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View Full Version : Dallas Cowboys Fans: Here are 2 Coaches for you if Parcells leaves...

01-08-2007, 02:49 AM
Food for thought, 2 coaches to succeed Parcells if he decides to leave the Jerry Jones circus in Dallas. What do you think?

1) Among the intriguing coaches who could be available is Ohio State's Jim Tressel. His contract is voided if the Buckeyes win another national championship Monday night. Would he leave the dynasty he has built in Buckeye Country after 2 National Titles recently (if he wins 2nd one tonight)? Probably doubtful.


2) Mike Sherman, formerly at Green Bay (& used to be at Texas A&M too as O-line coach under Slocum in the early '90s). He was a successful NFL head coach and didn't deserve to be fired (he was 57-39 at Green Bay, including a 4-12 final season meltdown). He interviewed with Arizona last week & Miami may be next. Last year he served on Gary Kubiak's staff in Houston. He will be a HC in the NFL again soon.

Great quote from Randy Galloway's column last week in the FW Star Telegram before the Seattle game:

"But based on the current evidence, this is a team that has quit on Parcells. Tuned him out completely. It happens when a head coach allows a double standard in being the hard-butt on all players except one. And that one, the biggest fool of all, he "handled" him by attempting to ignore him since Oxnard."

Wow, someone other than me thinks TO is a fool...go figure. Of course it is all the media's fault, right? 13 td receptions, 18 drops (source: Elias) on year for the Team Poison if you're counting too; both were league highs. No Pro Bowl, 1st round exit, 9-8 on year. $25 million well-spent Jerry, your plastic surgeon is calling to do some touch-up work since you have not won a playoff game since 1996.

01-08-2007, 11:28 AM
I'm not thrilled with bringing in a college coach. That doesn't work more than it does.

My wish list would consist of (one more year of Bill):

1. Jeff Fisher - He and Jones have been on the competition committee for several years and rumor is they have a strong respect for each other. And his contract is up after next year. Plus, It's been reported that Fisher and owner Bud Adams really don't get along very well.

2. Cower - If Bill comes back for one more year, I would be happy with Cower after he recharges his battery.

3. Not sure where to go after that; Sherman is interesting. I don't think he deserved to get fired in GB.

01-08-2007, 11:40 AM
I wonder if JJ would try to go after Norm Chow?? He's arguably the hottest name out there for the work he's done with QB's (the last 4 QB's he's taught...Vince Young, Matt Leinart, Carson Palmer, and Philip Rivers) and JJ would love nothing more than to see Romo turn into the top-notch QB that the Cows (and JJ's ego) so desperately need. Plus...him becoming the first Asian HC in the NFL would probably draw some extra media attention and that's never a bad things in the eyes of Mr Jones!

Doubt that it would happen...but you never know! ;)

Also, I doubt that Fisher leaves Tennessee. He was recently on ESPN Radio and talked about how this year has revitalized him and has been the funnest year he has had coaching football...even moreso than going to the Super Bowl a few years back.