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View Full Version : To The Tarpon Players

Seawall D
09-03-2002, 01:14 PM
what up guys, i dont want you guys talking **** anymore on the computer cause all it is doing is making us look bad, lets just stay humble and keep our kool, let every other dumb ass in the district talk all the **** they want but dont talk. we talk with our helmets and the other teens know that. for real just stay kool and well talk **** after every team we beat, but untill than lets not talk.

09-03-2002, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by Seawall D:
what up guys, i dont want you guys talking **** anymore on the computer cause all it is doing is making us look bad, lets just stay humble and keep our kool, let every other dumb ass in the district talk all the **** they want but dont talk. we talk with our helmets and the other teens know that. for real just stay kool and well talk **** after every team we beat, but untill than lets not talk.

HELLO, your the only one doing that and the band girl (once) but she has heathed the warning you do the same!

Sorry board poster the mother instict is coming out, if these were my kids, they would have gotten a wooping for it!!

09-03-2002, 03:09 PM
Footballgal, you beat me to it! I cautioned him on the "yoakum report" thread.

09-03-2002, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by sinton66:
Footballgal, you beat me to it! I cautioned him on the "yoakum report" thread.

I know Sinton66 I saw it, I just had to respond to most of his post as they were all in the same.... you know!

09-03-2002, 03:29 PM
66 and footbalgal, this guy's post was pure sarcasm. He was probably responding to TFINT's telling the tarpon fans to keep their language in check.

09-03-2002, 05:23 PM
Quit taking them durn smart pills there buddy, you're making me look bad! http://bbs.3adownlow.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

09-03-2002, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by SintonFan:
66 and footbalgal, this guy's post was pure sarcasm. He was probably responding to TFINT's telling the tarpon fans to keep their language in check.

Ah, whatever........i'll call J2K and ask him to ROM him.

09-03-2002, 06:29 PM
TFINT, this is not the same person from several days ago. See the "yoakum report" thread.

Big Tarp 74
09-03-2002, 07:15 PM
To all the Port Isable Ball players. I better not here any more of this garbage! You are degrading your selves, as well as your school by acting like fools. I know most of you. Stop while your ahead! This does not do justice for the many of Port Isabel fans that support you. If they knew this, it would not go well in the little town of Port Isabel. I have a son playing, and if I catch him in any of this, it will take him awhile to sit down again. I have the coaches number! So keep the foul language off this site, or any others. I have been seeing this garbage on various sites. This is just a sad deal, didnt your mommy teach you better, if not your fans will. Do your talking on the field, and keep them big mouths shut!

Bull Butter
09-03-2002, 07:56 PM
Amen to that, Big Tarp!

The last thing this great site needs is the same kind of garbage that is on the RGV Sports website. This site has been around for several years and has become a good source of information for fans of 3A Football.

If you want to talk 3A Football in a mature manner, I'm sure the regulars here will welcome with you with open arms. Otherwise, stay on the RGV Sports site.

09-03-2002, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by Seawall D:
what up guys, i dont want you guys talking **** anymore on the computer cause all it is doing is making us look bad, lets just stay humble and keep our kool, let every other dumb ass in the district talk all the **** they want but dont talk. we talk with our helmets and the other teens know that. for real just stay kool and well talk **** after every team we beat, but untill than lets not talk.
You might wanna reword your messages next time you're telling people not to talk like that....just a suggestion. It might be a little more encouraging to get people to stop talking like that if you DONT. A
And guys, when he said stay humble, do that as opposed to talkin **** after you beat someone, that will just make you look arrogant and cocky, everything but humble and it may catch up to you later. It's happened before and it's not something you want with what you've got and what you're capable of this year. No offense to you seawall d, it aint that way.

Anyway, what's going on with the whole talkin smack stuff? I must be really outta the loop because I dont believe I've seen any of it going on. I saw a little that came close to it on another post with Tarpons but I haven't seen it much on this site. RGVSports, hell yeah, that's turning into like...NEVERMIND...I think we all know what it's like there but it should all blow over. Anyone wanna let me in on where you're seeing this smack talkin cuz I've seen none of it so I really don't know what you guys are talking about.
Yeah, and I think I'm the girl you were talking about footballgal, but I'm lookin beyond that because someone dissed me and my ****, from now on, ima just let it go cuz just because they wanna be stupid doesnt mean everyone else has to. :-D Alrighty then...good luck players, see ya saturday.