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View Full Version : Daisuke Matsuzaka

11-11-2006, 06:06 PM
Rumors floating that Boston posted a bid of $38-$45 million for the rights of the heralded Japanese pitcher. I've also seen reports saying that the Rangers may have the highest bid...the Red Sox number seems ridiculous to me.

Want a good conspiracy theory? If someone wins the bidding for his services and doesn't reach a contract agreement within a month, he returns to Japan for one more year when he will become a free agent. IF this Boston figure is correct, here's a crazy idea:

No team is going to spend upwards of $20 million per year for a pitcher that has never pitched in the majors...not even Roger Clemens makes that much money. With the bidding price and a contract around $10 million per year, that's roughly what the Sox would be paying. However, if they win the bidding, they know no other team will be allowed to sign him for a year. My guess is they offer him a lousy contract of about five million per year hoping that he's just desperate to get to the big leagues, and if he doesn't, the Sox let him return to Japan, get their money back, and know that they've kept him away from New York for a year. Then when he's a free agent, they can work on a contract of about fifteen to sixteen million dollars per year, and actually save money from what they would have spent this year.

It's a crazy thought, but I can't figure any other reason the Sox would have bid this much.