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View Full Version : Perennial Playoff Team or 1 Time State Finals?

11-27-2006, 10:23 AM
So we got in to a debate this weekend that I thought I would get other opinions on. Would you rather:

A) Have your team go 3-5 rounds deep in the playoffs year after year


B) Make it to the state championship game once (win or lose), but not even make the playoffs other than that year.

Thoughts? and Why?

11-27-2006, 10:25 AM
I love this question.

Nothing beats having a state championship ring. No one can take that away from you.

I like that Sinton has been a perennial power, but I'd rather have that State Championship. :) 2nd place sucks!!

11-27-2006, 10:41 AM
I take being there every year and being considered a contender for the title. Wylie was that way for a long time.

94 - Semis
95 - Quarters
96 to 99 - 1st or 2nd round
00 - Finals
01 and 02 - 1st and 2nd round
03 - semis
05 - quarters
06 - 2nd round

Even though Wylie only has 1 state championship...it's nice to know that your program is highly regarded across the state and people know that your program has the ability to win it all on any given year. Take a look at Calallen for example. ;)

11-27-2006, 10:51 AM
I would rather be a perennial contender than a one shot wonder! Being a perennial contender speaks alot for the community and the kids striving for excellence year in and year out. Winning it one time and then dropping off the map, though it would be nice to have a championship, only says that you had one really talented group of players that won on athletic ability.

11-27-2006, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by vet93
I would rather be a perennial contender than a one shot wonder! Being a perennial contender speaks alot for the community and the kids striving for excellence year in and year out. Winning it one time and then dropping off the map, though it would be nice to have a championship, only says that you had one really talented group of players that won on athletic ability.

That sums it up for me

11-27-2006, 11:14 AM
Perspective is everything: If you are the parent of a current player, the championship has to be the answer. If you are a long term fan then I would suspect that most would pick the 3 - 5 rounds every year. But if you are a coach, I say 99.99% pick the 3 - 5 rounds per year. This gets you raises and job offers plus the hope that that one magical year might come along.

11-27-2006, 11:14 AM
I'll take a state championship any day.

If I'm gonna be one and done, I want it to be with a ring.

11-27-2006, 11:18 AM
neckc-09: Remember this post 20 years from now when you are watching somebody else' team play after week 10 every year. How selfish of you to wish no playoffs for the future necks.

Phantom Stang
11-27-2006, 12:34 PM
In all my years of following Sweetwater Mustang football... I've seen really good teams that never made it out of district, because only one team could go to the playoffs; quite a few teams that were lucky to win one district game(while hearing stories of a 1957 State Finals team that I couldn't remember); a State Champion; and several teams that had good playoff runs.
So, speaking from all this"experience", I'll take the perennial playoff team, that gives a school and community hope, year after year, any day. ;)

I won't however call a kid still in High School, who's team is still in the hunt, "selfish" for taking the State Championship option.

In the immortal words of that great American, Bob Seeger, "I wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then".

11-27-2006, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by CenTexSports
Perspective is everything: If you are the parent of a current player, the championship has to be the answer. If you are a long term fan then I would suspect that most would pick the 3 - 5 rounds every year. But if you are a coach, I say 99.99% pick the 3 - 5 rounds per year. This gets you raises and job offers plus the hope that that one magical year might come along. You hit the nail on the head for me. As a player or parent gimme the title. As a fan gimme consistancy.

11-27-2006, 12:43 PM
3-5 rounds a year... the more games you play in the players, the better your chances at winning a championship...

11-27-2006, 06:49 PM
So what if the one time is a loss in the state championship? My boys were fortunate to play several rounds in to the playoffs each year, but boy would they have loved to be able to say they made it to State. I don't know the answer... just interesting to hear folks perspective.

So funny story about "long seasons." My son tore his ACL at the start of his senior season and then made the decision to play with a brace and delay surgery until after the season. We were in the doctor's office and the doctor said, "So we'll schedule it for around mid-November?"

And my son replied, "No, Sir. It will be after Christmas. At Liberty Hill, we play through December!"