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01-24-2007, 08:30 PM

01-24-2007, 08:35 PM
that is stupid...he does not deserve 10 yrs in the pen...:foul:

01-24-2007, 08:59 PM
He already has a bandwagon of support, and yet he has served 2 years already?!?!

Yes, its a tragedy.

The state of Georgia should be proud that they have ruined this young man's life.

I mean look at the list of college's that were knocking on this kid's door!

People would kill for an education at those Universities.

I hope when he gets out he goes for a Poli-Sci degree and runs for office, and lobbys to get rid of all the dumbass laws in Georgia.

It's just sad!!!!!!!

And it pisses me off to think of all of the overcrowded prisons because of rediculous laws throughout the United States! I mean to think there are people In cali. serving life because they had 3 petty thefts under $50.

Come on people! Wake up! Speak up! You have a voice in this society, its called a vote! Rally, picket, speak your mind, do whatever you can to stand up for what you believe in!

I once wrote the ASPCA about shutting down a website that showcased and sold cats in bottles. These people would put kittens in bottles and they lived their lives in there, the whole time being fed through tubes. (Dates back to the Chinese culture of footbinding--same principle for these people.)

They had a Paypal account, and accepted visa, MC, etc. It was a nightmare to think people were buying these poor animals for display when they were being tortured!

Did I personally get the site shut down? No. But you better believe I helped! I at least did my part. I did not just sit back and do nothing.

I am not attacking anyone here personally, I am just saying it saddens me that people don't realize the power we have as individuals.

I'll get off my soapbox now, sorry.

01-24-2007, 09:21 PM
I think if the state of Georgia backs this decision, they should not have students 3 years or more apart in the same damn school... you're in high school... the freshmen down the hall is just another student... yah, they may be a few grades back, but they're there like you, maybe in some of the same elective courses as you, you see 'em at lunch, they hand out with everyone you do maybe, at a point what grade they're in doesn't even matter... they're what you want, so you go for it...

I'm not saying oral sex is okay for a 15 year old to give to a 17 year old or vise versa, but is it bad enough to let a human being miss out on their Youth???

I think not...

01-24-2007, 09:23 PM
The fact the story mentions that a TEACHER who had sex with a STUDENT..REAL MOLESTING..Got 90 DAYS...While this kid got 10 years.

01-24-2007, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
The fact the story mentions that a TEACHER who had sex with a STUDENT..REAL MOLESTING..Got 90 DAYS...While this kid got 10 years.

it is simply retarded...

01-24-2007, 09:55 PM
This is just unbelievable!!!

01-26-2007, 03:11 PM
what an injustice i feel bad for the kid and its scary for me bc my gf is 15 :confused:

01-26-2007, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by eagles_victory
what an injustice i feel bad for the kid and its scary for me bc my gf is 15 :confused:

don't have sex then, man... doesn't matter what her or her parents say about it, the state prosecutes you...

wear a very strong belt around pants with very strong buttons and zippers... and tie her legs together...

01-26-2007, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
The fact the story mentions that a TEACHER who had sex with a STUDENT..REAL MOLESTING..Got 90 DAYS...While this kid got 10 years.

its because this occurred in the South.
Oral sex apparently is far worse than the marijuana and bourbon that was consumer. This is pretty stupid.

01-26-2007, 03:21 PM
It's sad, kinda Reminds me of Mark Chamura of the Green Bay Packers.

01-26-2007, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by Fotbol
It's sad, kinda Reminds me of Mark Chamura of the Green Bay Packers.

How so? He was 31 the girl was 17..yes he was aquitted, but he even admitted he did a stupid thing..This was a 17 year old and a 15 year old. The law they broke is Oral sex performed by minors.

this is the prosecution being arrogant and wanting to be in control of a man's life.

01-26-2007, 03:37 PM
Oh man. I am sick to my stomach! :( This is awful. I can't believe he has served 2 years over this and there are predators out there just waiting on their next victim. :hairpunk:

His story breaks my heart. I don't even want to think about what he may have had to endure in prison going in labeled a child molestor!! :eek: :(

Such a waste.

01-26-2007, 03:40 PM
Yeah this is the second time this has happened in the state of Georgia in the last ten years. The other fellow Marcus Dixon I believe has been released finally. The state has some silly old laws that need to be fixed. The boy needs to be released and charges dropped.

01-26-2007, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by Gobbla2001
don't have sex then, man... doesn't matter what her or her parents say about it, the state prosecutes you...

wear a very strong belt around pants with very strong buttons and zippers... and tie her legs together... we don't lol we dont do anything sexual at all because your right it would be very illegal and she isnt that kind of girl

01-26-2007, 05:00 PM
man whata sad story

01-26-2007, 05:22 PM
A travesty. Apparently if they would have had intercourse they would not have broken the law as it allows that for age differences of 2 years, but not for oral sex. They amended the law but for some unknown reason failed to make it retroactive so this young man rots in prison. Many people including the legistator who put through the revised bill are trying to fix this and probably the young man will be released well before he completes his sentence. Nonetheless it is a grave injustice.

01-26-2007, 07:17 PM
They can never give him back all that he lost by going to prison.

01-26-2007, 07:23 PM
I can't even finish reading that because it pisses me off so much.

01-26-2007, 08:48 PM
Some background is in order here. Even though his sentence was grossly excessive, he did have sex with an underage girl in a group of other teenagers in a motel room. There was underage drinking and who knows what else going on. In addition they videotaped sexual relations with this girl with more than one boy. He had a reputation as a discipline problem on the team and in school. Clearly this is a kid that went too far and made some very bad choices. The parents of the girl certainly must have been devastated by this. He had the opportunity to plead guilty and settle for community service like the other boy did. He wanted to avoid the sexual offender tag and took his chances in court knowing he was on videotape . That was a bad decesion. He has served two years and that is more than adaquate punishment for this crime and should be released IMO.

01-26-2007, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by Pudlugger
Some background is in order here. Even though his sentence was grossly excessive, he did have sex with an underage girl in a group of other teenagers in a motel room. There was underage drinking and who knows what else going on. In addition they videotaped sexual relations with this girl with more than one boy. He had a reputation as a discipline problem on the team and in school. Clearly this is a kid that went too far and made some very bad choices. The parents of the girl certainly must have been devastated by this. He had the opportunity to plead guilty and settle for community service like the other boy did. He wanted to avoid the sexual offender tag and took his chances in court knowing he was on videotape . That was a bad decesion. He has served two years and that is more than adaquate punishment for this crime and should be released IMO.

Just asking but where is it about him being a problem in school and on the team? He was getting letters from some pretty dang good educational schools. Was he a typical kid who probably got in some trouble yes, but from ALL accounts he is a good kid who had a future

The sex part with a 15 year old is not what got him in trouble..He was 17 that was legal..it is the oral sex law..that was so archaic it was changed.

01-26-2007, 09:57 PM
This is messed up. I'm glad there are no such laws like this in Texas. There is a three year difference between me and my wife and we started dating in high school, too.

01-27-2007, 01:36 AM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
Just asking but where is it about him being a problem in school and on the team? He was getting letters from some pretty dang good educational schools. Was he a typical kid who probably got in some trouble yes, but from ALL accounts he is a good kid who had a future

The sex part with a 15 year old is not what got him in trouble..He was 17 that was legal..it is the oral sex law..that was so archaic it was changed.

There was a website I visited that had a number of different accounts of this and there was some history of the kid being a problem. My point about this is it is not an acceptable thing for a 17 y/o to engage in sex acts with a 15 y/o, passing her from one to another and videotaping the whole thing at a drinking binge party in a motel room. I agree the law was unfair, and feel the kid should have taken the plea. He thought he could walk away from the whole thing and gambled on a trial and lost bigtime. For Pete's sake, didn't he think the jury would be outraged seeing him on tape with his ball cap on backwards having oral sex with the girl? His lawyer should be sued for malpractice!

01-27-2007, 01:57 AM
Originally posted by Pudlugger
There was a website I visited that had a number of different accounts of this and there was some history of the kid being a problem. My point about this is it is not an acceptable thing for a 17 y/o to engage in sex acts with a 15 y/o, passing her from one to another and videotaping the whole thing at a drinking binge party in a motel room. I agree the law was unfair, and feel the kid should have taken the plea. He thought he could walk away from the whole thing and gambled on a trial and lost bigtime. For Pete's sake, didn't he think the jury would be outraged seeing him on tape with his ball cap on backwards having oral sex with the girl? His lawyer should be sued for malpractice!

I understood why he gambled..He wanted to be able to go home and live with his 8 year old sister..which he could not do because he is now a sex offender and has to obey special rules.

Agian yes she was underage..BUT if he had intercourse with her it is a misdemneaor and he MIGHT get 90 days if that. It is not like she was 12 and he was 19..he was 17 she was 15, she AND her mom admitted the GIRL was the one instigating it.

Why does he have to pay, yet SHE is let go and now in turn is treated as the victim.

Again I am not condoning what he did, I am saying the "crime" does warrent this punishment.

As far as the jury, they to a person say if they had known the ramifications they would have NEVER found him guilty for a felony.

01-27-2007, 11:22 AM
That law is outdated.
Free Genarlow

01-27-2007, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
I understood why he gambled..He wanted to be able to go home and live with his 8 year old sister..which he could not do because he is now a sex offender and has to obey special rules.

Agian yes she was underage..BUT if he had intercourse with her it is a misdemneaor and he MIGHT get 90 days if that. It is not like she was 12 and he was 19..he was 17 she was 15, she AND her mom admitted the GIRL was the one instigating it.

Why does he have to pay, yet SHE is let go and now in turn is treated as the victim.

Again I am not condoning what he did, I am saying the "crime" does warrent this punishment.

As far as the jury, they to a person say if they had known the ramifications they would have NEVER found him guilty for a felony.

While I agree with you for the most part I still think we should all acknowledge the bad behavior here. I wonder why his attorney didn't bring up the mandatory sentencing issue in his closing arguments. Again, this kid had poor legal representation.

01-27-2007, 05:52 PM
The "bad behavior" is not the issue here. The issue is that the crime does not fit the punishment. It even says in the story that he looks back and thinks he acted stupid. Who doesn't look back and think of stupid things they did as a teenager. 10 years for an act that happened between two teenagers two years apart. A teacher gets 90 days for having sex with a student. THAT is a problem and it's backwards in that state.

01-27-2007, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by Rabbit'93
The "bad behavior" is not the issue here. The issue is that the crime does not fit the punishment. It even says in the story that he looks back and thinks he acted stupid. Who doesn't look back and think of stupid things they did as a teenager. 10 years for an act that happened between two teenagers two years apart. A teacher gets 90 days for having sex with a student. THAT is a problem and it's backwards in that state.

Yes to all that, but what kind of legal advice was he getting and why didn't the jurors get informed of the mandatory 10 yr sentence? Hopefully the young man will get out soon. Agreed that it is a miscarriage of justice.