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View Full Version : Here's some good ol' fashioned drama for your boring Monday...

12-18-2006, 01:07 PM
A younger "friend" of mine moved and needed a place to board her two horses. We needed somebody to feed our two horses everyday while we work out of town. So we let her keep her two horses at our place and use our facilities for FREE. All she had to do was feed our horses once and day and keep an eye on the water troughs to make sure a pipe didn't break or a float stick.

Everything rocked along fine until I noticed I didn't get a feed bill from my feed supplier for October. So I call the feed store and no feed was charged in October. I call my "friends" significant other, who was supposed to be picking up the feed for my horses and he tells me he hasn't even been out there for two months....

To make a long story short, my "friend" had quit feeding my horses because she thought that my gelding was too fat. :confused: The only problem with that is when she quit feeding my gelding she also quit feeding my 28 yr old mare. Then she tells me that she is feeding about every three or four days. We have plenty of grass for them to eat but I am not a happy camper.

Then right after Thanksgiving she calls to tell me that my horses got in the feed room. This was because she left the barn gate open. She then tried to blame this on my husband because he had been there the day before.

After all the problems we had with her and her lies and deception, I had had enough and called her up and told her to move her two horses immediately.

I then got some of my neighbors to feed for me every day and things are working out fine in the department.

The problem is while my "friend" was keeping her horses at my place, she decided to have her significant other mow my yard. This would have been fine under normal circumstances, but the weeds in my yard were 10-12 feet tall. So in the process of "trying to do me a favor" the guy tore up my brand new riding lawn mower. BUT, both of them neglected to apprise me of that small fact.

My neighbors then tried to get my mower started. It finally started but when they tried to mow, was blowing smoke. I had Sears come out to check the mower. They put a new battery, changed the oil, and found that it had a blown head gasket! Also the mower blades were bent all to hell, which tells me that the idiot ran over something with my mower.

I sent her an email informing her that I knew she had torn up my mower. All I got in return was a bunch of personal attacks and blame on everybody but her. So I sent her another email, trying to make it very clear my position with respect to what they had done to my riding mower.

The question is, do yall think the following email is appropriate?
I'll post the one she sent me and then the one I sent her in response.

Any suggestions yall have would be appreciated.

12-18-2006, 01:20 PM
The email below is from my "friend"

First of all Miss Priss, I DIDN'T **** UP YOUR MOWER! I NEVER even touched your mower. Marvin tried to mow your weeds so it would look as if someone were there sometime. I was told the Mower had TWO flats, NO gas cap, and wouldn't start properly to begin with. Sounds like a Factory Defect. SOMETIMES, you buy a lemon. Marvin said he tinkered with it and got it running. He's SORRY for trying to do you a favor. Yes he should have called you and told you something was wrong. From what I understand he didn't call you because he was going get it fixed. What do you give a **** about anything anyway? You don't even give a **** about what your place looks like anymore. Which I find a shame. Every time I was there feeding I got so discussed with all the trees falling down and everything growed up, and what used to be an awesome barn is now falling apart. That place is any horse lovers dream. Ed would be rolling over in his grave if he was here to see that place looking like it is. I'm so sorry you think I have no common sense, I'm irresponsible, and immature. Your are WRONG. Think what you want to think. You know, it's sad because I always thought you were a nice and cool person, but now I see the real you. Then again, you also think I tried to KILL your horses. What a crock!! Your Okie husband did that, I DON'T CARE WHAT HE SAYS.... He was the only one that fed that Friday. When I got there Saturday morning, the tie on the gate wasn't even near where it should have been tied. So I can see how Tuffy opened the gate. Oh, and if that barn gate was suppose to be closed then WHY didn't he close it and then give me some **** about it??? Now I can see why you don't have many friends around here, when you treat people like that. Anyway, I feel like Bill set me up, so you would get pissed off at me and tell me to get my horses off your place. All you had to do was ask, no problem.

Oh, I thought you should know, one day at the store Bill ordered a Cheeseburger. This is what he said to me:

"I'm going to put a dollar in your tip jar and if you tell anyone I didn't, I'm gonna slap the piss out you and then slap you for pissing."

I didn't find it very funny and have lost all respect for him.

12-18-2006, 01:23 PM
sounds like a no-win situation for you ....... just cut your losses and move on

12-18-2006, 01:28 PM
I hate it when people are so belligerent and stupid that you cant get anything done with them

12-18-2006, 01:32 PM
This is the email I sent in reply:


Pardon me for blaming you personally for tearing up my $1900 riding lawn mower. But YOU were the one we made the deal with to keep your horses at our place for FREE and YOU are the one that is ultimately responsible. I'm sure you had full knowledge that Marvin was going to mow the 10 ft tall weeds in our yard. So that means that both of yall have no common sense. And if he didn't tell you that he tore up our mower than shame on him. So for the record, I'm telling you. The reason it blew a head gasket was because he tried to mow in to high a gear and put the mower under too much stress. If you don't understand, then just ask Jamie, he'll tell you. Also, one of the mower blades is bent at a ninety degree angle. That means he ran over something with my mower in case you don't understand that mower blades are supposed to be straight. I guess somehow that is my fault, too???? If my mower was such a piece of crap as you claim it was, then why was Marvin even trying to use it??? And as for doing me a favor, you explain to me how mowing my yard with 10ft tall weeds with my riding mower that is noway designed to do that and tearing it up is doing me a favor? I would love to hear you try to rationalize that. You said Marvin was going to have my mower fixed and that's why he didn't call me and tell me he screwed it up???? When was he going to do this Cyndi???? I had to call Sears and have them come out and fix it and it's been over a month since I kicked you off my place. I understand that you don't want to take responsibility for any of your actions. That's painfully clear. Also, what is clear is your guilt, and you show that by personally attacking me, which I have not done to you, yet.....
I just wanted you to own up to what you and or Marvin did with your knowledge, to my mower, and all you can do in response is attack me personally. Also, if it was such a terrible burden for you to see weeds and downed trees limbs at my place then why didn't you just leave. Nobody had a gun to your head to force you to keep your horses there for FREE. You seem to forget that little bit of information. You were keeping your horses there for FREE. All you had to do was feed my horses everyday
and you couldn't even do that. Instead you arbitrarily decided on your own that my gelding was too fat. Did you call and ask us if that was ok? NO. Did you even have a clue that by not feeding him everyday you weren't feeding a 28 year old mare? NO, You are totally clueless. Every REAL horse person that I have told this story to is appalled. And you my dear are NOT a horse person and never, ever will be. You cannot leave a 28 yr old horse out in the pasture and not feed them. You are stupid beyond comprehension. Why did you think we wanted them fed every day??? DUH is what I have to say to you, because that is just about what your IQ with horses is DUH. When my husband comes home and tells me that he found the barn gate open when he got to the house on Friday before you tried to founder my horses and that he closed it when he left, I believe him. He has never lied to me. You on the other hand have done nothing but try to lie, deny and be deceptive. Who would you believe, Cyndi. Admit what you did, you lied about feeding my horses and now after the fact I find out that you knew Marvin tore up my mower and you're still trying to lie and deny it. So who would you believe Cyndi, your husband who never lies to you or you, or you Cyndi, who has lied from the beginning. We have to work out of town to make a living and we depended on you to do what we all agreed upon. You didn't hold up your end of the bargain. I'm sorry if that pisses you off and makes you mad, but it's the truth. Live with it. The horses getting into the feed was the last straw. I was already highly pissed with you for NOT feeding my old mare everyday. That was why Bill handled everything. Do you get that? Bill is tons more diplomatic than I am. And when somebody messes me around then it's over. I was ready to run your ass off long before I finally did. Maybe you're used to bull******ng your way thru life, but it doesn't work with me. You had your chance and you blew it big time. Nobody set you up as you claim, that's lame. You only have yourself to blame. You set your own self up for failure by not doing what we agreed on. i.e. feeding my horses everyday. I see from reading your email that you are laying blame on everybody but yourself. Me, Marvin, Bill but no blame on you. And YOU are
the responsible party. We made the deal with YOU to take care of our horses, not Marvin. If Marvin decided to mow, it was with your knowledge. And again YOU are the responsible party. If Marvin didn't have the balls to tell us he tore up our mower then you should have. It's what grown up mature adults do. Also, who died and left you God? I work out of town and cannot come home and mow my grass every week. If that means I don't care about my place then neither do a lot of other people. Who are you to tell me what my deceased husband, whom you barely even knew, would be thinking? You have no clue. All I know is that from the time you showed an interest in horses we tried to help you any way we could. And this is the way you pay me back? By lying to me and bringing up my deceased husband. Where have you led such a perfect life? I have never once, through all of your *screwed* up relationships, divorces and fights with your mother ever said one bad word about you. So because you can't handle the truth and the responsibility of your actions, you jump on me personally. That says volumes about you, Cyndi. What's really sad is that I trusted you and I depended on you. And you let me down. You talked such a good game about how much you loved your horses and what good care you took them. And that's all it was, a game. You blew smoke. And I believed you. My bad. And you claim I don't have any friends. Where does that come from?? I have tons of friends. I used to count you as one of them, but no more. I had people over at my house with one phone call the afternoon you phoned
me and said my horses had gotten into the feed room. They took care of the horses until Bill could drive up and have the vet come out. You were so vague in your information about just how much feed they ingested that we felt it prudent to have the vet out to check them. But that's what you do if you're a real horse person. Oh and FYI I'm a real cool person until you tear up my stuff that I paid hard earned money for, lie to me, and because you are a lazy butt, wouldn't feed my 28 yr old mare. Then I'm not cool. I'll tell you what, when and IF you ever own a home and some property then see how you feel when somebody tears up your stuff. And if you mess with me any more, I'll make copies of all the crap you emailed me and pass it out to everybody that knows you. That way everybody can see you for exactly what you are. So if you want to keep lying about what happened and personally attacking me go right ahead, that's just more ammunition for me.

Just remember the three things that you did that caused you to get your butt kicked off MY place.

1. You didn't feed my horses as per our agreement, which was to feed my horses every day while you got to keep yours there for FREE.

2. Leaving the barn gate open when you weren't supposed to, causing the horses to get into the feed room

3. You/Marvin tore up my riding mower and didn't have the common
decency to tell me or offer to pay to have it fixed.

Now anytime you feel like you should blame anybody but yourself, go back and read those three things. Maybe that will help you keep things in perspective.

Oh, are you taking your medication? That last email you sent me is certainly evidence that either you're not taking it or your drinking way too much,
which negates the effectiveness. And if I can tell, other people can, too.


12-18-2006, 01:35 PM
I say you have no choice....you're gonna have to have her "exterminated". I saw an episode on the Soprano's where horses and people dont mix, and people got "exterminated"....oh yeah, the horse died too.

12-18-2006, 01:37 PM
I think you need some better "firends." I agree with 3afan - cut your losses and move on. The friend is never gonna say - "you're right and I was wrong."

12-18-2006, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by 3afan
sounds like a no-win situation for you ....... just cut your losses and move on

Yea, that's basically what I've done. I just wanted them to know, that my husband and I knew that they tore up our mower.

12-18-2006, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by SWMustang
I think you need some better "firends." I agree with 3afan - cut your losses and move on. The friend is never gonna say - "you're right and I was wrong."

Ya think? :rolleyes:

12-18-2006, 01:40 PM
close the door ... let it go ..........

she will most certainly respond ----- consider just deleting it and not even reading it. it will only make you mad and feel you have to respond back ...........

end it for YOUR sake and sanity !!!!! JMHO ..........

12-18-2006, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by 3afan
close the door ... let it go ..........

she will most certainly respond ----- consider just deleting it and not even reading it. it will only make you mad and feel you have to respond back ...........

end it for YOUR sake and sanity !!!!! JMHO ..........

I don't intend to respond to anything else she sends me. I've said everything I'm going to say to her. Thanks!

12-18-2006, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by luvhoops34
I don't intend to respond to anything else she sends me. I've said everything I'm going to say to her. Thanks! I want to see her response.....you ripped her a new one

12-18-2006, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by 3afan
close the door ... let it go ..........

she will most certainly respond ----- consider just deleting it and not even reading it. it will only make you mad and feel you have to respond back ...........

end it for YOUR sake and sanity !!!!! JMHO ..........

OK, having said the above - it WOULD be interesting to see her response .... :evilgrin: :devil: :D

Ranger Mom
12-18-2006, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by luvhoops34

Every time I was there feeding I got so discussed with all the trees falling down and everything growed up

WOW!! I had to edit a couple of things from the emails...but all in all.....WOW!!

I have to admit, the above that I quoted, from "Cyndi" cracked me up!!

12-18-2006, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
WOW!! I had to edit a couple of things from the emails...but all in all.....WOW!!

I have to admit, the above that I quoted, from "Cyndi" cracked me up!!

Wonder who Cyndi DISCUSSED her disgust with? :D It's a shame she didn't handle her end of the bargain better - it could have been a win/win situation for both of you :(

12-18-2006, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by mwynn05
I want to see her response.....you ripped her a new one

Yea, if she sends me another email, I'll post it for yall :D

12-18-2006, 02:46 PM
WOW!! This is so much better than my run in with Norton this morning!!! ROFL!!

She probably WON'T respond, but if she does we all NEED to see it!!! :D :D

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who caught "discussed" as "disgust" LMAO!!

12-18-2006, 02:47 PM
Ole Butkus thinks maybe ya should jus taker out behind the barn an have a little heart ta heart with her.

12-18-2006, 02:50 PM
Really, the only thing you can do is try and let it go...you cannot win with people like this...they could care less about you or the lies that they fabricate.

12-18-2006, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
WOW!! I had to edit a couple of things from the emails...but all in all.....WOW!!

I have to admit, the above that I quoted, from "Cyndi" cracked me up!!

Sorry, RM. I tried to go through as I was posting and edit out all the bad words. Must have missed a few.:D

CHS_Grad '85
12-18-2006, 03:00 PM
True... with that kind of person - you can only forgive them but never forget...

Ranger Mom
12-18-2006, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by luvhoops34
Sorry, RM. I tried to go through as I was posting and edit out all the bad words. Must have missed a few.:D

No problem....I laughed all the way through it.

If she responds...email or PM me the unedited version!!:devil:

12-18-2006, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by luvhoops34
The email below is from my "friend"

Oh, I thought you should know, one day at the store Bill ordered a Cheeseburger. This is what he said to me:

"I'm going to put a dollar in your tip jar and if you tell anyone I didn't, I'm gonna slap the piss out you and then slap you for pissing."

I didn't find it very funny and have lost all respect for him.

This was my personal fav:rolleyes: My husband says this to practically everybody. It's a joke. The other thing yall need to know that makes her being "offended" by what he said even funnier is that she works in a beer joint! LMAO:D

12-18-2006, 03:15 PM
I guess most of this is my fault because I'm too easy. I expect people to do the right thing like I was brought up to do. :eek:

12-18-2006, 03:25 PM
I think you have the makings of a great soap opera here. Send this stuff to Hollywood. You could be rich soon!

12-18-2006, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by dogdad
I think you have the makings of a great soap opera here. Send this stuff to Hollywood. You could be rich soon!

This girls life is one big drama. She's thirty years old I believe and fixing to get married again for the third time. Her almost "first" marriage never happened because her boyfriend beat the crap out of her and she broke up with him, but not before getting pregnant and losing the baby.

Then she married a boy from Falls City, a cousin to my best friend. She has two kids by him. While she was working at her mothers beer joint, she meets this pipeliner from Oklahoma. She promptly dumps her husband and hooks up with this guy.

The guy is a heavy drinker and beats the crap out of her but she won't leave. He's abusive to the little girls, too. She has a big falling out with her mother, while she is working at the beer joint and living in one of her mothers rent houses. Her mother kicks her out and fires her. Her ex husband fixes it with the court so she can't move out of state with her kids unless she gets prior approval of their living conditions first.

About five years roll by. Her pipeliner "okie" husband is working in Louisiana. She finally decides to divorce his sorry butt.
She starts working at the beer joint again and I swear it wasn't a week till she had hooked up with Marvin. Marvin works for the same company I do. They immediately move in together in one of Marvins aunts rent houses over towards Floresville. Marvin is the one who screwed up my mower.

Cyndi's mother used to be married to my neighbor across the road. So I have known Cyndi on and off since she was about 12 years old.

Cyndi's mother adopted her as a baby because her real mother(who happens to be her aunt) didn't want her. So her dad is really her uncle. I hope that makes sense. :D

Ranger Mom
12-18-2006, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by luvhoops34
This girls life is one big drama. She's thirty years old I believe and fixing to get married again for the third time. Her almost "first" marriage never happened because her boyfriend beat the crap out of her and she broke up with him, but not before getting pregnant and losing the baby.

Then she married a boy from Falls City, a cousin to my best friend. She has two kids by him. While she was working at her mothers beer joint, she meets this pipeliner from Oklahoma. She promptly dumps her husband and hooks up with this guy.

The guy is a heavy drinker and beats the crap out of her but she won't leave. He's abusive to the little girls, too. She has a big falling out with her mother, while she is working at the beer joint and living in one of her mothers rent houses. Her mother kicks her out and fires her. Her ex husband fixes it with the court so she can't move out of state with her kids unless she gets prior approval of their living conditions first.

About five years roll by. Her pipeliner "okie" husband is working in Louisiana. She finally decides to divorce his sorry butt.
She starts working at the beer joint again and I swear it wasn't a week till she had hooked up with Marvin. Marvin works for the same company I do. They immediately move in together in one of Marvins aunts rent houses over towards Floresville. Marvin is the one who screwed up my mower.

Cyndi's mother used to be married to my neighbor across the road. So I have known Cyndi on and off since she was about 12 years old.

Cyndi's mother adopted her as a baby because her real mother(who happens to be her aunt) didn't want her. So her dad is really her uncle. I hope that makes sense. :D

Hmmm.....sounds more and more like a redneck soap opera!!:eek:

12-18-2006, 05:37 PM
Cyndi sounds like a real horses a$$!:D Sorry, I couldn't help it. I say put her out on the curb next time it's trash day!:cool: ;)

12-18-2006, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by luvhoops34

Cyndi's mother adopted her as a baby because her real mother(who happens to be her aunt) didn't want her. So her dad is really her uncle. I hope that makes sense. :D

wouldn't that be "her uncle is really her dad"?

12-18-2006, 05:48 PM
Where's Jerry Springer when you need him?

12-18-2006, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by SWMustang
wouldn't that be "her uncle is really her dad"?

Sorry I had a blonde moment. Yea her real uncle is her adopted dad.

12-19-2006, 12:32 AM
no new e-mails yet I presume

12-19-2006, 08:16 AM
I just checked, and no new emails......kind of surprising, because I really didn't think she would just let it drop....we'll wait and see what happens.

scott Wilson
12-22-2006, 02:10 PM
Every person has their view on the story. From the outside looking in, here`s my take,
1.You let her keep her horses their for FREE, as you stated. DO NOT EXPECT ANYTHING in return for something FREE. That includes feeding your horses. If your so worried about their care and are a REAL LIVESTOCK person, you wouldn`t depend on someone else to feed your animals. You wouldn`t do that to your children, so why do it to your animals?
2. Why the HE** do you have ten foot weeds in your yard?
3. Writing childish notes isn`t going to solve anything.

Now for the other side.
1. If you said you would feed everday, then by gosh you are accoun table for your words. Those animals can`t feed themselves and you said you`d handle it. Shame on you
2.Never try and do someone a "favor" without knowing what`s involved. (the high weeds tearing up the lawnmower thing.)
3.Writing childish notes isn`t going to solve anything.

I just chimed in cause I thought this post was interesting. I`m not on either side, just writing to show how everyone has a different view on things and sometimes we need to step back and look at the situation from the other side before we jump the gun.

12-22-2006, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by scott Wilson
Every person has their view on the story. From the outside looking in, here`s my take,
1.You let her keep her horses their for FREE, as you stated. DO NOT EXPECT ANYTHING in return for something FREE. That includes feeding your horses. If your so worried about their care and are a REAL LIVESTOCK person, you wouldn`t depend on someone else to feed your animals. You wouldn`t do that to your children, so why do it to your animals?
2. Why the HE** do you have ten foot weeds in your yard?
3. Writing childish notes isn`t going to solve anything.

Now for the other side.
1. If you said you would feed everday, then by gosh you are accoun table for your words. Those animals can`t feed themselves and you said you`d handle it. Shame on you
2.Never try and do someone a "favor" without knowing what`s involved. (the high weeds tearing up the lawnmower thing.)
3.Writing childish notes isn`t going to solve anything.

I just chimed in cause I thought this post was interesting. I`m not on either side, just writing to show how everyone has a different view on things and sometimes we need to step back and look at the situation from the other side before we jump the gun.

#1. She got to keep her horses at my place for FREE in return for feeding my horses everday. That was the deal we made. She has had horses for years and I thought she knew how to take care of them. Lesson learned.

#2. I did not ask her to mow my yard. The reason my yard had weeds is because I work out of town. It's impossible for me to get home to mow it or do anything else. I stated this in my post. You must have missed it.

#3. I replied to the accusations in her email. As for them being childish, that is your opinion.

#4. The post was all in good fun, to give everybody a laugh, including me, on a boring Monday.