....I would imagine this vaccine treats strains 16 or 18 (i think they are the ones that are most prominent in causing cervical cancer, but once again not 100% sure, its been a while since I went over this stuff)....

Anyway, if the side effects are not bad then this vaccine is a good deal, however with it being a relatively new vaccine I would be wary if I had a child getting the vaccine and would have to do much more research on it before I was ok with it...The problem with new vaccines is that they can test short term effects but they have not had enough time to test long term effects...What seems like a miracle drug now could have some bad side effects in the future, that alone would make me hesitant if I had a child getting the vaccine....

Anyway, the best thing is to talk with your doctor about it before getting the vaccination and see what were the results of the trials, most doctors should be very understanding of you wanting to know that information....And since HPV is treatable definitely get your doctor to check you out if you think you have it, you may not be able to get rid of it but the medicine the doctor gives you can make the warts not grow or grow so few in number that the chance of getting cancer is extremely low compared to not having treatment....

02-07-2007, 02:31 PM
Oh and if your a guy and have genital warts then wrap it up even if you do not have any symptoms at the time (as in if you dont have any warts)....HPV just like many other STDs can be transfered without having symptoms....

02-07-2007, 02:31 PM
I personally think we should ALL go on Valtrex...cause I ain't seen one person in those commercials unhappy! You would swear its an anti-depressant! :D :D :D :D :D

02-07-2007, 02:32 PM
I'm in total agreement with Zeus and Blastoderm55...it may be a good law, but Rick Perry is the one that is really padding his pockets with this decision, and thanking the fine people at Merck for their contribution.

02-07-2007, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by Blastoderm55
And what's better? They'll be provided at no cost for those without health insurance, putting tax dollars back into the pockets of Merck.

Look...I don't have health insurance (Independent contractor), BUT....having said that, even I have a major problem with that!

:foul: :foul: :foul: :foul: :foul:

Ranger Mom
02-07-2007, 02:38 PM
I never expected this thread to garnish this much feedback!

I never even thought of it on political/kickback terms.

I just thought the fact that people were worried about their daughters all the sudden becoming promiscious after having this vaccine was hilarious.

As the mother of a daughter, an unplanned pregnancy would be my biggest concern, and this vaccine SURE isn't gonna prevent that!!

02-07-2007, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by BuffyMars
Look...I don't have health insurance (Independent contractor), BUT....having said that, even I have a major problem with that!

:foul: :foul: :foul: :foul: :foul:

I don't have insurance either (small business operator). Thankfully, I'm not a girl. :p

That does make me wonder though. If us boyos carry the disease, why don't we get urethra cancer or something? Seems odd that the disease only mutates and becomes malignant in women. Of course, if this stuff does lead to diseases in males, my question will be answered, but I haven't read of any as of yet.

Aesculus gilmus
02-07-2007, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by JasperDog94
What does he care? He's term limited out anyway.:mad:

No, he's not. He may have announced he is not running again (I don't keep up with him enough to know whether he has or not), but there is nothing in state law or Texas Constitution preventing him from running for as many terms as he wants.

How long is the governor's term? Are there term limits?
Texan governors serve terms of four years and are not subject to term limits.

02-07-2007, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by Blastoderm55
I don't have insurance either (small business operator). Thankfully, I'm not a girl. :p

That does make me wonder though. If us boyos carry the disease, why don't we get urethra cancer or something? Seems odd that the disease only mutates and becomes malignant in women. Of course, if this stuff does lead to diseases in males, my question will be answered, but I haven't read of any as of yet.

I dont know why it causes cancer in women and not men....My guess would because the polyps that cause the cancer would have problems growing inside the uretha but inside the cervex they dont....If you have polyps/warts growing in your uretha as a man you know, and get checked out, if it doesnt hurt they would check you for swollen prostrate first since it would effect your urinary tract but it would not be too hard to figure out once the prostrate is not enlarged that something could be blocking the urinary tract....In women on the other hand the polyps can grow and have no adverse effect until it is too late to treat....

However men rarely develop cancer from HPV (I think its less than 1% if that much), women have a much much higher risk....

02-07-2007, 02:57 PM
This is an issue I'm giving much thought to because of my own daughter. If the vaccine works as advertised and helps prevent cervical cancer then it's certainly worth the cost. I do think it's funny that anyone believes having the vaccine would encourage a girl or young woman to become sexually active (oh gosh, honey, I love you and I'm really turned on but I never got that Gardasil so let's just hold hands).
I DO have a problem with Ricky Perry deciding he has the right to make Gardasil mandantory. HPV is not casually transmitted like so many other diseases we vaccinate our kids against such as measules, hepatitus. polio, etc. I feel it's a case of the government intruding on the rights of parents. This decision should be between us and our children's doctors.

Ingleside Fan
02-07-2007, 03:06 PM
We need to keep the Government out of our personal business. Lower my taxes and I will pay for my own medical.

02-07-2007, 03:07 PM
Originally posted by mustang59
I feel it's a case of the government intruding on the rights of parents. This decision should be between us and our children's doctors. Word.