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View Full Version : I hope the Tarkington school board is happy now.

09-22-2003, 10:54 AM
At the end of last year, the TISD board made the decision to let go of longtime AD and football coach Norman Heckathorn. This was a great man to be around, and unfortunately he took the majority of the blame when the parents of that poor untalented DNA pool of kids lost the majority of the time.

They got rid of him and brought in Jack Parker from Hardin, who is an awesome coach. But you are only as good as the talent on the team. Now the Longhorns are not only 0-3 but have gotten beaten by a combined total of over 160-7. Considering the district that they are in it will be a long season for them. I feel bad for those kids, but it was their parents who went to the board and convinced them to get rid of the "Penguin". I for one was sorry to see him leave because he truly was a knowledgeable coach, who also cared about his kidsafter they left school, not just when they played for him.

I guess the old saying is true. "Be careful of what you wish for because you just might get it." What really burns my hide is that they were willing to pay both Heckathorn's salary out and atthe same time Parker's too. So I guess the board is a bunch of idiots.

Just my take from the prairie.

09-22-2003, 11:16 AM
RoFL @ untalented DNA pool.....wow, what a ststement! I don't know you, Spike, but let me ask, have you ever been out there to see the off season, or lack thereof? Or their weight room usage? These are things that can be altered without having a "gene pool" as you say, to choose from.

I know many of the guys from "the prairie" and they even see the difference in the weight schedule between their school and, say, other schools nearby. If you want an example, take their cross country team, they have the same "pool" to choose from and I'd put their cross country team with anyone's in the state. All because they put in the time and effort on cross country.

I agree, Coach Heck is and was a wonderful man and a good example as a man for the guys there. But I don't agree that he did what he could have to get the guys as ready for football as neighboring schools, and, if Coach Parker doesn't require more of them in offseason, he'll have the same results.

09-22-2003, 11:48 AM
Let us just say that I have an inside pov that I get my info from. Yes the kids were not pushed as hard as say the Hill or even Liberty, Coldspring etc. But a lot of that is intrinsic and not extrinsic, meaning for all of you except trojandad that it is the kids responsibility to get their butts in the weight room and lift and to go run on their own. Yes the coaches can do some things that can help in that area but heck was not just sitting on his hands and letting kids just run wild.

I think that Parker is a great coach. I also know that the main reason the board got rid of Heck was that they said he was the reason why they lost. I mean Heckathorn can't be blamed for the lack of strength in a kid. For example, I know that one of the kids that was competing for a starting off. line spot was only benching somewhere near 200 pounds(being generous) and squatted less than 400. This is supposed to be a starter for gosh sakes. This kid also was in the weight room everytime it was open according to his dad. I mean that is the kind of stuff that the coaches can't be blamed for, but get the heat anyway.

I know that Parker willbring some "discipline" to the prairie that the board said was lacking, but I know the staff there or at least some of them and they are a bunch of no nonsense take not crud kind of guys. So all I was doing was venting. No I amnot a former employee, but I do live in the district and was not happy with what they did nor am I suprised by this years turnout.

09-22-2003, 12:18 PM
Well I'll admit to having a first cousin on the school board there, we were like brothers growing up. It doesn't make me a fan of school boards, tho. LOL. But having said that, I do know that Coach Heck was asked to require more of the kids in training. He made his choices. I know that one of the reasons he was continued to have his salary paid was because of the personal respect the area continues to have of him.

I think anyone that reads this from successful programs can tell you that coaches require their athletes to participate in personal strength programs in their off seasons or they lose the right to even participate, whether they are the strongest athlete or the weakest one. They don't usually depend on the kids to individually push themselves, that's part of the coaches guidance of their students.

Even though I think schools like us and Tarkington, with no commercial improvements at all, should participate at 2A competition lavel, I know they have had some serious athletes. I know that Jason Grimsley was tough as nails there, and he has a World Series ring with the Yankees. I know because his blessed lil grandmother tells me every Monday morning how he did the week before with KC this year. LOL

crimson blood
09-22-2003, 12:29 PM
here's a great read for anyone that is in, desires to be in or was ever in a leadership position, ... 21 irrefutable laws of leadership .
success or failure of a group (in the long run) always goes to its leader. credit/blame rests at the top.

09-22-2003, 01:49 PM
He was paid because he had a contract. He could of hung around as bus barn attendent or something if he wanted to finsih out hish contract but chose the buyout and I am very happy for him. He is a great man and a great coach.

09-22-2003, 02:00 PM
Let me just add this.
I know for a fact that the last post about him being able to stay and work in the bus area is true and I am also glad that he found a better job elsewhere.

But back to the issue of requiring the kids to do certain things. I agree that most successful programs don't rely on the kids doing things themselves, that was meant for during summer times only not during the year. I know that the kids have to work out during the year, I also know that Heckathorn is the first guy to want to get rid of the terds who won't work, but he was faced with a problem. If he got rid of all the terds then the program would almost come to a standstill. There are times when you do have to suck in your pride a little so that you don't punish the kids who do want to work.

I hope that Parker can bring in some"discipline" but like I said before and the majority of the people in the know in Tarkington will silently agree with me. Heckathorn is not the reason why those kids are beaten so bad. Look at Walter Fortune, former HC there now at Livingston. He brought in the same program he had in THS and they are not winning either, not because of Fortune's program or lack of discipline but because they don't have a lot of talent. Neither does Tarkington, at least not in football. Discipline cantake you so far, it might even keep you from getting beat 60-0 but it will not make you a better tackler, run faster, or throw farther. Hard work along with certain genetic gifts are what do those. If a kid does not want to work kick him out, but you can only do so much.

09-22-2003, 02:29 PM
I see, so let me get this straight, that successful gene pool moved from Pilot Point to Celina coincidentally the same time that the coach moved, but stayed in Celina temporarily or is it gonna permanently stay there? Or if Pilot Point gets better AND Celina stays strong, will it be a massive gene pool? <smirk>

I think you made my point for me. I'm not a good enough coach to know what it will take to make a winner of Tarkington, but whatever Coach can do it, he won't use excuses of no athletes. We had no history to speak of before Coach Peveto, then he brought his drill sergeant methods that he used to change Orangefield around and molded a team. And as for having to have a minimum number of "terds" as you put it, Coach Peveto would have suited up 11 cheerleaders that worked before he would have allowed anyone slacking.

Can tell you have a lot of affection for those guys, I think we all admire men playing through unsuccessful times almost more than the winners, it sure takes more effort to get out on the practice field day after day. That's why I'm picking Tarkington over Shepherd this Friday. Two years ago Tarkington was undefeated going into district play because they only played lowly 2A schools, this year they increased their competition, that's the first step to be better.

09-22-2003, 02:59 PM

I'm not a good enough coach to know what it will take to make a winner of Tarkington, but whatever Coach can do it, he won't use excuses of no athletes.

Two years ago Tarkington was undefeated going into district play because they only played lowly 2A schools, this year they increased their competition, that's the first step to be better.Two good statements trojandad. I think spike makes a legitmate point though. Tarkington does not have a lot of "natural" ability. Many schools are blessed with kids who are good atheletes because of their upbringing or DNA (however you choose to look at it), but the rest of the schools like have good atheletes because their kids work their butts off to be the best they can be. Sadly, that isn't the case on the prairie right now.

Two years ago we had a dern good football team. We came up a little short of the playoffs, but we were the only team in district to beat the otherwise undefeated Splendora Wildcats. We lost a lot of talent and speed that year and it has left a void in our program. I have full confidence that the current coaches will be able to turn things around. As a side note the 8th grade team looks like a good group and our freshmen have some promise as well. Hard work, pride, (and muscles) are something that takes time to develope.

09-22-2003, 03:29 PM
I forgot about that, you're right, Tarkington took it to a really strong Splendora team that year, and if I remember right, they did so with several JV players subbing for Varsity starters that didn't show up the week before. Good point. They also took it to us last year.

It has more to than just athletes, we have lots of them but aren't the team we could be. Diboll, in my opinion, doesn't have quite the athletes that we do but they have a MUCH better team right now.

09-22-2003, 07:14 PM
Hupernikomen, I'll 2nd your fresh class as having promise. Last year the closest game the BH 8th grade had was Tarkington. They had a good game plan AND had the disipline to stay with it. BH had to leave their starters in almost the entire game.

09-22-2003, 08:53 PM
Sorry for the delay on my latest response.
When they nearly made the playoffs for the first time since the 50's it was when Fortune was there, but any discipline that was done was done with Heckathorn's approval. So he is not undisciplined or someone who does not expect his kids to perform what they are coached.

The point made about Pilot Point and Celina. A coach on the Celina football team played college ball with me and the reason why they are successful is because they instill at the lowest levels that being a Celina Bobcat is the ultimate thing to achieve. Yes, PP is doing great and the same coach did great at Celina. But what was Pilot Points overall success in athletics before he got there. I am pretty sure that they had made the playoffs at least once since the late 50's.

My main point is that too often in today's society we blame the people in charge. Yes I know that by nature that is their position and responsibility, but I just wish that every once and a while the people who are really responsible for how bad a situation is would actually have to step up and take the balem. I am not saying that Heck couldn't have done things better, we all can do better in everything we do. I am just saying that he is not the only reason why the Longhorns were pretty bad last year and most of the previous years. Obviously the current team is proof of that. They have been under Parker's program objectives now for spring(although somewhat limited), and summer and now four weeks of the season. I am not blaming him for the 0-3 start. I know he is doing his job. Just as Heck was doing his, and Fortune was doing his also. But if you don't have the luxury of numbers to have the attitude that "if you don't do what your taught then I will find someone else who will" then it really should not be your fault as the coach. Now I know that it is viewed that way and I accept that as a coach myself somewhere else not in this district. But I am just saying that while we are coaching kids it is part of our society's responsibiltiy to teach kids to own up to some of the reason why they fail or succeed.

You go ask Don Price why they win so much, and he will tell you because the kids outwork anyone else they play. Not just during the year but on their own time as well. But even Price will tell you that if you don't have kids that inherently physically talented you can only do somuch with them in the weight room or on the track, you can't really increase strength or speed that much, as far as the coaching of it goes. Kids are either going to have it or not. But it is not Price's fault if they lose because lack or talent, I know he will get blamed but he still isn't the reason. At least not the real reason.

I written too much, yes I do have some affinity for the kids in TISD, as well as the staff present and former. But hearing the people during the summer say that now that Heck is gone we are going to win and seeing now how they are not is sort of gratifying, if only the kids did not have to experience those big losses.

09-22-2003, 09:19 PM
trojandad, you are really picking Tarkington this week? You must know something then. All I see are numbers. Tarkington: Points For 13 Points Against 168 Not only do you need to score to win, you must stop the other team at some point. Shepherd: Points For 44 Points Against 63 Just looks like alot to overcome. But Tarkington has played some good teams which just might pay dividends.

09-22-2003, 09:51 PM
BH_146, my only point is that Tarkington is choosing to play a tougher schedule than two years ago. Remember, they loaded their predistrict play with easy 2A teams like Shepherd has this year, and they were undefeated going into district play. I think the Splendora game was the only district game they won that year, I think they even lost to Shepherd that year. This year they are choosing a tougher predistrict play, and I think it might convert to a win over Shepherd, who has played the easier teams so far this year. Probably a reach, but it wouldn't surprise me if Tarkington pulled it out. Just go to the polls that rate on strength numbers and compare the opponents for the two teams, you'll see.

<small>[ September 22, 2003, 09:53 PM: Message edited by: trojandad ]</small>

09-22-2003, 10:48 PM
BH_146, my only point is that Tarkington is choosing to play a tougher schedule than two years ago. Remember, they loaded their predistrict play with easy 2A teams like Shepherd has this year, and they were undefeated going into district play. I think the Splendora game was the only district game they won that year, I think they even lost to Shepherd that year. We did play some easy preseason games under fortune. However, that year we did beat Kirbyville for the second year in a row and we beat Anahuac who made the playoffs that year in 2A.

Our district record was 2-3 just like Coldsprings and Cleveland. If you remember Cleveland kicked an onside kick and recovered to for a second TD in the final 5 minutes to rob us of our playoff hopes. The other district win was against Shepherd BTW. We have beaten Coldspring 3 out the last 4 years..too bad the one we lost was 2 years ago as well.

09-22-2003, 11:08 PM
Your sure right about that second win being against Shepherd two years ago, I had forgotten about that. And you, us and Cleveland had a 2-3 district record and we went since we had wins over you both. That year Cleveland had us by three touchdowns at half, but their QB broke his leg the play before the half ended and we caught up the second half. Some kind of game.