View Full Version : road trip is over

10-01-2006, 02:29 AM
the trip that took us 10 hours to make on friday took us close to 14 to get back - definitely some interesting stories, and lots of pics to come - for now, its time for SLEEP

thanks again pphs...it was great....

10-01-2006, 06:25 AM
i dont know if ive ever had that much fun on a trip, the drive was awesome...(map quest directions- start here. get on I-20. drive 660 miles. arrive at hoover.)

i got in around 5am after dropping off rm, t, and mwynn, then taking a slight detour to oak cliff.....then back to arlington

great trip guys, the game was fantastic, id love to do this again sometime.:D :)

oh yea.....hoover lost!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D :clap: :clap: :clap: