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Bandera YaYa
12-17-2006, 02:12 AM
After what coach Isiah Thomas did/said tonite, and what he did/said when playing the Spurs, I think he is a thug and I hope the owners of the Knicks can his a$$ !!! :mad: :mad:

12-17-2006, 04:04 AM
Originally posted by Bandera YaYa
After what coach Isiah Thomas did/said tonite, and what he did/said when playing the Spurs, I think he is a thug and I hope the owners of the Knicks can his a$$ !!! :mad: :mad:

What did he say that has you angry? All I have seen him say has been true. Melo and the rest of the starting Thuggets should not have been on the court. I dont think what happened tonight classifies HIM as a thug.

12-17-2006, 04:09 AM
Melo was a friggin wuss swinging then running

12-17-2006, 06:13 AM
Wouldn't you just LOVE to be Carmello's agnet/PR guy and be trying to spin that punk a** suck punch that your client just threw in front of a national audience?

Seriously, I know athletes usually aren't the brightest crayons in the box, but some of these guys are just downright stupid. How are you going to stand there, suckerpunch a guy in the face, and then run away like a little punk when you KNOW the cameras are rolling?

12-17-2006, 06:57 AM
Originally posted by Bandera YaYa
After what coach Isiah Thomas did/said tonite, and what he did/said when playing the Spurs, I think he is a thug and I hope the owners of the Knicks can his a$$ !!! :mad: :mad:

Well remember he was one of the "Bad Boyz" in Detroit.

12-17-2006, 08:24 AM
And it was Thomas who just a few weeks back tried to start a fight with the Spurs' Bruce Bowen. Team reflects its coach, especially when he personally brought in 3 of the worse Knick thugs.

12-17-2006, 09:10 AM
Isiah Thomas is the biggest jerk in the NBA. He tried to start a fight with the Spurs Bruce Bowen and now he wants to whine becasue the Nuggest were kicking his teams butt. Somebody call the waaaaammmbulance. Thomas has no business telling Carmelo that he shouldn't still be playing in the game. If the Knicks don't want to get booed in the Garden then they should play better basketball.

And I agree, the team reflects it's coach's attitude. The Knicks are a bunch of thugs. If they don't like getting dunked on and embarassed then they need to step their game up.

The NBA cannot allow this type of behavior by the players. They need to give all the players involved long suspensions and large fines. They need to send a message that the league is not going to put up with this thug mentality.

Bandera YaYa
12-17-2006, 09:51 AM
....I think you just got your answer Bulldog12 !!! :p :p :p Thomas is a TERRIBLE coach and his actions prove it......as well as his team's record!!! Shame on him!!!! :mad: :mad:

12-17-2006, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by luvhoops34
Isiah Thomas is the biggest jerk in the NBA. He tried to start a fight with the Spurs Bruce Bowen and now he wants to whine becasue the Nuggest were kicking his teams butt. Somebody call the waaaaammmbulance. Thomas has no business telling Carmelo that he shouldn't still be playing in the game. If the Knicks don't want to get booed in the Garden then they should play better basketball.

And I agree, the team reflects it's coach's attitude. The Knicks are a bunch of thugs. If they don't like getting dunked on and embarassed then they need to step their game up.

The NBA cannot allow this type of behavior by the players. They need to give all the players involved long suspensions and large fines. They need to send a message that the league is not going to put up with this thug mentality.

Bad apples

By Dan Wetzel, Yahoo! Sports
December 16, 2006

Beyond the sucker punches and sorry stunts at Madison Square Garden on Saturday came the most pathetic part of all for the NBA – Isiah Thomas whining about run-up scores and poor sportsmanship, like the once proud New York Knicks are nothing but a lowly college mid-major in need of mercy.

Just when you thought Zeke couldn't embarrass this franchise any worse, just when you thought he couldn't let down this city any more, just when you thought building and coaching a dog team wasn't enough, there is this: a whiny coach making excuses for dirty fouls and poser players.

Oh, there were all sorts of people at fault when the Knicks and Denver Nuggets decided Saturday night was all right for fighting, and David Stern will certainly hammer them the way he did Detroit and Indiana for their brawl in Auburn Hills. Carmelo Anthony is going to sit his 31.6-point scoring average for a long time.

Isiah Thomas isn't the only one in the wrong here. But his postgame press conference performance was the most disappointing, if telling, of them all. He blamed Denver's perceived running up of the score, complete with a highlight reel dunk, as simply too much for his humble guys to handle.

"Up 19 with a minute and a half to go, (Carmelo Anthony) and (Marcus) Camby really shouldn't be in the game," Thomas said. "We had surrendered. (Those) guys shouldn't even be in the game at that point."

Thomas is correct about this much. The Nuggets were brutalizing the Knicks on their home court, 119-100 with 1:15 remaining, making a mockery of Thomas' salary rich club. And yes, stars Anthony and Camby were still in the game, maybe even because Denver coach George Karl wanted to hit up Thomas for firing Larry Brown, Karl's old University of North Carolina buddy.

Whether or not Thomas told Mardy Collins to exact some revenge by tackling a breaking J.R. Smith around the neck is something Stern will decide. But Thomas may not have had to say anything. The boorish play might simply be Collins responding to his coach's unspoken outrage at the injustice of once again having his team get its ass kicked.

It's certainly telling that Collins did nearly the same thing – a late flagrant foul – in Indiana's beat down of the Knicks on Friday. So that's back-to-back flagrant fouls in back-to-back blowout losses for New York.

But those are Isiah's Knicks. This is on him. If he had an ounce of self-respect, he'd realize there is only one person to blame for this disaster and it isn't George Karl for his substitution pattern.

Instead, he went with some sad, victim routine.

"They were having their way with us," Thomas said. "I think J.R. Smith had just made one dunk when he reversed and spun in the air. And I think Mardy didn't want our home crowd to see that again. So he fouled him."

Said Nate Robinson: "It's like a slap in the face, saying we're going to embarrass you like that."

Boy, thank goodness the NBA has a coach and a player willing to stand up for sportsmanship like these two.

We know a respectful sort such as Robinson would never, ever show up an opponent by, say, bounce-passing a ball off the backboard to himself so he could dunk it. And we know if, say, such a thing happened on his watch, say Nov. 29 in Cleveland, Thomas would never, ever leave Robinson in the game like it was completely acceptable.

Of course not. Not these virtuous souls.

"If we're up 20 points, we're not going to play Stephon (Marbury) and Eddy (Curry)," Robinson said.

Of course not, because if the Knicks were up 20, Robinson would just honor his fallen opponent. Like when he botched that ESPY-campaign self-alley-oop and claimed humbly, "I won't be trying it again unless we're up by 20."

The good news is the Knicks aren't getting up 20 on anyone anytime soon.

If Robinson really wants this to end, if he wants the MSG boos silenced, then he should get his teammates to compete hard the first 46 minutes, not just foul hard in the final two.

If Thomas wants to stop people from running up the score on him, then he should have built a better club. He shouldn't have wasted all that money on illogical signings, outrageous trades and heartless characters.

No, Thomas and his guys weren't the only ones in the wrong Saturday. The Nuggets have their own issues. But when it was over, at least they weren't crying, at least they weren't punking.

It's all gone in New York now – the pride, the respect, the dignity. This isn't just a bad team; this is a bad act. A once proud franchise and fan base brought to its knees as its pathetic coach makes excuses and whines for mercy.

Dan Wetzel is Yahoo! Sports' national columnist. Send Dan a question or comment for potential use in a future column or webcast.

12-17-2006, 12:12 PM
Carmelo said Isiah threatend him minutes before the flagrant foul.

12-17-2006, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by luvhoops34
Isiah Thomas is the biggest jerk in the NBA. He tried to start a fight with the Spurs Bruce Bowen Well Bruce Bowen is one of the dirtest players in the NBA. Isiah was mad bc when Jamal Crawford was tourching Bruce and when Crawford would go up to shoot Bowen would stick his foot under him so crawford would land on his foot and roll his ankle

and i already beat yall to this one http://bbs.3adownlow.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=57176

12-17-2006, 02:12 PM
guess what?
why do you think the nba tv ratings are in the tank?
this and other episodes
the nicks are trying to be sin si natti
there is only one thing that counts
which in the nicks case is debateable
many of these guys (not all)
didint finish college
or actually go
yes they were enrolled but face it
they aint college students
i said many not all ok
before you get your panties in a wadette
stern has a real problem
1. corperate america aint shelling out big bucks for boxes to games
2. the players buy in to the bad boy gangster hip hop rap to sell stuff to kids and make money
3. yes while the players and the league make money from sales sky boxes are where the big money is at for the clubs and the league
4. with declining money teams are strapped for player saleries
5. tv ratings are a joke and advertisers aint putting down the money like they would for the hot sport NFL
6. the image of the league is thuggish which is something stern has to correct or retire
7. the league has tried to make people stars for marketing but thats failed remember kobe
8. face it its all about me in the nba for a lot of players
9. many will never win the championship so they figure I better get mine while I can.
10 Allen Iverson is a prime example of this type of thinking
Its me and my peeps not the team (AI is a coach killer)
its all about money-how much money I can get kids to spend on my stuff and I dont even know they exist

11. watch NBA ads its about the "experience" yeah the experience of you giving the NBA your money

I wish the whole teague would fight like hockey
and banish themselves into extinction

Its all money no substance

fire away

Old Tiger
12-17-2006, 02:15 PM
NBA fights are funny

12-17-2006, 05:14 PM
NBA basketball has hit an all-time low since the late '70s, & then Magic, Bird, & Jordan saved the game. Corporate America & the average Joe do not care anymore.

Isiah Thomas is a thug & has been for years. Remember his comments about Larry Bird when he had sour grapes, or when he was not picked for Top 50 all-time, etc.? Par for the course for him.

12-17-2006, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by eagles_victory
Well Bruce Bowen is one of the dirtest players in the NBA. Isiah was mad bc when Jamal Crawford was tourching Bruce and when Crawford would go up to shoot Bowen would stick his foot under him so crawford would land on his foot and roll his ankle

he's done that against the Mavs too ........

Bandera YaYa
12-17-2006, 07:42 PM
I love Bruce Bowen.......... :D :kiss: :D

12-17-2006, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by Bandera YaYa
I love Bruce Bowen.......... :D :kiss: :D yea you seem like the type to love a dirty player.... Bruce is dirter then that bum you see on the streets asking for change

Old Tiger
12-17-2006, 08:13 PM
Originally posted by eagles_victory
yea you seem like the type to love a dirty player.... Bruce is dirter then that bum you see on the streets asking for change Is he dirtier than a crackhead with aids?

Bandera YaYa
12-17-2006, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by eagles_victory
yea you seem like the type to love a dirty player.... Bruce is dirter then that bum you see on the streets asking for change I SEEM????? I don't even know you, but OK. (Can I say "bite me" on here???) :hand: :hand:Actually Bruce does ALOT of charity work and attends many charity events.....prob donated more to the bums in the streets than you have....think???? :thinking:

12-17-2006, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by Bandera YaYa
I SEEM????? I don't even know you, but OK. (Can I say "bite me" on here???) :hand: :hand:Actually Bruce does ALOT of charity work and attends many charity events.....prob donated more to the bums in the streets than you have....think???? :thinking: i never said anything about charity.... i said hes dirty on the court... charity doesnt change the fact that hes dirty on the court

Bandera YaYa
12-17-2006, 08:31 PM
Oh my bad....but you have your opinion and I have mine....it's all good

12-17-2006, 08:34 PM
bowen is a dirty player and i love it. he's on my team. i also like other dirty players on less desirable teams such as jason terry with the mavericks......


12-17-2006, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by Bandera YaYa
Oh my bad....but you have your opinion and I have mine....it's all good well said

12-17-2006, 08:47 PM
You guys are nuts.

The Economy has more to do with corporate america's non-envolvement with the NBA. As far as the thug image making money, I will give you that one. But for the most part BBall fans can't afford to support BBall teams.
BBall has become a game played and perfected in the streets and the average street guy doesn't have the $30 a game to go see some guys that aren't that much better than the guys at the local park that you can see for free. If you don't believe me, next time you are in Houston pay a visit to Fonde recreational center in the off-season and you will see NBA'ers from all over getting owned by local guys.
And you can say what you want but Melo reacted just like any other KID his age would react. He is only a professional because he gets paid otherwise he is just another KID, and we can't expect anymore out of him than we would expect from any other KID. My kid is honor roll, straight E conduct but he would have done the same thing to defend a teammate, cause he is a KID.

12-17-2006, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by HPLJ6L
You guys are nuts.

The Economy has more to do with corporate america's non-envolvement with the NBA. As far as the thug image making money, I will give you that one. But for the most part BBall fans can't afford to support BBall teams.
BBall has become a game played and perfected in the streets and the average street guy doesn't have the $30 a game to go see some guys that aren't that much better than the guys at the local park that you can see for free. If you don't believe me, next time you are in Houston pay a visit to Fonde recreational center in the off-season and you will see NBA'ers from all over getting owned by local guys.
And you can say what you want but Melo reacted just like any other KID his age would react. He is only a professional because he gets paid otherwise he is just another KID, and we can't expect anymore out of him than we would expect from any other KID. My kid is honor roll, straight E conduct but he would have done the same thing to defend a teammate, cause he is a KID. would your kid have ran like a girl after he punched him... i dont see how you can condone that theres no excuse for what carmelo did he didnt have to do that to defend Smith... what Jared Jefferies did was defending a teammate

12-17-2006, 08:52 PM
And Bowen is known to be dirty because he plays a hard physical style defense and dogs it on offense. Which makes is look like he's just there to foul.

And Zeke needs to do something, he has the BBall version of the Texans, in NYC, and a looong season ahead. They may hold open tryouts before the end of season.

12-17-2006, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by eagles_victory
would your kid have ran like a girl after he punched him... i dont see how you can condone that theres no excuse for what carmelo did he didnt have to do that to defend Smith... what Jared Jefferies did was defending a teammate

I did not say it was right or wrong, I just said it should not be a surprize coming from a KID.

12-17-2006, 09:19 PM
Bowen is a dirty player...no question about that....he's not the only one but he's the most well known IMO

12-17-2006, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by DU_stud04
bowen is a dirty player and i love it. he's on my team. i also like other dirty players on less desirable teams such as jason terry with the mavericks......


yes, JET threw the punch in the playoffs last year - but he is not a dirty player, far from it


12-17-2006, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
Melo was a friggin wuss swinging then running

amen to that........he acted like a lil *****(yea yall know what goes in there!)......

slpybear the bullfan
12-17-2006, 11:10 PM
MELO was a pure punk in that scrum. Waiting for a cheap shot, half-slapping like a girl, and then running away like a little girl. And as soon as someone got between him and the other team, he turned around and started mouthing again.

I might pull for the MAVS in the playoffs just cause I got some homer in me. But... I cannot stand the NBA. Not one bit. The major leagues and the NFL have them beat by a mile!

12-18-2006, 12:54 AM
Jason Terry isnt really a dirty player he's a really nice guy the few timesi met him too always smiling talking ot the fans like hes never done it before...all the mavs were actually pretty nice when i met them

12-18-2006, 01:53 AM
Melo did what any of us would do.

Hit the big person
Run away

12-18-2006, 03:39 AM
Originally posted by carter08
Melo did what any of us would do.

Hit the big person
Run away

that was awesome...

12-18-2006, 08:49 AM
Why is Bowen a dirty player? Is it because he plays in your face defense and basketball players are such premadonnas they think no one is allowed to be in their face when playing defense? Isiah is nothing but a crybaby and its mostly his faut that the Knicks are so pathetic.

12-18-2006, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by eagles_victory
Well Bruce Bowen is one of the dirtest players in the NBA. Isiah was mad bc when Jamal Crawford was tourching Bruce and when Crawford would go up to shoot Bowen would stick his foot under him so crawford would land on his foot and roll his ankle

Being a Laker fan I really can't stand Bowen. He's, BY FAR, the cheapest player the league has had since Bill Laimbeer's heyday. The guy is a complete hack and he employs more garbage tactics than anyone since Laimbeer. Anything bad that happens to him on a basketball court is well deserved.

12-18-2006, 09:25 AM
Originally posted by carter08
Melo did what any of us would do.

Hit the big person
Run away

Or maybe everyone expects that he would just go quietly to the bench and watch his teammates get punked by a bunch of losers like the Texans..err.....Knicks.

He is no Chuck Norris.

12-18-2006, 09:33 AM
Bowen plays defense the way it should be played, not this half assed stuff that generally passes for defense in the NBA today. All these prima donnas like Kobe and Ray Allen complain about Bowen because they know when they face him they're not gonna get their usual boatload of easy highlight reel dunks.

12-18-2006, 09:54 AM
Originally posted by Maroon87
Bowen plays defense the way it should be played, not this half assed stuff that generally passes for defense in the NBA today. All these prima donnas like Kobe and Ray Allen complain about Bowen because they know when they face him they're not gonna get their usual boatload of easy highlight reel dunks.

however, he HAS been caught putting his foot under jump shooters feet - on camera with the announcers talking about it ..... thats NOT how defense should be played

12-18-2006, 10:02 AM
Originally posted by Maroon87
Bowen plays defense the way it should be played, not this half assed stuff that generally passes for defense in the NBA today. All these prima donnas like Kobe and Ray Allen complain about Bowen because they know when they face him they're not gonna get their usual boatload of easy highlight reel dunks.

Well said Maroon, Bruce Bowen is the best defensive player in the league. Opposing players and coaches don't like him because he plays in your face defense non stop, for all four quarters. It's absolutely comical to see all these whiners on here complaining about Bruce Bowen. Kobe, Ray Allen and Isiah Thomas are big cry babies and don't like it when they or their teams don't make the big points because of Bruce. To label him a dirty player is ludicrous just because he plays defense like it's supposed to be played.

Phil C
12-18-2006, 10:05 AM


:mad: :mad: :mad:

12-18-2006, 11:22 AM
The offenders

Although all 10 players on the court at the time of the brawl were ejected, not all are likely to be suspended. Those expected to be suspended were the players most directly involved: Mardy Collins, Nate Robinson and Jared Jeffries of the Knicks and Carmelo Anthony and J.R. Smith of the Nuggets.

Knicks coach Isiah Thomas could also be facing suspension. Robinson and Anthony are probably facing the longest suspensions for escalating the situation. Players are fined 1/90th of their annual salary for each game suspended.

Player Salary What each game suspended would cost him PPG RPG APG

Nate Robinson, Knicks $1,185,480 $13,172 9.6 2.4 1.5
Mardy Collins, Knicks $899,880 $9,999 1.5 0.5 0.1
Jared Jeffries, Knicks $5,215,000 $57,944 9.7 6.3 0.7
Carmelo Anthony, Nuggets $4,694,041 $52,156 31.5 5.6 4.1
J.R. Smith, Nuggets $1,387,560 $15,417 16.9 2.6 1.6

The rest who were ejected but might not be suspended
Marcus Camby, Nuggets $8,800,000 $97,778 10.5 10.9 3.0
Andre Miller, Nuggets $8,733,333 $97,037 12.4 4.3 9.2
Eduardo Najera, Nuggets $4,571,428 $50,794 7.3 4.2 0.8
Channing Frye, Knicks $2,325,000 $25,833 7.6 5.5 0.4
David Lee, Knicks $926,040 $10,289 10.8 9.1 1.4

12-18-2006, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by 3afan
The offenders

Although all 10 players on the court at the time of the brawl were ejected, not all are likely to be suspended. Those expected to be suspended were the players most directly involved: Mardy Collins, Nate Robinson and Jared Jeffries of the Knicks and Carmelo Anthony and J.R. Smith of the Nuggets.

Knicks coach Isiah Thomas could also be facing suspension. Robinson and Anthony are probably facing the longest suspensions for escalating the situation. Players are fined 1/90th of their annual salary for each game suspended.

Player Salary What each game suspended would cost him PPG RPG APG

Nate Robinson, Knicks $1,185,480 $13,172 9.6 2.4 1.5
Mardy Collins, Knicks $899,880 $9,999 1.5 0.5 0.1
Jared Jeffries, Knicks $5,215,000 $57,944 9.7 6.3 0.7
Carmelo Anthony, Nuggets $4,694,041 $52,156 31.5 5.6 4.1
J.R. Smith, Nuggets $1,387,560 $15,417 16.9 2.6 1.6

The rest who were ejected but might not be suspended
Marcus Camby, Nuggets $8,800,000 $97,778 10.5 10.9 3.0
Andre Miller, Nuggets $8,733,333 $97,037 12.4 4.3 9.2
Eduardo Najera, Nuggets $4,571,428 $50,794 7.3 4.2 0.8
Channing Frye, Knicks $2,325,000 $25,833 7.6 5.5 0.4
David Lee, Knicks $926,040 $10,289 10.8 9.1 1.4

Oh please suspend Isiah Thomas! He is at the root of the whole problem with the Knicks!

12-18-2006, 11:51 AM
Originally posted by luvhoops34
Oh please suspend Isiah Thomas! He is at the root of the whole problem with the Knicks!

agree with that 100%

Bandera YaYa
12-18-2006, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by luvhoops34
Well said Maroon, Bruce Bowen is the best defensive player in the league. Opposing players and coaches don't like him because he plays in your face defense non stop, for all four quarters. It's absolutely comical to see all these whiners on here complaining about Bruce Bowen. Kobe, Ray Allen and Isiah Thomas are big cry babies and don't like it when they or their teams don't make the big points because of Bruce. To label him a dirty player is ludicrous just because he plays defense like it's supposed to be played. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

12-18-2006, 06:51 PM
i like how bowen didnt see the floor in the World Championships

12-18-2006, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by eagles_victory
i like how bowen didnt see the floor in the World Championships

Might be because he was NOT on the team. Cut in final workouts leading up to games. Maybe we should have kept him, huh?

slpybear the bullfan
12-18-2006, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by GreenGobbla
that was awesome...

Nah... it was a wussy (<>P) thing to do.

12-18-2006, 08:10 PM
No punishment for Isiah, thats ridiculous!

12-18-2006, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by luvhoops34
Oh please suspend Isiah Thomas! He is at the root of the whole problem with the Knicks!

Carmelo was apparently telling the truth when he said Isiah told him not to go near the basket. They had a video clip of him (Isiah) on ESPN and you can read his lips and that's exactly what he said.
So as Jim Rome was saying today, he ordered the Code Red.:p

Bandera YaYa
12-18-2006, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by g$$
Might be because he was NOT on the team. Cut in final workouts leading up to games. Maybe we should have kept him, huh? Now that's for sure!!!! :D

12-18-2006, 10:24 PM
Bowen is dirty...bar none..he doesnt play sound defense...he grabs and holds all the time...he doesnt move his feet....and then he does the cheapest of all things by sliding under an airborne defender...as a former basketball player there is nothing dirtier than that..

12-18-2006, 11:21 PM
Originally posted by Matthew328
Bowen is dirty...bar none..he doesnt play sound defense...he grabs and holds all the time...he doesnt move his feet....and then he does the cheapest of all things by sliding under an airborne defender...as a former basketball player there is nothing dirtier than that.. thats true you go under someones legs in a pickup game you better be prepared to fight

12-19-2006, 12:41 AM
Originally posted by eagles_victory
i like how bowen didnt see the floor in the World Championships

Like I said, hard to get any PT when you are not on the team. I personally like Bowen's hard-nosed style. At times he may cross the line, but his defense is what has kept him in the league.

He found his niche & stayed with it.

12-19-2006, 09:18 AM
Originally posted by eagles_victory
Well Bruce Bowen is one of the dirtest players in the NBA. Isiah was mad bc when Jamal Crawford was tourching Bruce and when Crawford would go up to shoot Bowen would stick his foot under him so crawford would land on his foot and roll his ankle

and i already beat yall to this one http://bbs.3adownlow.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=57176

I'm calling BS on this one.....

12-19-2006, 09:22 AM
Wasn't this thread about Knicks/Nuggets? I swear some of ya'll will take any opportunity to whine about the Spurs' "dirty" play.:rolleyes: