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01-05-2007, 11:24 AM
Is ya'lls snow melting at all? I saw some pictures on the news this morning that made western kansas look like the North Pole! They were showing how they're having to use helicopters to get hay in to cattle who can't find anything to eat because of all the snow. Those amounts of snowfall are just unbelievable! :eek:


01-05-2007, 11:40 AM
Here's some pics of western Kansas and what poor Lepfan has been having to endure this winter...


No envy from me! Hope all is well with ya, Lep!

01-05-2007, 03:45 PM

01-05-2007, 05:11 PM
Sorry spivey....I did not scroll down

It is horrible here...cattle are dying, some have yet to be reached. They are dumping an unreal amount of milk out at the dairies...because trucks can't get to it. (be ready for the $$ to trickle down) The feedlots can not get the cattle to the packers in on time, etc, etc, etc,. It is snowing again... grrrrr..... I have been able to drive to the store, dentist, and basic places....but I do not dare get off the main road!!! There are 3 piles of snow in my yard...about 8 feet tall. My son brought a loader by so he could move it around just so he could park somewhere beside in the middle of the street.

The city workers have removed the snow from most of the downtown area...they had 2 loaders and 4 dump trucks working for 3 days (12 hours each day). The good thing is the people in this town are all taking care of each other. There are no snowmobiles to be bought in SW kansas or E Colorado...

The Governor has made a good call on declaring this area a disaster!

01-08-2007, 08:49 AM
Originally posted by lepfan
Sorry spivey....I did not scroll down

It is horrible here...cattle are dying, some have yet to be reached. They are dumping an unreal amount of milk out at the dairies...because trucks can't get to it. (be ready for the $$ to trickle down) The feedlots can not get the cattle to the packers in on time, etc, etc, etc,. It is snowing again... grrrrr..... I have been able to drive to the store, dentist, and basic places....but I do not dare get off the main road!!! There are 3 piles of snow in my yard...about 8 feet tall. My son brought a loader by so he could move it around just so he could park somewhere beside in the middle of the street.

The city workers have removed the snow from most of the downtown area...they had 2 loaders and 4 dump trucks working for 3 days (12 hours each day). The good thing is the people in this town are all taking care of each other. There are no snowmobiles to be bought in SW kansas or E Colorado...

The Governor has made a good call on declaring this area a disaster!

I noticed this morning that the western 40+ counties in the state were all declared disaster areas. That is the whole Western HALF of the state!!! :eek:

01-08-2007, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by spiveyrat
I noticed this morning that the western 40+ counties in the state were all declared disaster areas. That is the whole Western HALF of the state!!! :eek: It is a disaster around here...horrible. Word is ice is coming Thursday and Friday. GRRRRRRRR :(

01-08-2007, 10:24 AM
Originally posted by lepfan
It is a disaster around here...horrible. Word is ice is coming Thursday and Friday. GRRRRRRRR :(

Yeah, that's what I hear. Falling temps throughout the day on Thurs (I think) with rain turning to ice. Then, temps continously below freezing for about 2 or 3 days straight. yeehaw. :helpme:

01-08-2007, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by spiveyrat
Yeah, that's what I hear. Falling temps throughout the day on Thurs (I think) with rain turning to ice. Then, temps continously below freezing for about 2 or 3 days straight. yeehaw. :helpme: Have I mentioned that I HATE KANSAS!!!!!!!?????