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View Full Version : Terrell Owens and Bill Parcells Future

Old Tiger
12-14-2006, 10:05 AM
What does everyone think of this?

IMO I think the media is making it out to be bigger than what it is and that both will be back next year. That is just my opinion.


12-14-2006, 10:08 AM
i dont know but i found this picture of Shockey and it made me laugh!


12-14-2006, 10:14 AM
Do you realize how much of a pompus ass you look like posting all of these threads and then writing "discuss?" At least this time...you threw out somewhat of an opinion.

Personally...I think TO is different in Dallas than he has been in other cities. Unlike before, we are now seeing that the media realizes that he's not a bad guy, they really can't portray him as such, so they are instead turning a bunch of non-stories into "late, breaking news" so that they can keep the TO media buzz going and keep themselves employed. TO is a smart guy, but he's not sneaky. You can read, see, and hear his comments and tell really quickly when he's being sincere and genuine and when he's kidding around. Parcells was right when he told the media last week that, "3 weeks from now TO can tell me every word of a speech that I gave today. Consider yourselves sucked..." TO plays games...and they try to make into a serious story and read between the lines. Hello...wake up...there isn't much reading between the lines that needs to go on with this guy. He is what he is and he wears his feelings on his shoulder.

12-14-2006, 03:56 PM
Y'all know what I think of TO. And who is the "snitch" in the locker room he is speaking of these days?

Drama never ends with that guy. Time bomb waiting to explode if he does not get his touches or something sets him off. It is coming...tick...tick...tick. I think Parcells has had enough after the season ends. One of them leaves the Cowboys.

12-14-2006, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by g$$
Y'all know what I think of TO. And who is the "snitch" in the locker room he is speaking of these days?

Drama never ends with that guy. Time bomb waiting to explode if he does not get his touches or something sets him off. It is coming...tick...tick...tick. I think Parcells has had enough after the season ends. One of them leaves the Cowboys.

I think we all know who the snitch is..he already had a run in with him once.

As far as the ticking time bomb, I think RIGHT NOW the only one trying to light the fuse is ESPN....I found it REAL ODD that before the Saints game ESPN was pretty much ALL about TO and Parcells at odds, that next year one would be gone, and it was all over the comments TO made about sleeping thru Bill's Champion speech, which EVERY local reporter that heard it, and I have talked to a couple personally about it, said it was 100% tongue in cheek and it was VERY EASY to see he was joking...yet ESPN hooked on it and ran with it like it was the big news of the day.
And NO ONE else not NBC, not the DMN, and not the Cowboys broadcast ONCE mentioned any blow up or even the comments at all.

Your right the drama never ends, but at some point you have to point the blame at the media for living and dying on every comment he makes and trying to pyscho analyse what he says into more that the actual statement

12-14-2006, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
I think we all know who the snitch is..he already had a run in with him once.

As far as the ticking time bomb, I think RIGHT NOW the only one trying to light the fuse is ESPN....I found it REAL ODD that before the Saints game ESPN was pretty much ALL about TO and Parcells at odds, that next year one would be gone, and it was all over the comments TO made about sleeping thru Bill's Champion speech, which EVERY local reporter that heard it, and I have talked to a couple personally about it, said it was 100% tongue in cheek and it was VERY EASY to see he was joking...yet ESPN hooked on it and ran with it like it was the big news of the day.
And NO ONE else not NBC, not the DMN, and not the Cowboys broadcast ONCE mentioned any blow up or even the comments at all.

Your right the drama never ends, but at some point you have to point the blame at the media for living and dying on every comment he makes and trying to pyscho analyse what he says into more that the actual statement

It sells, that's why ESPN does blow stuff out of proportion, & no doubt they do it all the time.

Seriously, who is the snitch? Can't blame Jeff Garcia this time or D. McNabb. Here's my deal: why can't TO just shut up & do his job? Is that too much to ask?

12-14-2006, 04:15 PM
Originally posted by g$$
It sells, that's why ESPN does blow stuff out of proportion, & no doubt they do it all the time.

Seriously, who is the snitch? Can't blame Jeff Garcia this time or D. McNabb. Here's my deal: why can't TO just shut up & do his job? Is that too much to ask?

And his point is why cant people let me do my job without going to the media everytime he falls asleep in a meeting...and the snitch IMO is the Pass Cord. he had a run in with. TOis right about one thing..With a Bill Parcells team things that happen are supposed to stay in house, yet SOMEONE keeps leaking info

I did like that Jerry Rice on his NFL network show said he fell asleep ALL THE TIME in meetings and that it was not uncommon.

12-14-2006, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
And his point is why cant people let me do my job without going to the media everytime he falls asleep in a meeting...and the snitch IMO is the Pass Cord. he had a run in with. TOis right about one thing..With a Bill Parcells team things that happen are supposed to stay in house, yet SOMEONE keeps leaking info

I did like that Jerry Rice on his NFL network show said he fell asleep ALL THE TIME in meetings and that it was not uncommon.

Oh yeah, the guy whom he had a run-in with earlier this year, suing McDonald's, etc. (Todd Haley??). Gotcha, you are probably right.

What you say has validity, but you cannot deny TO brings MOST of this stuff on himself. He loves the spotlight, good & now bad. It drives him I guess. I have never denied his playing greatness, but he is not the player he was 4 years ago either. I still say one of them leaves after the season (Parcells or TO).

12-14-2006, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by g$$
Oh yeah, the guy whom he had a run-in with earlier this year, suing McDonald's, etc. (Todd Haley??). Gotcha, you are probably right.

What you say has validity, but you cannot deny TO brings MOST of this stuff on himself. He loves the spotlight, good & now bad. It drives him I guess. I have never denied his playing greatness, but he is not the player he was 4 years ago either. I still say one of them leaves after the season (Parcells or TO).

If Parcells leaves IMO unless something happens before end of season with TO it will be simply because he is burned out and ready to hang it up. Talking with a friend of mine who worked in Philly media and now is in Dallas said TO looks genuinly happy and content in Dallas after the first couple of months drama

And your right he is not the player he was 4 years ago..BUT he is on pace to have about 88 catches and 1200 yards and could lead the league in touchdowns

12-14-2006, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
If Parcells leaves IMO unless something happens before end of season with TO it will be simply because he is burned out and ready to hang it up. Talking with a friend of mine who worked in Philly media and now is in Dallas said TO looks genuinly happy and content in Dallas after the first couple of months drama

And your right he is not the player he was 4 years ago..BUT he is on pace to have about 88 catches and 1200 yards and could lead the league in touchdowns

Still a player no doubt. Bill may be the one who decides to go. He looks tired of it all to me. Maybe Jerry Jones will once & for all appoint himself Head Coach!

12-14-2006, 04:32 PM
How many of you go to work and keep your mouth shut??:thinking:

12-14-2006, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by Fotbol
How many of you go to work and keep your mouth shut??:thinking:

How many of you go to work & fall asleep & laugh about it?

George Constanza did it on Seinfeld!! :)

12-14-2006, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by g$$
How many of you go to work & fall asleep & laugh about it?

George Constanza did it on Seinfeld!! :)
I fall asleep and I laugh while at work, not all at the same time, but I can say that I accomplish them both:D :cool:

12-14-2006, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by Fotbol
I fall asleep and I laugh while at work, not all at the same time, but I can say that I accomplish them both:D :cool:

Are y'all hiring? Good luck keeping that job.

12-14-2006, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
If Parcells leaves IMO unless something happens before end of season with TO it will be simply because he is burned out and ready to hang it up. Talking with a friend of mine who worked in Philly media and now is in Dallas said TO looks genuinly happy and content in Dallas after the first couple of months drama

And your right he is not the player he was 4 years ago..BUT he is on pace to have about 88 catches and 1200 yards and could lead the league in touchdowns

TO also LEADS the NFL in dropped passes, so I would not call it a great year all things considered. One of those for sure (Washington) could have sealed the win.

12-14-2006, 08:01 PM
i think its hilarious when espn starts a story on TO and they begin it with "this is getting old. i'm tired of reporting this stuff. when will he ever stop?" THERE ISNT A STORY RETARDS. you're the only people reporting it. don't blame TO. blame your bosses for being idiots and thinking people care.