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01-22-2007, 02:37 PM
For all you Grossman bashers, Just wanted to say the obvious that Manning is a better quarterback no doubt - and richer and better looking than Grossman, but I'm going to go with the one that brought the Bears to the dance.

To win 15 games and head to the Superbowl in your first full (injury free) NFL season is saying something. Defense wins games and quarterback stats to me can be summed up in one word - WINS.

Indy has the edge in QB and offense and the Bears in defense and special teams. Hester goes yard on a punt return and the Bears win by 3. I never was one for the trophy wife syndrome anyway (being ugly doesn't help me much either!). LONG LIVE REX

01-22-2007, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by rangerjim
For all you Grossman bashers, Just wanted to say the obvious that Manning is a better quarterback no doubt - and richer and better looking than Grossman, but I'm going to go with the one that brought the Bears to the dance.

To win 15 games and head to the Superbowl in your first full (injury free) NFL season is saying something. Defense wins games and quarterback stats to me can be summed up in one word - WINS.

Indy has the edge in QB and offense and the Bears in defense and special teams. Hester goes yard on a punt return and the Bears win by 3. I never was one for the trophy wife syndrome anyway (being ugly doesn't help me much either!). LONG LIVE REX

No way is Peyton better looking than Grossman.

01-22-2007, 02:41 PM
The Bears had one of, if not the easiest schedule in the NFL. That is the only reason that they won as many games as they did. And even then, some of the weaker teams on their schedule gave them the most trouble. The are.........how do you say........over-rated(Grossman included :) ).

01-22-2007, 02:43 PM
And for the record, you should have your man status revoked for even comparing the looks of two other grown men. Mancrush inded. :D

01-22-2007, 02:44 PM
Pirate - all looks aside to me Peyton is better looking, especially with that 100 million dollar salary. there's always a brown paper sack..............

01-22-2007, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by rangerjim
Pirate - all looks aside to me Peyton is better looking, especially with that 100 million dollar salary. there's always a brown paper sack..............

wow i'm not sure which pirate you are responding to, but that is funny. I forgot about his money, but that still doesn't make him better looking. ;)

01-22-2007, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by piratebg
And for the record, you should have your man status revoked for even comparing the looks of two other grown men. Mancrush inded. :D

man crush

Ranger Mom
01-22-2007, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by pirate4state
No way is Peyton better looking than Grossman.

I had to google Grossman, I had no idea what he looked like.



No question here either Rita!!

01-22-2007, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by rangerjim
Pirate - all looks aside to me Peyton is better looking, especially with that 100 million dollar salary. there's always a brown paper sack..............

this is disturbing

01-22-2007, 02:47 PM
grossman is right there with dilfer & stan humphries as the worst QB in modern times to take a team to the SB.

01-22-2007, 02:49 PM
Hey kids - I'm married with 4 (yes four) daughters. Think I lost my man status many years ago. The Bears are all this poor sap has left......................

01-22-2007, 02:51 PM
Originally posted by rangerjim
Hey kids - I'm married with 4 (yes four) daughters. Think I lost my man status many years ago. The Bears are all this poor sap has left......................

Dude, you are surrounded by feminism. A wife, four daughter, Rex Grossman, the Bears.......you have my sympathy buddy. :D

Ranger Mom
01-22-2007, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by rangerjim
Hey kids - I'm married with 4 (yes four) daughters. Think I lost my man status many years ago. The Bears are all this poor sap has left......................

As mother to one daughter and 4 sons, my thoughts are with you!:p

01-22-2007, 03:18 PM
pirate(bg) - didn't realize there was more than one pirate on this thread before. Downlow will be abuzz in 2 weeks when Grossman (surrounding me in femiinism with my women) hoists the lombardi trophy.

You have to realize that as a lifelong Bears fan we have not had a quarterback to even semi-drool over for decades, and I mean decades (Sid Luckman - 1940's was the last). That may have been right after the forward pass was invented. Bear (pun intended) with us as we look forward to these next couple of weeks before the game. It may be a long time before we get there again.

01-22-2007, 04:45 PM
Grossman ....got the Bears to the dance? I disagree...for 3 out of 4 quarters the Bears played "hide the QB" and did everything they COULD to take Grossman out of the equation as much as possible....If you want to thank someone for the Bears being in the Super Bowl...thank The Saints' offense for turning the ball over constantly...thanks the Bears' D for taking advantage of those turnovers...and thank the Bears RBs.....Grossman deserves very little of the praise.

So that brings me to my prediction....

Grossman forgets to take his ritalin, his A.D.D. flares up, he gets lost in a daydream about New Years Eve......and the Colts roll

01-22-2007, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by IHStangFan
Grossman ....got the Bears to the dance? I disagree...for 3 out of 4 quarters the Bears played "hide the QB" and did everything they COULD to take Grossman out of the equation as much as possible....If you want to thank someone for the Bears being in the Super Bowl...thank The Saints' offense for turning the ball over constantly...thanks the Bears' D for taking advantage of those turnovers...and thank the Bears RBs.....Grossman deserves very little of the praise.

So that brings me to my prediction....

Grossman forgets to take his ritalin, his A.D.D. flares up, he gets lost in a daydream about New Years Eve......and the Colts roll

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

01-22-2007, 05:13 PM
IHStang fan, To me the quarterback drives the bus, some drivers are a heck of a lot better than others. But they still drive it to where they end up. Grossman got the bus to the superbowl with some pushing from the defense out of some potholes but the bus made it.

You might be shocked to know that the bears scored as many points (427) as the Colts. Yes the bears defense scored their share of points, as did special teams, but to me that makes the bears even more of a sleeper. Defense scores, special teams scores, and if Grossman doesn't make any major mistakes the offense scores too! Plenty for the Colts to plan for.

The bears "D' allowed 105 less points than the Colts. If the Colts run "D" which has been suspect (173 yds/game) doesn't show up, Grossman won't have to throw more than 20 passes anyway.

The Colts are definately the much better offensive team - no doubt. Just remember 95% of the world had the saints in the playoffs.

01-22-2007, 05:19 PM

the QB, in Manning's case does drive the bus...he runs the offense, calls plays, etc. Grossman on the other hand does not, and spent the majority of yesterday handing the ball off to Benson or Jones & when he DID try to think on his own he called 2 time outs in a row which SHOULD have been a penalty & didn't even realize he had done anything wrong. Grossman is NOT the reason the Bears are in the big game...period. The Bears can win this game...but it will not be by riding on Grossman's coat tails.

01-22-2007, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by piratebg
The Bears had one of, if not the easiest schedule in the NFL. That is the only reason that they won as many games as they did. And even then, some of the weaker teams on their schedule gave them the most trouble. The are.........how do you say........over-rated(Grossman included :) ). overrated huh???

39-14 victory over the most talented offensive team in the league doesnt = overrated to me....

even if they played a harder schedule they would be about 11-5 -12-4 in the reg season.....still pretty good

and any team that makes it to the big dance is pretty good so GIVE EM SOME CREDIT PLEASE.

01-22-2007, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by necks_c/09
overrated huh???

39-14 victory over the most talented offensive team in the league doesnt = overrated to me....

even if they played a harder schedule they would be about 11-5 -12-4 in the reg season.....still pretty good

and any team that makes it to the big dance is pretty good so GIVE EM SOME CREDIT PLEASE.

I credit the Bears D only for carrying the team this far.

01-23-2007, 12:12 AM
thanks necks for some bear props

piratebg - who was your team for the superbowl?

01-23-2007, 12:18 AM
I think this game just comes down to which is better-the Bears Defense or the Colts Offense. The Bears O and the Colts D are both pretty bad. But which wins, the offensive Powerhouse of the NFL, or the Defensive Powerhouse? We will find out just how true the phrase Defense wins championships is. My prediction is Bears 27-24. It will be a great game though.

01-23-2007, 12:20 AM
I was actually going with the Pats over the Saints. I didn't think that the Colts would ever get past New England, and I thought the Saints would be able to hold on to the ball, but that didn't happen. Now I'm leaning toward the Colts. They finally found the endzone, and they kept finding it on Sunday. If the o-line holds for Manning, it's gonna be a long night for the Bears. All the Colts need to do is stop the Bears rushing game and let Grossman do the rest for them.

01-23-2007, 12:22 AM
I think the bears will be able to run on the colts but grossman will still have to be average passing to set it up.

bears pass defense has been suspect at times this year - gonna come down to how much pressure the bears d-line can put on manning.

bears by a field goal is a good call. I'll take the 7 and the bears.

01-23-2007, 01:22 AM
there is a reason his name is Gross Man