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View Full Version : PeeWee football

Go Cuero
12-06-2006, 10:04 AM
What do you think about it and why? Have your kids played in it? My son is 6 and he LOVES football. He played flag football when he was 4 but he said it wasn't fun because it wasn't tackle football. I've put off letting him play PeeWee football because I just didn't know much about it that program. He's played soccer and basketball and loved them both but he said he really wants to do football-but not flag!!

So please be honest w/your thoughts..the good and bad!! And is it normal for a PeeWee league to practice 2 times a week for at least 2 hours and then of course the game on the weekend? And I was SHOCKED at the price. $130 and that doesn't include pads, helmet etc...

Thanks in advance.

12-06-2006, 10:06 AM
peewee football is great -- not alot of injuries because its slow and to tackle they mostly grab and pull down versus "hitting" ... the important thing is to have coaches who know how to teach properly


12-06-2006, 10:09 AM
I second that. Coaches who can teach the basics is VERY important. You would be amazed with the problems we have with our Junior High football kids because of being taught wrong ways to do things while in PeeWee football.

The only thing I DO NOT like about Peewee football is how glamourized (not sure if that is spelled right or even the right word). These teams have these amazing looking uniforms that they spend hundreds of dollars on. They have these blow up run through tunnels. Then...when they get to junior high in 7th grade some of them elect to keep playing peewee football instead of playing for their school because the uniforms are nicer and because they can beat up on younger kids. That gets to me!

12-06-2006, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by 3afan
peewee football is great -- not alot of injuries because its slow and to tackle they mostly grab and pull down versus "hitting" ... the important thing is to have coaches who know how to teach properly


This is great lots of fun kids love it and in this day it is important they play it so popular now kids get behind if they never have suited up till the Jr high level. I have coached many teams including many of the Juniors from Sweetwater team this season like Thomas Holsey this kid was my QB and he was a lot of fun
great kid very athletic and would knock youre head off.

Can wait till my son is old enough.

12-06-2006, 10:24 AM
Pee-wee football is great for the kids, teaches them the basics shows them how to be a team. In Wharton it started around 1994 or so, and when those kids got to high school they made the playoffs in 2000 for the first time since 1986 or so and had some of the best teams for the past couple of decades!

12-06-2006, 10:32 AM
Definitely Good. Both my sons played this past year. There is more being taught than football. Responsibility, commitment, importance of classwork, etc. We stressed all those things to even the youngest players. You miss practice, you don't start, you don't get your grades you don't start, you don't know the plays you don't start, you have discipline issues, etc.

I made my ten year old wait till the 4th grade to start playing, which is when I started playing. My 5 year old cried on the way to Academy to buy cleats for my 10 yr old, so we decided to let him play since he had played soccer from age 3 and has a ton of energy, this was a tough decision.

In RC we play 3 age groups in a tri-county league. K-2, 3-4, 5-6. We play 5 periods, the 1st and 3rd periods are for the developomental squad (gold team), kids who have never played or who are smaller and not likely to get an opportunity to play much on the black team. Score is kept for both but the official score is only kept for wins and losses in the 2,4,and 5 periods.

The high school coaches hold a week long camp in the evenings for 2 hours for the pee-wee through freshman in early August. It is a good opportunity to show coaches the proper technique that the kids need to be learning. They give old game/practice jerseys to one kid from each grade at the end of the week for exhibiting hard work, coachability, etc. We just started doing this in the last couple of years. It has also moved the pee-wee coaches to teaching the offensive and defensive philosophies that the high school utilizes.My 5 year old won a jersey in his age group! The soccer experience was an incredible help when it came to pursuit angles for him, he looked so comfortable and natural from the first game through the season. Here are some clips he is #7: ftp://jeast:jeast@ftp2.globeranger.com

I assisted the 3-4 grade this year and will be the HC for the 5-6 grade next year. I ran for the position (have to be voted in) to make sure that the kids were being taught the offensive and defensive schemes they will use later. There were some others that wanted to coach but wanted to use a power scheme vs the spread, which is what our HS runs, that would not have prepared our kids for jr high and hs. Of cousre the K-2 did not run from the spread much, very little. We did try to start them on it so they have at least been introduced to it.

12-06-2006, 11:24 AM
i loved peewee football, great times growing up.

Go Cuero
12-06-2006, 02:49 PM
Ok so I'm signing him up today!!

Thanks for all the help.

12-06-2006, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by Go Cuero
Ok so I'm signing him up today!!

Thanks for all the help.

Easy decision, good decision...It's not cheap but it is a experience never forgotten as others have stated.

As far as the practicing goes.......we practiced Mon, Tues, Thursday, 6:30 to 8:30.

Go Cuero
12-06-2006, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by rangerjoe33
Easy decision, good decision...It's not cheap but it is a experience never forgotten as others have stated.

As far as the practicing goes.......we practiced Mon, Tues, Thursday, 6:30 to 8:30.

Wow that's a lot of practice. What age group again? I can tell you right now my 6 year old couldn't handle that much practice..He's in bed by 7:30-7:45!!! School starts at 7:45 so he's up before 6:30 in the morning.

12-06-2006, 03:33 PM
One is 5 yrs old (Kindergarten) K-2 team, and the other is 10 yrs old (4th Grade) 3-4 grade team.

During the season they are up at 6:45, walk to school by 7:50, tardy bell. Walk home from school at 3:00, snack, homework.

I get home from work around 6:00 - 6:15, change, go to practice. Missed homework, talk back to mom, any discipline issue at home or school means no practice, which means no game on Saturday.

Very firm with that.

Grades have never been a problem for my 10 year old. He aced the TAKS Math and Reading last year in 3rd grade, I was really proud of him. Not sure about my Kindergartner yet....he did OK this year handling school and practice....he napped everyday after snack when he got home, he would sleep till 5:30.

He still played soccer as well. Practice friday night for an hour, game Saturday morning, football game Sat afternoon.

It probably sounds like we are killing him but it really was his decision, we just told him if he started getting into any trouble no sports. He will not play both next fall.

As far as the missing practice discipline goes.....they both got in trouble this past year for talking back to mom....I told them they could not go to practice on a thursday, and that they would not get to start on saturday and my ten yr old who i helped coach would not play at all but would have to dress. Tears, tears, and more tears. You talk about an attention getter. Angels for the last two months......taking away football is worse than a beating with a belt.

12-06-2006, 05:17 PM
Pee Wee football in Forney is HORRIBLE. In my opinion of course. These kids start practicing at the end of July. Two a days. There are two teams in town that play in a league of teams from other cities. The two teams have divided the town (if you have a kid in youth sports here you know what I'm talking about). They go all out and expect way too much of these kids. The coaches kids always get the best positions even if they stink at it. I am not a fan at all. That's one reason I will not let my boys participate. Unless I plan on starting my own team.

12-06-2006, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by Rabbit'93
Pee Wee football in Forney is HORRIBLE. In my opinion of course. These kids start practicing at the end of July. Two a days. There are two teams in town that play in a league of teams from other cities. The two teams have divided the town (if you have a kid in youth sports here you know what I'm talking about). They go all out and expect way too much of these kids. The coaches kids always get the best positions even if they stink at it. I am not a fan at all. That's one reason I will not let my boys participate. Unless I plan on starting my own team.

i know what you mean!!!

Ranger Mom
12-06-2006, 05:25 PM
All 4 of my boys played starting in 3rd grade...they were 7.

They all played through their freshman year and went on to other things.

My youngest son decided to give it up after his freshman year too...he was 14. When I asked him why..he said, "I'm just kinda tired of it mom, I've been playing football half my life"!!:D

12-06-2006, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by Rabbit'93
Pee Wee football in Forney is HORRIBLE. In my opinion of course. These kids start practicing at the end of July. Two a days. There are two teams in town that play in a league of teams from other cities. The two teams have divided the town (if you have a kid in youth sports here you know what I'm talking about). They go all out and expect way too much of these kids. The coaches kids always get the best positions even if they stink at it. I am not a fan at all. That's one reason I will not let my boys participate. Unless I plan on starting my own team.

The pee-wee kids do 2 a days? Wow. We play in the same league as Forney. If they are not playing the best kids in the position they deserve then I would really feel bad getting our tail kicked if they put the best kid in the position they fit.

12-06-2006, 08:02 PM
Our son played pee-wee football from the time he was old enough to play. I firmly believe the kids that played peewee football were much more advanced and better players in high school that the ones that didn't play pee-wee.


12-06-2006, 08:03 PM
i never played peewee football, but i wished i had gotten the chance.

12-06-2006, 09:40 PM
Pee Wee football in Celina costs $75 per kid. It starts 1-2 graders on up. The kids run Celina's plays starting out that young. I guess that is why they function like a machine when they get to Varsity. They were the same orange and white uni's and have just as many if not more Cheerleaders. Our Coaches in PeeWee have been the same for about 6-7 years now. The fan support is unreal. I just moved here over the summer. My Grandson lives with me and plays. I can't wait to see what his bunch becomes as seniors. I coached all 4 of my boys all the way to junior high. I wouldn't have missed it for the world.

12-06-2006, 10:48 PM
my brother has played peewee for like the past 3 years and he loves it. they practice like twice a week for 2 hours or so and of course the game on saturday. in merkel, i THINK it's like $90 a kid and they determine which league (mighty mite, jr pee wee, pee wee) by their age and size.

12-07-2006, 01:46 PM
My 2nd grader played this year, and I coached his team. My 6 year old will play next year and cant wait. My 2nd grader was awsome, he and I loved it. He gets sad on saturdays now cause he misses the games, he cant wait till next season. Its great for the kids, Sign em up!

12-07-2006, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by 3afan
the important thing is to have coaches who know how to teach properly


Very true. My peewee coach was kind of a psycho.:eek:

12-10-2006, 10:40 PM
Rangerjoe33, Glad to here you will be coaching my son next year he was real happy when I told him you were coaching.