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View Full Version : How to cook a frog

11-16-2006, 08:48 PM
Mark Twain once explained how to cook a frog.

First you put the frog in a nice big pot full of cold water.
Then you put the pot on the stove with very low flame.
When the water warms up a bit the frog says to himself " this is great I was cold and now I'm nice and warm and comfy".
As the water gets ever so gradually warmer the frog says" this is good I'm warm and its not so bad".
Slowly the water gets kind of hot and the frog says" man this is getting hot but remember how bad it was when it was cold? "
Finally the water is so hot the frog can't jump. He says" Well at least I'm not freezing to death like before. Maybe it will get a little cooler soon."
Then he's cooked.

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