View Full Version : The Top 5 Reasons Why: You Can't blame Reggie For Hating Girls

09-27-2006, 03:27 PM
Well one of my favorite shows to watch is The Top 5 Reasons Why, on ESPN and I decided I would do a weekly installment of this DL style, and I found a post last week that I thought would make a good starting point. And here is the Top 5 reasons you cant blame Reggie for hating girls.

Before we get started heres why you could blame Reggie for hating girls: He's gay... but anyways we are not here to question Reggie's sexuality, we are here to give you the Top 5 reasons you cant blame him for hating girls.

heres what didnt make the cut, the best of the rest: they have kooties, yes kooties is always in the back of the mind.

5. OWCHI...need I say more

4. Some of histories most notorious people are women, from Eve, to Delilah and Jezebell to Helen of Troy even to this day with Hillary Clinton, it seems women like to cause trouble for the rest of mankind.

3. With the exception of that one woman in the world for a guy and that guys mom, the rest will end up breaking your heart. Ya in the end you will end up happy but until you find that one girl, it will all end with heartbreak or disappointment

2. They ruin perfection. Yes folks if you give a man something perfect he will be content with the rules given to him to keep it perfect, but you give a woman perfection and she will find a way to ruin it, you dont believe me, well take for example one woman and I prove my point...EVE. Yes folks one simple rule and she couldnt follow it, "Don't eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and what does she do..you got it she ate it. Poof no more Garden of Eden, no more walking around naked and who do we have to thank for that Eve, a woman.

1. They dont use rational means of communication...if a man says something, it means exactly what it says, if a woman says something, it probably means the exact opposite or something cmpletly different than what she said. For example if a man says "Sure I dont mind if you're friends with them" it means "Sure I dont mind if you're friends with them. Now if a woman says the exact same thing it means "Why the hell would you even think about being friends with them, if you really knew me you wouldnt consider being friends with them, much less ask me about it." Women need to learn to say what they mean. How can we blame someone for not liking something they cant understand?

So thats the Top 5 reasons according to Dre why you cant blame Reggie for hating girls, tune in next Wednesday to see what the doctor has in store for you

09-27-2006, 03:32 PM
ROFL!! I can tell you that all the women of OWCHI :inlove: Reggie!! Your #5 is dumb and I really mean that! :tongue:

09-27-2006, 04:46 PM
i want a top five reasons you can't blame me for complaining about the pick'em game

09-27-2006, 06:28 PM
You had better watch out. If Ya Ya reads this she will damn you and the rest of men to hell for all eternity.....

09-27-2006, 06:47 PM
maybe even if she DOESN'T read it.:D :D

09-27-2006, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by sinton66
maybe even if she DOESN'T read it.:D :D
Very valid point, Tony, very valid point. I think what you said is something that all Democrats and Republicans can agree on. :thumbsup:

09-27-2006, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
You had better watch out. If Ya Ya reads this she will damn you and the rest of men to hell for all eternity.....

she did that years ago already

09-27-2006, 07:38 PM
Originally posted by District303aPastPlayer
she did that years ago already

Another very valid point.