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View Full Version : Classless Kermit Kids

Ranger Mom
10-19-2002, 12:26 PM
First of all, I'm NOT saying everyone is classless, but last night there were probably more Kermit kids on Greenwood side than there were fans in their stands.

Big bunches of them would line up at the bottom of our stands (on the walkway) and yell for Kermit. (Some would even turn around and yell up to us in the stands). They would talk trash to any of the Greenwood kids that happen to walk by them. They were just trying to start something.

Greenwood had 3 times as many fans at that game then Kermit did! At one time I told a group of girls (about 20 of them) they oughta go back to the Kermit side and try to fill up some seats. They just laughed at me and told me I needed to go sit down and fill a seat. (Which is where I was headed after my potty break!!)

Cars that were parked behind the school that were unfortunate to have a Greenwood Ranger sticker on them were keyed. Fortunately, one of our fans caught them in action and called the police, so those kids were busted.

Our kids are NOT allowed on the visitor side, we have a elementary playground behind the visitor stands, where they can play, but we have security and Principals constantly combing the area to make sure everyone is where they are supposed to be.

10-19-2002, 02:18 PM
Wow, that is pretty bad. Sounds like Kermit ISD needs to learn the meaning of the phrase "lawsuit city". I wonder if they realize they could be held legally responsible for the actions of their students as could the students' parents? Regardless what people think, this sort of thing is the reason a lot of ISD's are demanding the kids sit in the stands. Failure to control these situations is an invitation to disaster. :p

10-19-2002, 02:27 PM
Wow, Ranger Mom. I've complained before about opposing teams' fans, and there have been complaints about us, I'm sure. But I've never heard anything like what those Kermit kids were doing. Is this a team that you play every year? Has it always been this bad?

Just an FYI, Bridgeport ISD this year has said kids may not hang out under the bleachers. At all. We've got increased police presence as well as school admins to keep them all up in the bleachers where they belong.

Old Dog
10-19-2002, 02:35 PM
Ranger Mom, your school administration needs to handle this post haste. A litte chat between school supers should help, if not the UIL needs to hear it. Those kids should absolutely not be on your side of the field. Acutally where I live, local law enforcement sees to it. As a sidenote, when I was a kid (many moons ago) our principal would toss students from games if they booed the visiting team. Manners and hospitality are things of the past.

<small>[ October 19, 2002, 02:40 PM: Message edited by: Old Dog ]</small>

eye of the tiger
10-19-2002, 07:02 PM
Ranger mom there is no excuse for how they behaved or bettere misbehaved. Im glad some of them at least were caught.

10-19-2002, 09:27 PM
Wow, Ranger Mom. I've complained before about opposing teams' fans, and there have been complaints about us, I'm sure. But I've never heard anything like what those Kermit kids were doing. Is this a team that you play every year? Has it always been this bad?

Just an FYI, Bridgeport ISD this year has said kids may not hang out under the bleachers. At all. We've got increased police presence as well as school admins to keep them all up in the bleachers where they belong.What were they thinking I enjoyed the kids out of the stands.........Now they are sitting with us..Just kidding.....Rude Kids reflect Rude parents....As far as keying a vehicle people should call the ISD.and police....fun is fun but not that

<small>[ October 19, 2002, 09:29 PM: Message edited by: bigbullbacker ]</small>

10-19-2002, 09:55 PM
yea thats true i mean having school pride is one thing but the keying cars is totally wrong. i mean don't get me worng for those 48 minutes i hate the other colors on the feild but after that it is different. what they did was just plain wrong

10-20-2002, 07:37 AM
Ranger Mom - Makes you wonder what parents are doing these days - not raising their kids - that's for sure. That's why in the inner city - of course most of our stadiums are very large - you cannot walk from one side to the other and each side has it's own entrance and exit where you cannot even drive thru the parking lot to the other team's side. This sounds very bad and these kids should have been removed by your school administrationa and the police. However, many small towns have not encountered such behavior until recently and are not prepared for it. Worst I have seen since I have been at FW school is when we played Burkburnett at Denton Ryan in basketball - three girls stood on the edge of the court and screamed the "n" word at one of our players and various other obscenities as they ran by. Don't know why they picked this particular one out - they were all African-American. When we left our kids of course were whooping and hollering because the next round they would get Dunbar who is 3 miles down the road and in our district. Burkburnett parents yelled hateful stuff at these kids and the kids weren't even talking to them. I was right behind them so I heard it all. So, where do they learn it - right where they learn everything else - at home. The one player who was more harassed than the others just couldn't believe that girls would talk like that or say those things at a game to someone. He was really shocked. He's now starting on the University of Iowa football team as a true freshman - and chances are those girls are still hanging out with their homies in BB. What can we say?

10-20-2002, 08:19 AM
I see now why new stadiums and old, are being designed to make home and visitor sides inaccessable to each other. Too bad a few have to ruin it for the others. Also, very glad to hear the the PD was called.

10-20-2002, 08:46 AM
I know what ya'll mean. I wish parents would at least teach their children to be quiet during the playing of the National Anthem. We had the Marine color guard Friday night to present the colors while the girl's choir sang. It was a very moving site, except for having to shush kids nearly the whole time it was happening. :mad:

10-20-2002, 08:58 AM
Ranger Mom, Earlier this year, I attended a game at Center. I had never been to a stadium where they had successfully seperated the schools. They had one set of concession stands, but from the center of the stand was a fence that met the fence that circled the field, so that both sides could go to the concessions but be seperated from each other. There was a walkway on either side of the stand where you had to walk through a gauntlet of teachers and law enforcement. We made the mistake of going in on the Center side (I didn't realise there was an entrance on ours) and had to go through this...there were some students behind me that were trying to enter on our side and were quickly told to go back to Centers side. I thought at the time that it was a little much...but after hearing your story, I guess it was an unrecognised blessing. :)

Ranger Mom
10-20-2002, 10:11 AM
We have played Kermit every year for as long as I can remember, I have been going to the GW games for 9 or 10 years now. As far as I know this hasn't happened before.
Last year we played at home and the year before only my daughter and I went. She was only 11 at the time, and she sat with me. This year I had 7 teenagers with me, so I think I was more aware of what was going on around me, because all the kids were scattered!!
I haven't heard if the school is going to make a call to Kermit or not. I went out yesterday and checked my Suburban, but it was fine.

10-20-2002, 11:27 AM
Ranger Mom, I have played at Kermit (although it was some years ago) and I can’t remember anything like what you are describing ever happing. It sounds like Kermit has some real problems, with the administration as well as the kid’s parents. I am glad that the police got involved; maybe a night in jail would help to straighten out those kids. I would have them share a cell with their parents, who obviously failed to teach them to respect the property of others. I am sorry to hear that this happened in the first place; West Texas once prided itself on its hospitality. Keep us informed on how this event concludes itself.

10-20-2002, 11:44 AM
I think we all could do well to remember this when we tell our kids about our "antics" when we were their age. I remember shenanigans, but they were NEVER done in a destructive manner. Burning your school's logo into the middle of your opponents field seems destructive at first, but grass grows back, so no real harm done. Burning a rivals' bonfire prematurely is another one that doesn't really DESTROY anything. The problem with this sort of thing is that it tends to build on itself and get worse if not kept in check. The parents need to define what "out of bounds" is.