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View Full Version : For all of you Horn fans who say A&M is not biggest rival...

11-22-2006, 02:54 PM
Just listened to Dan Neil on the radio here in Houston. Neil is a former Longhorn All-American OL & fine NFL player (Denver, etc.) as well. He said the OU & A&M rivalries are way different for Longhorns.

He said the OU game is heated & obviously you want to win. But he said the A&M game is for BLOOD, & that he HATES A&M 365 days a year. He said the A&M game is more important to him by far.

I have argued with many of you about this - 2 largest state schools, both vying for state funding $$, rivalry in-state, families split on the game, etc. Now you just heard it from a former Longhorn great. I think fans have made more of the OU game lately because OU won 5 in a row until Texas won the last 2 recently.

Of course, there was a stretch not too long ago where A&M won 10/11 too. In the last 22 years A&M has won 12 times to 10 for Texas. Texas has won 6 in a row currently. It goes back & forth.

But inside the state, I still say the A&M game means more to Texas. Dan Neil sure agrees with me too.

www.790thesportsanimal.com for podcast later today

11-22-2006, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by g$$
Dan Neil said the OU & A&M rivalries are way different for Longhorns.

He said the OU game is heated & obviously you want to win. But he said the A&M game is for BLOOD, & that he HATES A&M 365 days a year. He said the A&M game is more important to him by far.

I have argued with many of you about this - 2 largest state schools, both vying for state funding $$, rivalry in-state, families split on the game, etc. Now you just heard it from a former Longhorn great. I think fans have made more of the OU game lately because OU won 5 in a row until Texas won the last 2 recently.

Of course, there was a stretch not too long ago where A&M won 10/11 too. In the last 22 years A&M has won 12 times to 10 for Texas. Texas has won 6 in a row currently. It goes back & forth.

But inside the state, I still say the A&M game means more to Texas. Dan Neil sure agrees with me too.

www.790thesportsanimal.com for podcast later today

I know a few former UT players and of those that played in the 70's and later, all say OK is team they wanted to beat the most. However if you talk to former aggie players, it's always UT that they wanted to beat the most.

But I can agree that both are rivalries. If a time ever comes where A&M beats UT 5 or 6 yrs in a row again, alumni will be screaming at whoever the UT coach is, for a win.

I do disagree that it goes back and forth. Series has always been mostly UT.
Overall record since 1894 is Texas 73 wins 34 lossses and 5 ties. Disregard the 10 out of 11 that A&M won (many during the Jackie Sherrill recruiting circus), and it's a really ugly rivalry.

11-22-2006, 04:10 PM
I was referring to it going back & forth in the modern era. If you consider that, yes it has gone back & forth. Start in the mid '70s & move forward. Look at the past 22 years. Both teams have had runs.

I am well aware of the all-time record.

Dan Neil is a former Longhorn (late '80s, early '90s), not Aggie, & you read what he said. He was adamant about Texas A&M being the one he hates the most. Not OU. Take it for what you will.

Fans have made more of the OU game due to recent records. If A&M can get in gear, that will change too.

11-22-2006, 04:16 PM
(This isn't meant to come off as an a$$ to anyone. I'm very hungry.)

A&M isn't the biggest rival. That's one person's opinion. And as we all know, 1 person doesn't equal everyone else. Everyone I talk to, tailgate with, work with, friends, etc (and this includes students, alums, older alums--1950-present) all know and agree that it's OU.

Of course, there was a stretch not too long ago where A&M won 10/11 too. In the last 22 years A&M has won 12 times to 10 for Texas. Texas has won 6 in a row currently. It goes back & forth.

Other "facts" about this game--(copied and pasted from another website.)

-Only 10 wins for A&M in Austin---ever, 52 trips 42 failures.

-The fact that until 1980 A&M only had 5 wins--averaging a win in Austin every other decade or so.

-The fact that A&M has never beaten a good UT team in Austin 0-25 against 9 win or better teams

-UT has the overall winnng percentage at Kyle field 26-24 and it would take a winning streak from now until 2064 for A&M to match that streak in Austin.

My point is that I don't see why this subject keeps getting brought up. A&M's rival is Texas. Texas' rival is Oklahoma. Does it really matter? Is it that big of a deal? :confused:

11-22-2006, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by BTEXDAD
I know a few former UT players and of those that played in the 70's and later, all say OK is team they wanted to beat the most. However if you talk to former aggie players, it's always UT that they wanted to beat the most.

But I can agree that both are rivalries. If a time ever comes where A&M beats UT 5 or 6 yrs in a row again, alumni will be screaming at whoever the UT coach is, for a win.

I do disagree that it goes back and forth. Series has always been mostly UT.
Overall record since 1894 is Texas 73 wins 34 lossses and 5 ties. Disregard the 10 out of 11 that A&M won (many during the Jackie Sherrill recruiting circus), and it's a really ugly rivalry.

I will disagree with you here on one thing. Yes, A&M had some NCAA trouble under Sherrill. That cannot be argued. But, A&M also just flat kicked Texas' butt those years & had superior teams. Texas is not squeaky clean either. Ramonce Taylor went to jail this week after his recent sentence. Both have had bad apples then & now. Making that excuse is just admitting A&M was better during those years. Way better most of the time too. Texas was way down & shuffling thru coaches. Let's don't try to change history now.

A&M owned the state during that run you speak of, & Texas owns it now. It goes back & forth in the modern era.

11-22-2006, 04:24 PM
KTJ: your #s are all accurate, no dispute here on that.

But, everyone you speak of is a FAN. I am speaking about a former Longhorn PLAYER. You do the math.

I will go with what someone who has played in both rivalry games thinks anyday over Joe Blow Tailgater Fan.

Of course, when Dan Neil played, A&M dominated the series during that span of years. Maybe he's still bitter.

I could not disagree with you more, respectfully. A&M game means more in the state of Texas for a variety of reasons, not just football.

11-22-2006, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by g$$
KTJ: your #s are all accurate, no dispute here on that.

But, everyone you speak of is a FAN. I am speaking about a former Longhorn PLAYER. You do the math.

I will go with what someone who has played in both rivalry games thinks anyday over Joe Blow Tailgater Fan.

Of course, when Dan Neil played, A&M owned the series during that span of years.

I could not disagree with you more, respectfully.

I know of players (past and present) who say the same thing. I just don't know why when that's said, it bugs A&M fans so much.

11-22-2006, 04:39 PM
It bugs us because it is not true. Both schools have songs about the other (War Hymn 2nd verse, Texas Fight). Bonfire, Hex Rally. Etc. It goes way beyond football too.

You speak of players - name them & have they gone public with their feelings? Dan Neil made his feelings very clear today, & I believe a player over Joe Blow Drunken Tailgater Fan anyday.

Those are mainly young kids who don't know the history of the game beyond 10 years ago anyway.

11-22-2006, 05:08 PM
Here's another from another former Longhorn & current Aggie coach Les Koenning:

"It's the A&M-Texas game," said A&M offensive coordinator Les Koenning, a former UT receiver and team captain from near Beaumont. "As a young kid growing up, this is the pinnacle of games. You chose teams in the backyard on Thanksgiving."

11-22-2006, 07:37 PM
Sherrill bought the success that A&M had in the 80's.

A&M was as bad as SMU and they got the death penalty. Explain that one.

11-22-2006, 07:39 PM
A&M used to be biggest rival but now they aren't competitive with the Longhorns, at least not when we are talking football.

11-22-2006, 07:49 PM
I does not bug me.

BTHOTU.....Farmer's Fight!!!

11-22-2006, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by handNthedirt
I does not bug me.

BTHOTU.....Farmer's Fight!!!


11-22-2006, 08:54 PM
Here is my take and always has been

The reason IMO most Texas fans feel OU is more heated, a bigger rivalry is the simple fact the two teams have been at the top at the same time in their up and down cycle..So when they meet and both are up, the game has HUGE implications...

For Texas vs A&M that has not really been the case..It always seems like as one of them rise, the other is fallen..So we RARELY have a #1 vs #2 or a #4 vs #5 game is ALWAYS seems like one is top 10-15 and the other is barely in top 25 or worse.

Throw in the fact that over the last 22 years with the exception of a game every now and then, the better teams always wins, no huge upsets, that run rampant in the Red river Rivalry.

11-23-2006, 12:55 AM
Originally posted by Comeaux
Sherrill bought the success that A&M had in the 80's.

A&M was as bad as SMU and they got the death penalty. Explain that one.

Not even close & your bitterness comes thru the computer screen too. Butt kickings tend to do that sometimes.

SMU had much deeper problems than a few guys getting paid. The former governor of Texas, Bill Clements, was involved as an SMU Regent. Apples & oranges, plus SMU was warned repeatedly too & slapped on the wrist before the Death Penalty was even issued.

A&M paid for their transgressions, deservedly. If you want to debate a topic, at least do your homework & come with accurate facts.

Nice post TX Broadcaster, you made some good points. Maybe one day soon BOTH will be good again at the same time. It's a lot more fun that way.

Aesculus gilmus
11-23-2006, 09:30 AM
Originally posted by g$$
Texas is not squeaky clean either. Ramonce Taylor went to jail this week after his recent sentence. Both have had bad apples then & now.

Speaking of apples, this is "comparing apples to oranges." Ramonce Taylor's problems are peculiar to Ramonce himself and had NOTHING to do with UT or its recruiting practices.

A&M's problems in the 1980s under Sherrill had EVERYTHING to do with A&M and its recruiting practices.

11-23-2006, 09:37 AM
Gig'em Aggies, Cannot wait until tomorrow!


11-23-2006, 10:20 AM
All our big family are Longhorn fans an went to school there.but my late grandmother was big A&M fan- God Bless Her soul.

It made for some fun Thanksgivings

The game I most remember was in 1974- A cold front blew through on Thanksgiving night

Game was in Austin and very cold and windy-Temps in the 30s and 40s rain.

UT jumped out 20-3 in the first quarter

Ended 38-3 I think- We left in the third quarter- the cold was unbearable

I remember we went to the tower later to see them turn the orange lights on

11-23-2006, 11:54 AM
With all due respect KTJ...I don't lose sleep at night thinking why current UT fans don't consider A&M as big a rival as OU...however, g$$'s assessment is closer to the mark. When I was in school at A&M from 1984 to 1993 we lost to UT one time in an upset. During that time UT regularly beat OU. If you polled the student body during that time...it wouldn't have been close who UT fans wanted to beat the most...the Aggies. If you take the whole rivalry (UT/A&M) back to the first few games it has traditionally been the most heated rivalry. The OU/UT rivalry got big during the Darrell Royal Days when the horns were battling strong OU teams coached by Switzer and his predecessor. The intensity died off when both teams slipped into mediocrity. Two things engergized the rivalry of late 1) Bob Stoops and his ability to coach championship caliber teams and his ability to beat the Horns 2) The resurgence of UT under Mack. During this same time you have seen a mediocre Aggie team. Those factors color this argument more than anything else. In regards to the overall record. The stats are obviously in favor of UT...no denying that. However, once A&M changed from an all military school (like the Citadel) in the sixties and began positioning itself as a major university the rivalry has been just about even. In regards to the current state of affairs, no bitterness here, the Aggies are at fault for letting their program slip into mediocrity and until they put a product on the field that can play with the big boys, the current school of thought for many younger Horn fans regarding the rivalry will remain in place. So....Aggies...You had better get your act together!

Originally posted by KTJ
(This isn't meant to come off as an a$$ to anyone. I'm very hungry.)

A&M isn't the biggest rival. That's one person's opinion. And as we all know, 1 person doesn't equal everyone else. Everyone I talk to, tailgate with, work with, friends, etc (and this includes students, alums, older alums--1950-present) all know and agree that it's OU.

Other "facts" about this game--(copied and pasted from another website.)

-Only 10 wins for A&M in Austin---ever, 52 trips 42 failures.

-The fact that until 1980 A&M only had 5 wins--averaging a win in Austin every other decade or so.

-The fact that A&M has never beaten a good UT team in Austin 0-25 against 9 win or better teams

-UT has the overall winnng percentage at Kyle field 26-24 and it would take a winning streak from now until 2064 for A&M to match that streak in Austin.

My point is that I don't see why this subject keeps getting brought up. A&M's rival is Texas. Texas' rival is Oklahoma. Does it really matter? Is it that big of a deal? :confused:

11-23-2006, 01:04 PM
I am neither a UT fan or A&M fan. I have lived all my life in Texas (over 50 years). My observation is that A&M has a more local (statewide) vision whereas Texas's is more nationwide. Over the years Texas has had intense rivalries with OU as well as Arkansas during the SWC years. Many years these games had National Championship implications. The A&M rivalry is one that may be measured by which generation those fans/players participated in. A&M has never had another substantial rival. Lately, the Texas Tech game has earmarks of becoming a new rivalry for the Aggies. Just my 2 cents from the sideline......

11-23-2006, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by handNthedirt

BTHOTU.....Farmer's Fight!!!

farmers.....lol.....you guys crack me up.

especially your cheer leaders.

11-24-2006, 09:36 AM
It seems that these rivalries are "different." Most UT fans will root for A&M in a bowl game or something like that, as long as it isn't directly affecting UT's ranking. They will NOT EVER root for OU, unless it will benefit them by the OU opponent being beaten, and then it is still very painful to do!

11-24-2006, 09:44 AM
I agree...One aspect that increases the intensity of the OU/UT rivalry is the interstate nature of the rivalry.....throwing back the marauding hord fromt he north!

Originally posted by LHMom
It seems that these rivalries are "different." Most UT fans will root for A&M in a bowl game or something like that, as long as it isn't directly affecting UT's ranking. They will NOT EVER root for OU, unless it will benefit them by the OU opponent being beaten, and then it is still very painful to do!

11-25-2006, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by Aesculus gilmus
Speaking of apples, this is "comparing apples to oranges." Ramonce Taylor's problems are peculiar to Ramonce himself and had NOTHING to do with UT or its recruiting practices.

A&M's problems in the 1980s under Sherrill had EVERYTHING to do with A&M and its recruiting practices.

I think you meant "particular" not peculiar above!

Ramonce Taylor had legal problems going back to high school. He even changed schools because of it. Did Texas recruit a guy known to have legal problems? Yes.

Both schools have had & will continue to have bad apples. Do you think Ricky Williams started having drug problems after he left UT? Come on now. Be realistic please. He has even spoken of when it all began.

EVERY school in the country has their share of shady recruits. R. Taylor was just one example. Not apples & oranges at all.

11-25-2006, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by g$$
EVERY school in the country has their share of shady recruits. R. Taylor was just one example. Not apples & oranges at all. Personal problems and recruiting problems are not the same thing. Nice try though.

11-27-2006, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by JasperDog94
Personal problems and recruiting problems are not the same thing. Nice try though.

No, Jasper you are wrong again. Ramonce Taylor had LEGAL problems going back to his hs days. He changed schools b/c of it too. Why do you think he attended Belton & Temple HS?

Everyone knew RT was a bad seed, & very talented too. And I said both schools have had & will have shady recruits. I could tell you stories about A&M kids from when I worked there (but not here legally).

So, nice try for you & WRONG again.

11-27-2006, 07:12 PM
i dont understand why tu fans say itisnt a rivalry...these two schools split and immediatly hated each other. they have been playing for over a hundred years and if you ask the players they hate each other. and at thanksgiving brothers and sisters get into fights..husbands and wives wont look at each other for two days and everyone around the nation but tu fans would agree it is a rivalry game...i just dont understand.

11-27-2006, 07:17 PM
Has a Texas fan i consider it a Rivalry. I think i know why some don't, Texas and OU lately have been top ten teams when they met, and the game usually has national championship implications! Now that Texas lost i think it has become a bigger rival to Texas fans and A&M is improving at a steady pace.Well at least this year they did!