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View Full Version : Harry Nelson Pillsbury (NF)

Phil C
12-28-2006, 11:48 AM
This was one of America's strongest chess player but unfortunately due to ill health he never reached his full potential. He was born in 1872 in Massasschutes.
At one time he was one of the strongest chess players in the world. He also was once one of the top twenty experts in checkers and he also played a great game of the card game wrist.
He also did blindfold exhibitions in chess and was outstanding.
He created a sensation in Hastings (England) in 1895 winning a tournament ahead of the greatest players at that time which consisted of Emmanuel Lasker the world champion and Wilhelm Steinitz the former world champion.
He was considered as a possible future worthy opponent but he never got to realize his potential. His next tourmane was in St. Petersburgh that same year and even though he did well his health started to fail him and he never got back up to par after that.
Nevertheless he still played chess until 1904 and still played well winning many great games. Unfortunately he didn't take care of his health and finally had to give up the game. He passed away in 1906.

He was a great chess player. Had he been blessed with good health he might have been the first world championship chess player from America to win a World Championship match. We would have to wait until 1972 for that. But he played many great games that are thankfully available today for us to enjoy.

Phil C
12-28-2006, 12:01 PM
This is a photo of Harry Nelson Pillsbury.


12-28-2006, 12:12 PM
Phil just loves him some wikipedia! ;)