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View Full Version : PS3 Buyer's Beware (NF)

11-16-2006, 09:14 AM
Those who have a PS3 on pre-order especially at a Gamestop or EB Game store need to call and check your place on the list. Gamestop and EB games have already confirmed that they will not be receiving the 8-12 PS3's as originally thought. They are now only getting 6. Now this is only Gamestop and EB games. I am not sure how many other stores are getting. The reason why I am saying to call and confirm your number on the preorder list is because there was an attempt to bump me off the list by one of the employees at a EB Game store here in Corpus Christi and I do not think it was an accident.

I called the EB Gamestore, that I pre-ordered my PS3, on Wednesday to find out if it was true that they weren't getting as many PS3's as they originally intended and the Assistant Manager I talked to confirmed what I had heard. He said that they were for sure getting 6 in. I asked him to confirm my place on the pre-order list and he said that I was #5, so as of right now I am getting one tomorrow unless something changes through Sony. Well, then my Girlfriend gets a call yesterday and one of the employees there trys to feed her some bull*** line about being number 8 on the list and that we weren't going to get one this time around. She told him that he was full of crap because we had already called and confirmed by his Assistant Manager that we were #5 on the list. He then started backtracking and started to get nervous. He put my girlfriend on hold for about a minute and then told here that he had made a mistake and had mixed here name up with someone else's name (Angel). Now you tell me... does Brandy sound anything like Angel. He was obviously trying to bump us off the list to try and get a buddy or even one for himself.

So beware and make sure you get what you might of had to stand in line for.

11-16-2006, 10:02 AM
cant believe all the hype for a game ...

11-16-2006, 10:12 AM
The hype is about the game system not the game. This stuff happens everytime a new console is introduced.

11-16-2006, 10:18 AM
I went to Circuit City last night and there were about 7-8 guys camping out.

11-16-2006, 10:20 AM
Our local news showed lines at Best Buy and Circuit City. Personally, I'll wait the price comes down a bit and give them time to work out the bugs in the first models.

11-16-2006, 10:21 AM
I can't beleive someone is willing to pay $600 for something to play video games on. I can think of a lot better ways to spend $600.

11-16-2006, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by zeus63
I can't beleive someone is willing to pay $600 for something to play video games on. I can think of a lot better ways to spend $600.

It's also the cheapest Blu Ray movie player as well. Sony is losing between $700 and $800 on each console sold. So I guess you could see it as a pretty good deal in that regard.

11-16-2006, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by TMer25
It's also the cheapest Blu Ray movie player as well. Sony is losing between $700 and $800 on each console sold. So I guess you could see it as a pretty good deal in that regard.


Like pbg said...I'm going to wait for the bugs to get worked out of the first gen models and I will probably pick up a system next summer when NCAA 2008 comes out! :D

11-16-2006, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by TMer25
It's also the cheapest Blu Ray movie player as well. Sony is losing between $700 and $800 on each console sold. So I guess you could see it as a pretty good deal in that regard.

Well, that is a good point. I've always been a fan of Nintendo and Sony, so I'll probably get the Wii first(only because it's cheaper and I can download some NES games) and wait for the price to come down on the PS3. I'm in no hurry.

11-16-2006, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by zeus63
I can't beleive someone is willing to pay $600 for something to play video games on. I can think of a lot better ways to spend $600. Exactly...like fishing gear.:)

11-16-2006, 10:27 AM
Tmer...do you think that this will have an impact on who "wins" the Hd-DVD vs Blu Ray competition??? With the slow sales going on as people wait to see which player comes out ahead, one would think that Sony being able to flood the market with hundreds of thousands of Blu Ray players this way would give them a significant advantage.

11-16-2006, 10:31 AM
I don't care which format wins, but the $1000 player has got to come way down before I purchase one.

11-16-2006, 10:31 AM
Originally posted by zeus63
I can't beleive someone is willing to pay $600 for something to play video games on. I can think of a lot better ways to spend $600.

i could buy that lever action 45-70 saddle gun i was wanting with that much....and prolly have enough to get that Mossberg 30-06 bolt action i was wanting as well...just bought the .270 mossberg 100 ATR with scope a couple of days ago...these things can last GENERATIONS if taken care of....a console is good for a few years until they come out with a faster and better...give me things that dont deppreciate in value as much...LIKE GUNS!!!:)

11-16-2006, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by Adidas410s
Tmer...do you think that this will have an impact on who "wins" the Hd-DVD vs Blu Ray competition??? With the slow sales going on as people wait to see which player comes out ahead, one would think that Sony being able to flood the market with hundreds of thousands of Blu Ray players this way would give them a significant advantage.

It will have to have some sort of an impact, just from the fact that Blu Ray will now be in 225,000 more homes tomorrow. But, the big question is, how many of those people are going to have their PS3's hooked up to HDTV's to properly benefit. If they are watching their free movie on a SD set, they are going to think "This isn't any better than DVD". So that's kind of the wild card factor that's thrown in. Blu Ray got off to a rocky start with the first batch of titles paling in comparison sound and picture quality wise to HD DVD. Now they are pretty equal quality wise on titles that have been released on both formats. Right now HD DVD is out selling BR software titles about 4 to 1. So in the next couple of months if that changes for Blu Ray, then we'll know how much help the PS3 was.

I'll let you know probably on Saturday sometime how the PS3 is as a Blu Ray player. Going to start putting it through all the resolution tests and things of that nature tomorrow afternoon.

11-16-2006, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by mustang04
i could buy that lever action 45-70 saddle gun i was wanting with that much....and prolly have enough to get that Mossberg 30-06 bolt action i was wanting as well...just bought the .270 mossberg 100 ATR with scope a couple of days ago...these things can last GENERATIONS if taken care of....a console is good for a few years until they come out with a faster and better...give me things that dont deppreciate in value as much...LIKE GUNS!!!:)

LOL!!:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

11-16-2006, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by TMer25
It will have to have some sort of an impact, just from the fact that Blu Ray will now be in 225,000 more homes tomorrow. But, the big question is, how many of those people are going to have their PS3's hooked up to HDTV's to properly benefit. If they are watching their free movie on a SD set, they are going to think "This isn't any better than DVD". So that's kind of the wild card factor that's thrown in. Blu Ray got off to a rocky start with the first batch of titles paling in comparison sound and picture quality wise to HD DVD. Now they are pretty equal quality wise on titles that have been released on both formats. Right now HD DVD is out selling BR software titles about 4 to 1. So in the next couple of months if that changes for Blu Ray, then we'll know how much help the PS3 was.

I'll let you know probably on Saturday sometime how the PS3 is as a Blu Ray player. Going to start putting it through all the resolution tests and things of that nature tomorrow afternoon.

I look forward to your review. I had a Gen 1 PS2 (got it a month or so after release) and the DVD player wasn't very good IMO. However, that wasn't a selling point like Blu Ray is for the PS3 so hopefully they put a high quality player into it.

11-16-2006, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by Adidas410s
I look forward to your review. I had a Gen 1 PS2 (got it a month or so after release) and the DVD player wasn't very good IMO. However, that wasn't a selling point like Blu Ray is for the PS3 so hopefully they put a high quality player into it.

Yeah the PS2 DVD player had lots of picture quality issues. At the very least the PS3 is the first fully functional Blu Ray player, as it is the only one to ship so far with BD-Java functionality turned on. My hunch is it will probably be a pretty good player. What i've seen running on it at trade shows and such, has been pretty good so far. But in a brightly lit room, you can't get too nit picky with the picture. Plus, Sony plans on offering a Dolby True HD firmware upgrade for it down the road. I'll definitely post something about it's performance or shoot you a PM about it.

11-16-2006, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by 99IHSMustang
Those who have a PS3 on pre-order especially at a Gamestop or EB Game store need to call and check your place on the list. Gamestop and EB games have already confirmed that they will not be receiving the 8-12 PS3's as originally thought. They are now only getting 6. Now this is only Gamestop and EB games. I am not sure how many other stores are getting. The reason why I am saying to call and confirm your number on the preorder list is because there was an attempt to bump me off the list by one of the employees at a EB Game store here in Corpus Christi and I do not think it was an accident.

I called the EB Gamestore, that I pre-ordered my PS3, on Wednesday to find out if it was true that they weren't getting as many PS3's as they originally intended and the Assistant Manager I talked to confirmed what I had heard. He said that they were for sure getting 6 in. I asked him to confirm my place on the pre-order list and he said that I was #5, so as of right now I am getting one tomorrow unless something changes through Sony. Well, then my Girlfriend gets a call yesterday and one of the employees there trys to feed her some bull*** line about being number 8 on the list and that we weren't going to get one this time around. She told him that he was full of crap because we had already called and confirmed by his Assistant Manager that we were #5 on the list. He then started backtracking and started to get nervous. He put my girlfriend on hold for about a minute and then told here that he had made a mistake and had mixed here name up with someone else's name (Angel). Now you tell me... does Brandy sound anything like Angel. He was obviously trying to bump us off the list to try and get a buddy or even one for himself.

So beware and make sure you get what you might of had to stand in line for.
Our paper reported that bids for the PS3 have eclipsed $2000 on Ebay. That's a powerful reason to get "bumped" off the list.:thinking:

11-16-2006, 12:35 PM
I seriously doubt that SOny is losing money on this or they wouldnt even put them out on the market. Businesses as successful as Sony do not lose money on a scale as you described.

11-16-2006, 12:36 PM
PPHSfan said he was going to get me one for Christmas.

11-16-2006, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by injuredinmelee
I seriously doubt that SOny is losing money on this or they wouldnt even put them out on the market. Businesses as successful as Sony do not lose money on a scale as you described.

Most video game consoles are released initially at a loss. They make the money up in game sales, liscensing to third party software developers, accessories, things of that nature. Sony knows this is their best chance to have Blu Ray become the sole next generation home movie format, so they are taking a bigger loss than normal. Sony last quarter took a $366 million dollar operating loss in their video game department due to figuring in PS3 production costs, and the loss they would be taking for each console.

11-16-2006, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
PPHSfan said he was going to get me one for Christmas.
He has six and five are up for the highest bid. You keed yourself.:p

11-16-2006, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by TMer25
Most video game consoles are released initially at a loss. They make the money up in game sales, liscensing to third party software developers, accessories, things of that nature. Sony knows this is their best chance to have Blu Ray become the sole next generation home movie format, so they are taking a bigger loss than normal. Sony last quarter took a $366 million dollar operating loss in their video game department due to figuring in PS3 production costs, and the loss they would be taking for each console.

I agree with you on that one.

11-16-2006, 01:13 PM
....i'd still rather have a couple of good guns....:hand:

11-16-2006, 01:21 PM
Sony's business as a whole is hurting. This is a pretty gutsy attempt to regain vital market share after all their recent fiascos. Sure hope Blu-Ray doesn't go the way of the Betamax.

11-16-2006, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by Blastoderm55
Sony's business as a whole is hurting. This is a pretty gutsy attempt to regain vital market share after all their recent fiascos. Sure hope Blu-Ray doesn't go the way of the Betamax.

Yeah, me too. I like the fact that the Blu Ray discs have so much more room on them... like 60 GB to the DVD's measly 5 GB.

11-16-2006, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by spiveyrat
Yeah, me too. I like the fact that the Blu Ray discs have so much more room on them... like 60 GB to the DVD's measly 5 GB.

Actually A dual-layer Blu-Ray disc can hold 50GB, which is the largest amount as of now.

11-16-2006, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by piratebg
Our local news showed lines at Best Buy and Circuit City. Personally, I'll wait the price comes down a bit and give them time to work out the bugs in the first models.

Shoot, for people paying $2000+, there dang sure better not be any bugs.:D

Old Tiger
11-16-2006, 02:34 PM
We need to be careful with the Nintendo Wii look what it did to the kids on southpark!

11-16-2006, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by 99IHSMustang
Actually A dual-layer Blu-Ray disc can hold 50GB, which is the largest amount as of now.

Yup, Blu Ray can hold up to 50gb right now, and HD DVD can hold up to 30. Though Toshiba has successfully made a triple layer disc that allows HD DVD to hold up to 45gb of info.

11-16-2006, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by Tiger WR
We need to be careful with the Nintendo Wii look what it did to the kids on southpark!

not all the kids, just cartman...

11-16-2006, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by TMer25
Yup, Blu Ray can hold up to 50gb right now, and HD DVD can hold up to 30. Though Toshiba has successfully made a triple layer disc that allows HD DVD to hold up to 45gb of info.
Triple layer, huh? That's pretty cool:cool:

11-16-2006, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by mustang04
i could buy that lever action 45-70 saddle gun i was wanting with that much....and prolly have enough to get that Mossberg 30-06 bolt action i was wanting as well...just bought the .270 mossberg 100 ATR with scope a couple of days ago...these things can last GENERATIONS if taken care of....a console is good for a few years until they come out with a faster and better...give me things that dont deppreciate in value as much...LIKE GUNS!!!:)

Better buy a 12" dia 6 foot length of pvc pipe and two caps, put your guns in them and bury those suckers 'cause your gun grabbin' congress critters are back, and they will not stop until they have every last gun in America melted down into busts of Karl Marx. LOL:evilgrin: :evilgrin: :evilgrin:

Old Tiger
11-16-2006, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by GreenGobbla
not all the kids, just cartman... True. I forgot!

11-16-2006, 09:10 PM
There is an idiot here in my company that just paid for one on ebay so he could get it without waiting in line for 3 days so he just paid 1000 dollars for it. what a genius.

11-16-2006, 09:13 PM
Originally posted by SwtwtrMstngs04
There is an idiot here in my company that just paid for one on ebay so he could get it without waiting in line for 3 days so he just paid 1000 dollars for it. what a genius.
He could turn around and maybe sell it for $1500.:nerd:

11-16-2006, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by piratebg
Our local news showed lines at Best Buy and Circuit City. Personally, I'll wait the price comes down a bit and give them time to work out the bugs in the first models. agreed...same when buying a vehicle and such. I REALLY want one of the newly designed Toyota Tundras (I have an 04 Tundra now) its a much bigger truck w/ a full liter more under the hood (4.7 to 5.7) and a supposed towing cap. of over 10,000lbs. But I'll buy probably in 08 once all the bugs have been worked out.

Old Tiger
11-16-2006, 09:17 PM
i'm content with my 360

11-16-2006, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by Tiger WR
i'm content with my 360 hell, i still love my Nintendo Gamecube...but I left it in Arizona along w/ most of my furniture, my 2 horses, and my RX7! Making a trip early next year to go retrieve all of it once we get into our house!

Old Tiger
11-16-2006, 09:20 PM
Like I was telling DU_stud last night I wish i still had my regular nintendo with duck hunt and mario bros.

11-16-2006, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by Tiger WR
Like I was telling DU_stud last night I wish i still had my regular nintendo with duck hunt and mario bros. duck hunt was awesome! I also liked Tecmo bowl, and there was an NBA game that was good too. Also, Super Dodgeball!!

11-16-2006, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by TMer25
It's also the cheapest Blu Ray movie player as well. Sony is losing between $700 and $800 on each console sold. So I guess you could see it as a pretty good deal in that regard.

Posted Nov 16th 2006 4:55PM by Kyle Orland
Filed under: Sony PlayStation 3, Business
Market research firm iSuppli has determined that Sony will lose about $240 on every 60GB PS3 and roughly $305 on every 20GB system they sell at launch. The determination comes from iSuppli's cost analysis of the parts inside the system -- which includes a $125 Blu-Ray drive and a $129 Nvidia "Reality Synthesizer" -- and does not include additional costs from packaging, cables or the SixAxis controller.

The finding puts Sony in stark contrast with Nintendo, who said their Wii console would be profitable at launch, and Microsoft, which iSuppli determined is now making roughly $75 in profit for every Xbox 360 premium pack it sells.

While the report reveals that Sony is charging a more than fair price for what iSuppli calls an "engineering masterpiece," we have to wonder how long it will take for game and download sales to make the system even reach the break-even point financially.[/i][/b]
