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01-18-2007, 10:58 AM
When a pet is more than a pet

For all those that know me or my wife then you know how important all of our pets are to us. My wife even more than me has a true kindred spirit with animals. I swear it is like Snow White when she is outside. Birds sing to her all the forrest animals come up to her etc.

But of all the pets we have( at this moment we have 5 cats and a dog) the recent passing of her beloved IsIs has devastated her more than I think any other pet.

Let me explain. Isis was a mini pincher that passed away yesterday morning due to cancer. I was so proud of my wife because she did the most unselfish thing she could. She put Isis asleep. Seeing her beloved pet in so much pain was just to much for her, and we both decided we needed to allow Isis to pass quietly and painlessly. It was not an easy decision. Seeing my wife cry as they did caused more doubt than you can imagine. I did not want to see my wife going thru this, but I think it was better to see this, than to see Isis slowly dying while going thru pain and seizures.

She was 14 years old. Your typical sweet and loving loyal companion that could you get you thru bad times by simply laying down with you and being a cutie.

But for Crystal, Isis meant so much more. Isis was her Uncle Joe's pet. Now I am not going to get into the whole story of what happen to her Uncle Joe because that is not the point of all this. I will just say his life was taken away from him by the hands of a murderer.

When he died Isis was given to Crystal because everyone knew that he would have wanted her to be with someone who would love and cherish her like Crystal would. That was in 1996 and for the next 11 years that is exactly what Crystal did. Not only taken care of Isis but also her son Rocky( Who was killed in the day before Thanksgiving, crappy aint it).

Now before her uncle Joe died, Crystal was part of a family while not perfect, was still a family. But when he died everything changed as can happen when a tragic death happens. Ties became severed, Drama became the norm and all that kind of crap. The typical **** that happens when a family falls apart at the seams.

For Crystal though Isis was her little slice of what her family was like when her Uncle Joe was alive. Thru Isis she could still have that one tangent soul that was connected to her Uncle. This formed a bond between human and pet that I have never seen. The way these two were connected is deeper than anything I have ever seen.

The whole point of this ramble is that sometimes people dont understand the mouring when a pet passes away. Just realize that sometimes a pet is more than just a simple pet. Sometimes they represent a better time in life, a kindred soul, a loved one. It is safe to say that Isis is more family to us than some people in Crystal's family that we no longer communicate with because they are so selfish all they care about is themselves.

Isis was never selfish with her love to Crystal, and yesterday even though I know it tore Crystal apart from the inside she was not selfish either. She saw the pain in Isis and realized to keep her alive would only benefit herself and not her beloved best friend. So she let Isis go back to her Uncle Joe.

Everyone hug your loved ones and that includes your pets, because when they are gone, you just might realize they meant far more to you than just being a pet.

This is from my blog at http://www.myspace.com/txbroadcaster