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11-23-2006, 09:42 PM
In the next couple of weeks, there are several TAPPS state championship games in Temple. My question: How does a TAPPS state championship compare to UIL competition?

Is a TAPPS state championship equal to a UIL state championship, semi-final, or quarterfinal? Is participating in one (officials, players, etc) comparable to being part of a UIL championship?

11-23-2006, 09:56 PM
We have a school around these parts that has made the playoffs in TAPPS for the last several years. I have seen them play, and no, I do not think they would be able to hang with schools that play under the UIL.

11-23-2006, 09:59 PM
Their varsity team was much smaller and younger than most UIL schools.

Ranger Mom
11-23-2006, 10:16 PM
Midland Christian is a TAPPs school here in Midland. I think they fared pretty well against the schools they played here.

I know Monahans beat them...and they played somone else...Graham maybe??

I was pretty impressed with what I saw....bunch of size on that team...but sidelines were pretty scarce, so there couldn't have been much depth!

Tres Lobos
11-23-2006, 10:40 PM
Ya midland Christain is a team that plays in TAPPS. We beat em 25-22, they didn't have that many kids but the kids they did have were good, but u gotta also remember they can recruit kids from midland lee and midland high.

Ranger Mom
11-23-2006, 11:05 PM
Originally posted by Tres Lobos
Ya midland Christain is a team that plays in TAPPS. We beat em 25-22, they didn't have that many kids but the kids they did have were good, but u gotta also remember they can recruit kids from midland lee and midland high.

Tried to recruit our QB a few years back too. They will deny it with their last breath....but that came straight from the QB's dad.

I feel kinda dumb even asking this...but is MC still in the running??

11-23-2006, 11:05 PM
Most Coaches will tell u the biggest TAPPS Classification is equal ON AVERAGE( not talking about teams like Dallas Jesuit before they went UIL) is on par with a 3A team and on down as far as each classification talent wise

11-23-2006, 11:07 PM
That is about what I would have figured.

11-23-2006, 11:47 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
Tried to recruit our QB a few years back too. They will deny it with their last breath....but that came straight from the QB's dad.

1st of all, NO it is not the equivalent of a UIL state championship. They do not have nearly as strict guidelines on participation rules such as grades, transfers, etc... to follow as public schools. They also recruit heavily although as mentioned above they deny deny deny more than Clinton. Midland Christian played several players that quit the Midland Lee team this year. They also have several kids on their basketball team right now that are not the normal MCS kids you used to see. The kids are rumored to be on "academic" scholarships. Almost sounds like college. Another rumor has it that they are having trouble finding people that are still willing to play them in West Texas as more and more schools are recognizing they are not playing by the same set of rules so to speak. This is why they play far away games like Breckenridge, Vernon, and NM schools on a regular basis.

Ranger Mom
11-23-2006, 11:53 PM
Originally posted by DukeNukem
1st of all, NO it is not the equivalent of a UIL state championship. They do not have nearly as strict guidelines on participation rules such as grades, transfers, etc... to follow as public schools. They also recruit heavily although as mentioned above they deny deny deny more than Clinton. Midland Christian played several players that quit the Midland Lee team this year. They also have several kids on their basketball team right now that are not the normal MCS kids you used to see. The kids are rumored to be on "academic" scholarships. Almost sounds like college. Another rumor has it that they are having trouble finding people that are still willing to play them in West Texas as more and more schools are recognizing they are not playing by the same set of rules so to speak. This is why they play far away games like Breckenridge, Vernon, and NM schools on a regular basis.

People always say Greenwood is scared to play them......scared they may try to recruit our players maybe...but not scared of them as a team!!

11-24-2006, 12:46 AM
a TAPPS championship is no where near equal to a UIL, regardless of the classification.....for one thing the comp. is less and fewer games to win to get there, and......well too many differences to even compare
I still can't get over the UIL allowing the 2 Jesuit schools in