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View Full Version : The Hero from UT! Or How the War with Fire Ants was Won!

Phil C
11-29-2006, 03:45 PM
They had a special on Explorer and it was when some ranchers in Bee County were invaded by fire ants. They contacted a scientest at UT named Larry Gilbert. He had done some study and found the fire ants in Brazil had a natural enemy that kept them in check. Too make this short the enemies (flies) were released in Bee County and the effort was a success. The fire ants were not completely wiped out of course but an acceptable balance was created. The main concern was that fire ants can survive all sorts of weather but Bee County was in a drought and after a drought it rains hard. The concern was that would the flies survive. Fortunately some did thus the checks and balances was kept in order. Good news indeed!
Saved by a Horn! GO HORNS GO!!

11-29-2006, 03:48 PM
I am so proud that I go to the University of Texas! Ants are no match for us!:)

Phil C
11-29-2006, 03:48 PM
Many people thought we were going to be invaded by fire ants in a losing war eventually but a UT Scientist saved the World. :)

Phil C
11-29-2006, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by tmac_04
I am so proud that I go to the University of Texas! Ants are no match for us!:)


11-29-2006, 03:55 PM
so he upped the blasted fly population so they eat and carry poop germs all over the county to keep from havin some ants?

dang near sounds like some Aggie logic to me....I'm bettin her called an Aggie scientist friend and stole his idea so yall would praise him fer it.....

All ya need to kill fireants is a hoard of kids in the yard with magnifying glasses on a sunny day....but don't try to sell that idear cuz I gots a patent pendin on it....

big daddy russ
11-29-2006, 03:55 PM
You never lived in an area infested by fire ants, did you?

11-29-2006, 03:59 PM
why yes, I live in north Texas, so they are everywhere....

but I rarely post serious stuff on a public forum since I enjoy gigglin while I type....so instead of pickin on the ants this time, I picked on the flies just for grins....

(besides, it never hurts to razz some wHorns fan that they was stealin ideas from Aggies cause the Aggie was smarter for once)

Phil C
11-30-2006, 09:06 AM
Originally posted by WildTexan
why yes, I live in north Texas, so they are everywhere....

but I rarely post serious stuff on a public forum since I enjoy gigglin while I type....so instead of pickin on the ants this time, I picked on the flies just for grins....

(besides, it never hurts to razz some wHorns fan that they was stealin ideas from Aggies cause the Aggie was smarter for once)

The Aggie worked on it ever since the ants came to USA many years ago and couldn't solve it. It took a Horn to figure out let's use the natural enemy idea and it worked! Hook 'em!

:D This is intended as dry humor - get it - dry humor! lol

11-30-2006, 10:39 AM
The problem is not solved yet and many biological controls are in the works including nematodes, wasp, flies, parasitic ants among others. Along with Dr. Gilbert's work, TAMU's Dr. Bart Drees has had success establishing a population of phorid flies in Wise county which is very positive.

It would be ok for me if a Longhorn had a breakthrough discovery, I just hope some day to get those critters under control, then perhaps kids can go out and catch horney toads again like I did.

Phil C
11-30-2006, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by GATAPride77
The problem is not solved yet and many biological controls are in the works including nematodes, wasp, flies, parasitic ants among others. Along with Dr. Gilbert's work, TAMU's Dr. Bart Drees has had success establishing a population of phorid flies in Wise county which is very positive.

It would be ok for me if a Longhorn had a breakthrough discovery, I just hope some day to get those critters under control, then perhaps kids can go out and catch horney toads again like I did.

I agree GATA. Isn't it a shame what we did to the Horney toads by selling them for a few dollars out of their natural habitat and making them an endangered species? What a hugh silly mistake that was.