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View Full Version : Only one group gets the full essence of HS football

10-31-2006, 03:54 PM
Moms don't get it, dads don't get it, the players don't get it, and the coaches don't get it. They get a lot but they don't get the whole picture.

I was on the field at a 2a game Friday night. At 7:25 pm the visiting band played their school song, then the home team played their school song. Next the players from both teams came onto the field with the roars from the crowd. Then everybody put their hand over their heart and the National anthem was played while the flag was raised.

I was standing there thinking "If you don't get goosebumps you should not be part of this." I also thought "This is what Friday night Texas High School football is all about." The more I thought about it the more I realized that the on the field officials get the essence of the game. They don't care who wins, they don't care who loses, they just want to help to insure that the game is played as fairly as they can help it to be. These guys are here for the love of the game.

Everybody else wants to see one or the other team win and they come away either disappointed or happy. They don't get the full experience.

Last Friday two team were playing that were tied for 1st in thier district and I got to be part of that game. It was a hard fought, hard hitting battle that came down to the last minutes. With thirty seconds left, the losing coach patted me on the back and told me we had had a great game and as we ran off the field, he yelled at the other officials and gave them a thumbs up.

I have always felt good about what I do on Friday night but this week I feel especially good.

10-31-2006, 04:03 PM
Sounds like you were at Teague vs Marlin:D