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View Full Version : Lightening up the boards a bit......SLOCUM IS GONE!!! YEA!!!!!

12-02-2002, 07:25 PM
Sorry for the change of subject but we need some lightening up on here..a change of pace for a bit...and I have noticed some A&M posts before so I thought I would copy this press release from earlier today. By now though everyone has probably already heard what I perceive to be VERY good news.

Press Release


The following is a statement from Texas A&M University’s Office of University Relations:

Texas A&M University President Robert M. Gates today asked R.C. Slocum to step down as head football coach and to assume the role of Special Advisor to the President. Dr. Gates observed, "Coach Slocum is one of the most respected and admired members of the Aggie family, and he has much still to offer the University he has served so long
with rare integrity and skill. He has always been a role model and mentor for student athletes and, more broadly, has been a tremendous asset to the University as a whole. I look forward to continuing to work with him to promote the interests of the University he loves so much - and look forward as well to his counsel and help on a wide range of challenges facing us."

The following is a statement from R. C. Slocum:

"It was with great sadness and disappointment that I learned today that I was being fired as the head football coach at Texas A&M. We had a season where we lost several close games that could have gone either way and no one was more disappointed than me with our record. However, we have some really outstanding young players and I felt our future was bright.

Although disappointed with Dr. Gates' decision, I do recognize that the university has the right to decide who coaches the team. I have spent 30 years of my life here and have deep feelings for Aggieland. I will cherish the memories of my many relationships over the years with the students and former students of this university. I especially will cherish the time that I spent with all of the wonderful young men in our program and with their families. I have been honored to be called coach by them, and to share in their lives. Also, I have great respect and genuine gratitude for all the outstanding coaches that I was privileged to work with during my time here.

We have quite a number of young men who have committed to come play at Texas A&M next season. Some recruiting services have them currently rated as the number one recruiting class in the country. I hope that these young men will honor their commitments and join the Aggie family. Texas A&M is a special place."

12-02-2002, 08:28 PM
they could of had jonh gruden larry coker or ne one and wouldnt of beat texas this year

12-02-2002, 11:03 PM
Why is it that everytime a team looses everyone jumps to blame the coach. For one RC is Texas A&M football he made it and will be remembered as the best coach they have ever had. I am not going to go on and on in response to a mom, but come on what are you teaching your kids. He had mumerous injurys this and last year. Him and his team are so well thought of that he has the #1 recruiting class for next year so far. He sends his assistants everywhere. This man has great class and did not deserve what he got. As for mom it is very unlikly that you have a son playing for him, because if you did you would feel different.
Sorry RC