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01-26-2007, 07:01 PM
Can someone get me an update on the Needville FB player that is in a coma? There are alot of words that I cant spell so I will let someone else give details if they want. Sounds like is a pretty scary situation and my prayers are with him and everyone in Bluejay land!

01-26-2007, 07:19 PM
i heard about this last night....

name is derek gardner

lifting weights and had an anurism i think....

sophmore on varsity

one of his friends was trying to find what hospital he was in so they could go see him but couldnt find him anywhere......

i thought maybe that was an indication of his passing but i don not know.....

this was a 3rd hand source

thats about all i know

01-26-2007, 07:20 PM
What # was he?

01-26-2007, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by BU97
What # was he? 1

Cameron Crazy
01-26-2007, 07:24 PM
How sad he is in my prayers!

01-26-2007, 07:29 PM
i just got some more info....he is alive...
He is in Memorial Hermann Hospital downtown.
He is in ICU with two holes drilled in his head to relieve the bleeding ad swelling.

he should be taken out of the coma on sunday after more cat scans are run on him

he is not doing well but they say if he makes it through this stage with no infections then he will likely make it.

01-26-2007, 08:11 PM
he got the swelling and bleeding from the weights hitting him after he fell i think....

im not sure if he fell b/c he had an anurism or if he had the anurism when the weight hit him.....or if he had a stroke or something....idk for sure....i will try to get more info

01-26-2007, 08:11 PM
Sad news :(

LH Panther Mom
01-26-2007, 08:16 PM
Sorry to hear this. He's in my prayers. Please keep us updated.

01-27-2007, 05:53 PM
i know derrick hes one of my friends i hope he gets better please pray for him

01-28-2007, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by necks_c/09
he got the swelling and bleeding from the weights hitting him after he fell i think....

im not sure if he fell b/c he had an anurism or if he had the anurism when the weight hit him.....or if he had a stroke or something....idk for sure....i will try to get more info

This is exactly the kind of CRAP that gets started on this board.

I am a coach at Needville. I was there. Derrick did NOT fall and hit his head. In fact, Derrick's lifting partner alerted US COACHES that he wasn't feeling well. One of our coaches went to him and noticed that he was definitely not right. We brought him in the office and immediately called 911 and all the school personell. Within 3 minutes the paramedics were there and were treating him. He was rushed to the hospital and there it was determined that he had an "ASYMPTOMATIC ANEURYSM". He was alert and lucid throughout the process.

The doctors at Hermann have been treating him for swelling on the brain due to the aneurysm....not from weights hitting him in the head. They are keeping him sedated until tomorrow to run more tests on him. They are hopeful that he can make a full recovery but its still way too early to tell.

The doctor working on him is one of the best on the planet. He said to us AND his parents that the reason Derrick is doing so well is because he is a physically strong young man. His body is able to withstand more than a non-physically fit human would. He also said....and I quote "1 in 145 people are born with this condition that will eventually result in an aneurysm. There's no way of detecting it and nothing could have been done to prevent it."

So, PLEASE.....stop spreading false reports on an internet message board and just pray for him.

Derrick is one of the very best kids I've ever had the pleasure of coaching and it has been a very tough start to 07 for the community of Needville. Our police chief was killed by a drunk driver, a teacher's husband was killed in a separate car wreck, and Derrick is fighting for his life in Memorial Hermann.

Stop the rumors PLEASE.

01-28-2007, 01:13 PM
He is in all of our prayers.

01-28-2007, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by Crow22
This is exactly the kind of CRAP that gets started on this board.

I am a coach at Needville. I was there. Derrick did NOT fall and hit his head. In fact, Derrick's lifting partner alerted US COACHES that he wasn't feeling well. One of our coaches went to him and noticed that he was definitely not right. We brought him in the office and immediately called 911 and all the school personell. Within 3 minutes the paramedics were there and were treating him. He was rushed to the hospital and there it was determined that he had an "ASYMPTOMATIC ANEURYSM". He was alert and lucid throughout the process.

The doctors at Hermann have been treating him for swelling on the brain due to the aneurysm....not from weights hitting him in the head. They are keeping him sedated until tomorrow to run more tests on him. They are hopeful that he can make a full recovery but its still way too early to tell.

The doctor working on him is one of the best on the planet. He said to us AND his parents that the reason Derrick is doing so well is because he is a physically strong young man. His body is able to withstand more than a non-physically fit human would. He also said....and I quote "1 in 145 people are born with this condition that will eventually result in an aneurysm. There's no way of detecting it and nothing could have been done to prevent it."

So, PLEASE.....stop spreading false reports on an internet message board and just pray for him.

Derrick is one of the very best kids I've ever had the pleasure of coaching and it has been a very tough start to 07 for the community of Needville. Our police chief was killed by a drunk driver, a teacher's husband was killed in a separate car wreck, and Derrick is fighting for his life in Memorial Hermann.

Stop the rumors PLEASE.

This may not be the place to argue about this.. but i don't think anyone was "starting...rumors" but more along the lines of stating what had been told to them. Regardless, this is a sad situation, and he will be in our prayers...

01-28-2007, 05:55 PM
Stating what has been told to them without getting the facts is exactly the definition of starting rumors.

01-28-2007, 05:59 PM
thank you for giving us the full story, and he is definately in our prayers!

01-28-2007, 08:15 PM
In my thoughts & prayers...all the best to the fine people in Needville.

01-29-2007, 06:49 PM
im sorry....i didnt know it would make u mad?

they asked for more details and i gave them what i was told.....

i was mostly right and i said that i wasnt sure so try to cut me a lil break would ya?

anyway he is in our prayers

01-29-2007, 09:01 PM

01-29-2007, 09:24 PM
How is he doing? Good luck to this young man!!!!