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01-18-2007, 09:32 PM
Brazoria mayor proposes banning racial slur
Finding a way to bring national issues down to the local level is important to Brazoria Mayor Ken Corley.
Last year, at Corley’s suggestion, Brazoria became the first city in Texas to designate where registered sex offenders could live.
The city’s ordinance has drawn the attention of other municipalities, with dozens of cities locally and across the state now passing similar laws.
Last week, Corley met with members of the Brazoria Ministerial Alliance to take on another politically-charged issue — the possibility of banning “the N word” from being used in the city.
“This is not an issue right now in Brazoria,” said Corley. “But it is a growing national issue. As far as I’m concerned, there is no place for it in society.”
Corley would like to see the Brazoria City Council add language to its existing disorderly conduct ordinance defining use of the word as disorderly conduct by language. Those convicted of using the word could face a $500 fine.
“I don’t think today’s children should have to bear the burden of hearing this word used,” he said.
Corley presented the idea to the Brazoria Ministerial Alliance last week to see how they felt about it.
“A lot of them were in favor of it,” he said. “Some of them were confused because this is really not an issue in Brazoria right now.”
Corley said he has received several phone calls about the idea, none of them negative in nature.
If Brazoria Council adopts the ordinance, the city would become the first in the nation to ban the use of the word.
“I think it would be great if Brazoria could take the lead in this,” Corley said.
Bishop Ricky Jones of Living Word Fellowship, a part of the Ministerial Alliance, said he hopes Corley’s suggestion is a rallying point for productive dialogue, not just at the City Council table, but also among churches and individuals.
“This is an excellent opportunity to begin discussion on issues that have been swept under the rug for too long,” he said.
Jones said members of the black community often use the word with each other and in music lyrics, something many black leaders are trying to change. This month’s Ebony magazine features a story on why both black and whites must stop using “the N word.”
“Some people are making millions off using this word,” Jones said. “They’ve tried to make a term of endearment out of something that has been used in the past to demoralize and degrade black people as a whole.”
The underlying issue, Jones said, is self-respect.
“I can’t ask you to respect me more than I respect myself,” he said. “How people treat themselves is how they will be treated by others.”
Members of the black community have to let it be known that they won’t tolerate this word as a term of endearment, Jones said, adding that he hopes Brazoria will take a stand that will make people aware nationwide.
“Brazoria could be a trendsetter,” he said.
Rev. Dr. Debbie Meassells, of First Presbyterian Church, was also in attendance at the Ministerial Alliance meeting, and had several thoughts about the discussion.
“I don’t like it when people use that kind of language in public,” she said. “I wish people had enough sense not to say certain things on their own.”
But her other concern, Meassells said, is where to draw the line on what is considered offensive.
“This is one objectionable word,” she said. “But there are lots of other words than can be just as offensive and hurtful. How do we decide what shouldn’t be tolerated?”

Sure, it is inappropriate, but this seems like a violation of the 1st amendment to me

01-18-2007, 09:34 PM
Originally posted by carter08
Sure, it is inappropriate, but this seems like a violation of the 1st amendment to me

well if the city voted on it, then that was their decision...

01-18-2007, 09:35 PM
It's a word that I don't like to use and I wish a lot people wouldn't use(whether it be for jokes, insults, or song lyrics), but it is still a violation of the first ammendment. As much as I think the idea was not bad, it will probably be shot down by someone with half a brain.

01-18-2007, 09:36 PM
Originally posted by tigerpride_08
well if the city voted on it, then that was their decision...

I have not and will not say that word, but there are many who do, despite the inappropriateness of it.

01-18-2007, 09:36 PM
One thing is for sure, not gunna be many "experienced" rappers comin' out of Brazoria in the near future...

Producer - "Cut... listen Fiz Nighty, we're gunna have to use the N-Word atleast 37 times on this album, if not in this song alone..."

Fiz Nighty - "N-Word? What's that?"

Producer - "You know, N******"

Fiz Nighty - "Aw hell no, that word be's banned in my home town, shhhhhhiii****"

01-18-2007, 09:37 PM
Noble idea, but are you going to stop there? What about other ethnic groups & slang terms deemed derogatory too?

Corley got national press for the sex offender deal, & it seems he wants it again. Nice man though trying to do what is best for the city. Good luck...

01-18-2007, 09:39 PM
it shocks me how known the word is to people young and old...in our PALS program i just got assigned to one of the elementary schools and work with 6th graders...and i was shocked that on the first day i heard a kid use it...very sad...:(

01-18-2007, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by g$$
Noble idea, but are you going to stop there? What about other ethnic groups & slang terms deemed derogatory too?

Corley got national press for the sex offender deal, & it seems he wants it again. Nice man though trying to do what is best for the city. Good luck...

Corley does do what he feels is best for the city. Good man. The only problem is change is not accepted by a lot of people

01-18-2007, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by tigerpride_08
well if the city voted on it, then that was their decision...

and if the city voted to kill a man who has never done anything wrong or has never been convicted of a crime, it was just their decision...

I know, it's like comparing apples to oranges, but at the same time, voting for either is unconstitutional...

I think it's a good thing that someone wants to ban the word, but it is unconstitutional to do so...

Ranger Mom
01-18-2007, 09:43 PM
I really never hear the "N" word used at all, but I hear "Nigga" all the time, by ALL races...it's almost just a slang word now, it seems.

Right or wrong??

01-18-2007, 09:43 PM
IMO, city councils should not be in the business of passing on ordinances which establish policies on issues as broad and contentious as race, religion, or abortion.

01-18-2007, 09:43 PM
I just don't see how that legislation will fly if you only include one ethnic group. It would have to be more inclusive & not singling out one group. Otherwise, get ready for discrimination lawsuits coming out of the woodwork.

But hey, I am not a lawyer or politician!

01-18-2007, 09:45 PM
The word cracker should be banned to then.

01-18-2007, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
I really never hear the "N" word used at all, but I hear "Nigga" all the time, by ALL races...it's almost just a slang word now, it seems.

Right or wrong??

correct... had a black guy on a talk show saying how it isn't bad unless it is meant in a bad way... "Wassup Nigga" wouldn't be considered "I'mma bust a cap in yo ass" these days...

01-18-2007, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by g$$
I just don't see how that legislation will fly if you only include one ethnic group. It would have to be more inclusive & not singling out one group. Otherwise, get ready for discrimination lawsuits coming out of the woodwork.

But hey, I am not a lawyer or politician!

The law can not last. First person caught can take it to court. They will win.

01-18-2007, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by Bullaholic
IMO, city councils should not be in the business of passing on ordinances which establish policies on issues as broad and contentious as race, religion, or abortion.

Agreed, lots of other more pertinent issues to tackle for the community & far less controversial. I do think his heart is in the right place.

01-18-2007, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by carter08
The law can not last. First person caught can take it to court. They will win.

You'd be surprised... the ordinance would be just like smoking ordinances banning smoking in bars etc... (also unconstitutional ordinances)... you're not winning a case on that I'm pretty sure...

I don't see how this can happen... but being unconstitutional is the "new thing" these days...

01-18-2007, 09:52 PM
Another word that needs to be banned is "fat"... when I used to be fat..... ER, it hurt to hear people talking about fat people... unlike the race that is unjustly called the N-Word, I didn't have back-up... You call someone of that race an N-Word, you watch your back... but in my case the other fat people were too busy eating while I tried to defend myself...

01-18-2007, 09:53 PM
That's like that dumb ordinance in Houston or some place where they wanted to make it illegal to have your underwear showing out the top of your pants.

Well I got news for yall. My big girl briefs sometimes show out of the top of my jeans. Not on purpose mind you. But I sure as hell wouldn't want to be arrested for it.

01-18-2007, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by Gobbla2001
Another word that needs to be banned is "fat"... when I used to be fat..... ER, it hurt to hear people talking about fat people... unlike the race that is unjustly called the N-Word, I didn't have back-up... You call someone of that race an N-Word, you watch your back... but in my case the other fat people were too busy eating while I tried to defend myself...

(Note: I'm a husky fella, fat if you will, so fellow husky folk do not get offended)

01-18-2007, 09:56 PM
This is a tough one... what if someone is talking about old westerns, and in the convo they say "trigger", and someone thinks they heard the other word and rats that person out???

What judge wouldn't laugh when you said "No, I swear, I said trigger"

And if "cracker" was banned, what if someone was really saying "slacker" and someone thought they heard cracker...

gato 76
01-18-2007, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
I really never hear the "N" word used at all, but I hear "Nigga" all the time, by ALL races...it's almost just a slang word now, it seems.

Right or wrong??

I don't think you had to use that word Ranger Mom.

01-18-2007, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by gato 76
I don't think you had to use that word Ranger Mom.

Yah, she'd be paying a fine in Brazoria...

Hey, what if it is on a message board that is viewed in Brazoria... can they bust ya?

Ranger Mom
01-18-2007, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by gato 76
I don't think you had to use that word Ranger Mom.

No, I didn't, and I don't use the word. I was just trying to make a point....and didn't mean to offend anyone. But there was no other way that I could find to say it without just actually saying it!

Ranger Mom
01-18-2007, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by Gobbla2001
Yah, she'd be paying a fine in Brazoria...

Hey, what if it is on a message board that is viewed in Brazoria... can they bust ya?

So....is it two different words with two different meanings? Or is it the same word meaning the same exact thing?

01-18-2007, 10:09 PM
We'd have to start calling crackers "saltines" or something.......the horror.

01-18-2007, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
So....is it two different words with two different meanings? Or is it the same word meaning the same exact thing?

It has "evolved" into two different words... two different meanings when each is said in certain context... a handfull will say it hasn't, most will say it has...

three years ago you probably couldn't get away with saying "N-ga" any more than you could get away with saying "N-ger" if you were not of the African-AMERICAN race... but "N-Ga" is almost like "dawg" now... "wassup, dawg"... In Cuero, I actually remember us being able to get away with "N-Ga" in the locker room (not around coaches, but amongst ourselves), but that was just us I guess, we all knew each other well enough and knew none of us were racists, so who gave a crap... But no one would say the "N-er"...

Also, "N-Ga" probably is not a good word for a non african-AMERICAN to call an african-AMERICAN during a heated arguement... no bueno, it is pretty safe to say that could be taken as being racists..

01-18-2007, 10:20 PM
another attempt by government to " legislate" morality...

you're not going to win that battle in the long run....

01-18-2007, 10:30 PM
Hell I'm an old white woman and my homies all say "whuz up my nigga" to me on the phone when they call me or instant message me. :D

01-18-2007, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by Gobbla2001
Yah, she'd be paying a fine in Brazoria...

Hey, what if it is on a message board that is viewed in Brazoria... can they bust ya?

I should go to the library tomorrow and find out :D

Old Dog
01-19-2007, 12:53 AM
The use of the "N" word is a moral problem, not a legal one.....

01-19-2007, 01:19 AM
I want them to ban the word cracker. . .it is VERY offensive to me as a guy that closely resembles Casper the friendly ghost.

01-19-2007, 09:25 AM
Originally posted by piratebg
It's a word that I don't like to use and I wish a lot people wouldn't use(whether it be for jokes, insults, or song lyrics), but it is still a violation of the first ammendment. As much as I think the idea was not bad, it will probably be shot down by someone with half a brain.

i agree i hate this word and i hear it on a dialy basis but like you said it is still a violation of the right to free speech....i can say w/e i want as long as it does not promote crime or anything of the like......it would be nice to not hear this word anymore but i serously doubt anybody would vote for that...speech is clearly protected by the 1st amendment.

Phil C
01-19-2007, 09:29 AM

:mad: :mad: :mad:

01-19-2007, 09:31 AM
If they get rid of the N word, what will I call my Homies?:D :D :D

Phantom Stang
01-19-2007, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by carter08
I have not and will not say that word, but there are many who do, despite the inappropriateness of it.
It looks to me, like Corley is doing what it takes, to get his name in newspapers beyond Brazoria.;)

Oops wrong quote! I was replying to a "good of the city" post.

01-19-2007, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by espn1
If they get rid of the N word, what will I call my Homies?:D :D :D

jiggas? that's what Jay-Z says, I have no clue what it means...

01-19-2007, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by Gobbla2001
jiggas? that's what Jay-Z says, I have no clue what it means... What up my Jigga! I'll give it a try. It has a nice ring to it. Peace out Jigga!:D