View Full Version : Class 3A D2 State Championship--Celina (15-0) vs Liberty Hill (12-2) game thread

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12-24-2006, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by WildTexan
he seems to hail from la grange, which as I look over the brackets was nowhere to be found late in the season, and his name is pud.....that pretty much sums it up....

it was a great game and he missed it, so pretty much whatever he has to say is about like a wife cooking in the kitchen....just shut up till you get the dinner on the table and then I'll give a rat's butt what ya got to say.....

Rixey.....no, this was not like Dangerfield.....we lost that game on a mistake....in this game we did have mistakes in the kicking game, yes, but the fact is we still had several chances to win even with no kicking game, but the LH defense stood up and made plays when they had to....

by the way....44 was a true horse....Bode is nothing but a product of the trickery offense....for the most part, if we hit Bode, he went down....if we hit 44, we had to call for help cause he was not going down unless several riders hopped on his back....very impressed with that kid alright....

Congrads LH on the "trickery offense", lol. Bode is for real. and #44 is tough.

12-24-2006, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by pirate4state

Best thing Liberty Hill DOESN'T hate. :D

Someday I hope I can post as good as you, lol

12-24-2006, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by rundoe
Someday I hope I can post as good as you, lol

Well, I screwed that one up but I've fixed it!! :D I made it small enough to be my avatar (under my username) but forgot that it would also change the size in the post. All better now!!! :D

Ranger Mom
12-24-2006, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by Alaska cat
Things you hate:
1. that is your lowest output this year
2. You were forced to throw
3. You only broke three plays that hurt
4. You did not control the ball
5. You were a wee bit fortunate on a couple missed kicks, a no pass interference call, and an onside kick we recovered that was ruled out of bounds...but wasn't according to the big replay screen..that cost a TD, the game could have gone either way at any time

6. Your D won the game for you, not the offense. It bent but did not break like it could have. It made two crucial stops on the goal line. If they didn't make either of them..you loose

so don't let it go totally to your head, In most cases you were forced to go for it on 4th down, way more than once or twice.

but congratulations on a well deserved victory...until we meet again for a rematch:)

HAHA!! This post is PRICELESS!!

I am sure all those kids, coaches and town are thinking about all the things about the game that "they hate" as they gaze at the 2006 Division II State Championship Trophy"!

Although I am not surprised to read such a post on here. For someone from Celina to tell someone from Liberty Hill not to let something "go to their head" is hysterically funny!

I'm sure they could care less WHO "won the game"...offense OR defense. I am almost sure just the fact that they "WON THE GAME" is all that matters to them.

I have so much more I could say, but seeing as how I am a moderator, I will leave it at that!

12-24-2006, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
HAHA!! This post is PRICELESS!!

I am sure all those kids, coaches and town are thinking about all the things about the game that "they hate" as they gaze at the 2006 Division II State Championship Trophy"!

Although I am not surprised to read such a post on here. For someone from Celina to tell someone from Liberty Hill not to let something "go to their head" is hysterically funny!

I'm sure they could care less WHO "won the game"...offense OR defense. I am almost sure just the fact that they "WON THE GAME" is all that matters to them.

I have so much more I could say, but seeing as how I am a moderator, I will leave it at that!

By all means throw a little more salt this way. I like it. Makes the memory last longer. We give you leave. Don't let that Moderator title stop you. Fire away Mom!:clap:

Ranger Mom
12-24-2006, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by bobcat1
By all means throw a little more salt this way. I like it. Makes the memory last longer. We give you leave. Don't let that Moderator title stop you. Fire away Mom!:clap:

Nope.....ain't gonna happen. I have bit my tongue all day, but after reading the post I quoted...I had to say something.

I said I wouldn't say more, and I wont!!

You know which ones I am directing that post to....and you know you are NOT one of them!:D

12-24-2006, 06:25 PM
You took the words right out of my mouth. Bob, I would have put money on it that she wasn't aiming that one at you.

12-24-2006, 06:35 PM
I know I have post this already and there are a few Celina fans that may not agree with my comments about "should not be debated". However, I know a lot of Celina fans in and out of Celina and the vast majority is in agreement with my statement. I feel it is important that LH understands this, their team won the game because they played the best and scored the most points.

Congratulations to Liberty Hill 3A Div II State Champions!

This was a great game that was fought by two great teams. LH was the best team in this game and EARNED the championship! This game will be remembered and talked about for sometime. There is no doubt that these WERE the two best teams in the Division II bracket and provided a great battle.

It should not be debated on the missed opportunities by either team. It should not be debated on great plays made by both teams. It should not be debated on who won the battle in this part or that part of the game (e.g. trenches, special teams, passing, running). It should not be debated on which coaching staff made the best calls or adjustments. It should not be debated on which team should have won or did win “because of” this or that. It should not be debated which fans supported their team better.

Unfortunately, there are those that will debate these things and take away from the GREAT championship game that was played by GREAT young men. The best team won the game and that is why playoff football is FANTASTIC. It was an honor to watch two fine schools battle on the gridiron. Let’s not tarnish the exploits of these fine young men and coaching staffs by debating what is now finished.

Congratulations to the Celina Team for a historic game and leaving it all on the field, you have represented your community wonderfully and “We are proud of you”.

Congratulations to the Liberty Hill Team for a historic game and the good sportsmanship you showed, it was an honor to play such a worthy opponent and you have earned our respect.


Celina Fan

12-24-2006, 06:56 PM
Congratulations to both teams for having good seasons. I was sad that I couldn't see the game because I have had the CRUD since last wednesday. But I did get to listen to the game over the internet.

At the start of the playoffs I had picked Celina to beat Wimberley for the title in the bracketmaker contest. But after Wimberley lost to Hondo and I saw how Liberty Hill's defense controlled Giddings in the 1st half of their game, I started to think that the Panthers might be able to win it all. I am very happy for them. There are some mighty fine folks on the Hill.

It was a tough loss for Celina. They are not used to making it that far and not winning it all. I have seen them in several final and semi-final games over the years. They are always well prepared and give their all. They had a young team this year and will be better in 2007.

12-24-2006, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by rundoe
I guess I am the only one one here who doesn't think the Celina uniforms are THAT ugly.
I like 'em.

12-24-2006, 08:06 PM
I like 'em too.

Don't care as much for their home unis (all orange) though. Worst one's IMO are the home unis of the Boyd Yellowjackets (all yellow). Have seen posts before that equated Boyd's players looking like bananas. Not nice I guess, but funny anyway.

12-24-2006, 08:29 PM
Originally posted by pirate4state

Best thing Liberty Hill DOESN'T hate. :D

Awesome picture!

12-24-2006, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by bd62
Congrs. to Liberty Hill for winning state. What a great and class program Coach Vance has at Liberty Hill.We had the opportunity to play them 3 years in a row and I have lots of respect for those folks.

Same here. I have rooted for them ever since Jasper played them 3 years ago. I really love watching that offensive machine. The one thing LH has always had trouble with is containing the big plays when on defense. It sounds like they accomplished that. Congrats on the State Championship.

Don't forget PPHS said Celina would play for the state championship and they did.

Ranger Mom
12-25-2006, 01:52 AM
Originally posted by Hupernikomen

Don't forget PPHS said Celina would play for the state championship and they did.

Well...he ALMOST called it:

Originally posted by PPHSfan
I challenge you to find a single "hide and watch" post of mine that did not come true.

Originally posted by PPHSfan

I said it three months ago. Gilmer Rolls. Course, I am not from Gilmer either. Yall watch what Celina does tomorrow night too. Both teams will roll undefeated to titles.:D

Originally posted by PPHSfan
There is no doubt in my mind that Gilmer and Celina will win every game they play this year.

Originally posted by PPHSfan
Hide and watch.

:eek: :eek: Im gonna be in SOO much trouble!!:p :p