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View Full Version : e tutoring off shore

09-29-2006, 02:51 PM
Along the lines of other threads on education in the US I ran into this interesting artical.US Homework Outsourced as 'etutoring' grows (http://news.com.com/U.S.+homework+outsourced+as+e-tutoring+grows/2100-1038_3-6121215.html?tag=nefd.top)

This sounds terrific and a bargain too.

09-29-2006, 03:00 PM
$2.50 an hour? Wow! That is an incredible bargain.:)

09-29-2006, 03:29 PM
So you don't have a problem with this type of outsourcing?


09-29-2006, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by PPHSfan
So you don't have a problem with this type of outsourcing?


No I don't. We have a real problem with kids failing in school and parents who both work, and have neither the time, energy or skills to help their kids. If a parent can help his kids for $2.50 per hour more power to them.

Like it or not we live in a global society. The internet has made such things possible. This will revolutionize commerce utimately making costs go down and the standard of living go up for Americans as well as peoples of distant lands.

India has over 1 billion people. It is the largest democracy in the world. Our long term geopolitical interests are more aligned with India than the EU. This is why the Bush Administration is working to secure a lasting relationship with India. Remember China, Russia, and the EU do not have our long term interests in mind.
We need to adapt our economy. The problems that Michigan faces now is because they could not adapt. Unions, legacy industrial giants, obsolete business models, excessive taxation and regulation have all made our auto industry noncompetetive. They will not survive. They will go the way of the steel industry and much of the manufacturing industries. That is unfortunate but necesary to have a competetive efficient economy. This makes it all the more important that our educational system can step up to the plate and deliver a good product to their customers, the students.