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View Full Version : Football Forum?

01-01-2007, 12:53 AM
I think the 3A DOWN LOW needs to add some additional forums. I joined the 3A DOWN LOW 'cause I wanted to be able to track 3A sports teams across our great state. However, the "football forum" is used to discuss everything from a foot cut on a beach to girlfriend break-ups to college and pro football. I'm all for this type of variety, but I have to do quite a bit of junk-reading to find the sports topics.

Can the 3A DOWN LOW "football" forum be split into a "pure sports" forum and an "all that other stuff" forum?

01-01-2007, 09:45 PM
We've discussed this many times, and the majority of our posters prefer it this way. Usually during the season, the non-football topics slow way down, and we've asked people to make it clear in their thread titles that they aren't football related.

Unfortunately there are a lot of regulars on here who stick around all year, and get used to the free-wheeling during the off season. They tend to forget sometimes what we're really here for once the season cranks up.

What we have asked people to do is to post a title with a post script. Example: "Would You? (N/F)" The N/F designation stands for "not football". That way, those not interested in general chit chat can just skip that thread.

01-02-2007, 11:22 AM
I can appreciate that if the effort was made; but most posters aren't doing that. And what about other sports? Is there a separate web-site I should consult to track 3A basketball developments? How about baseball? Is the 3ADL not meant to address other sports?

There are many threads that start with a subject of "QUESTION". The original posters have not been vigilant to use the "N/F" designator. Hence, I don't know if the question is about sports, or some other topic.

LH Panther Mom
01-02-2007, 12:38 PM
Yes, basketball, baseball, track, softball etc are talked about. Generally, there may not be a lot of talk about the non-football sports before district games start.

Ranger Mom
01-02-2007, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by 88bobcats
I can appreciate that if the effort was made; but most posters aren't doing that. And what about other sports? Is there a separate web-site I should consult to track 3A basketball developments? How about baseball? Is the 3ADL not meant to address other sports?

There are many threads that start with a subject of "QUESTION". The original posters have not been vigilant to use the "N/F" designator. Hence, I don't know if the question is about sports, or some other topic.

At this time of year, the majority of posts on THIS board will be non-football and/or non-sports related. That is just the way it is, and the way it has always been.

The vast majority of posters have no problem with it whatsoever.....

To tell you the truth, I don't WANT to put "NF" or "NS" beside every non sports related thread I start. In the off season, I very seldom post anything remotely sports related!!

01-03-2007, 07:44 PM
Yes, Kellye, but you usually word your titles well enough that most would know it's not about sports. Many others don't.