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View Full Version : Ppsb Is A Football God

09-13-2006, 08:14 PM
PPSBis the football gob because he picked celina to win it all!

09-13-2006, 08:17 PM
Would you leave it alone already?

09-13-2006, 09:52 PM
Who the H-E-Double Hockey Sticks is PPSB???? Is that the public access channel 13 out of DFW? You know, the one that has Mr.Rogers, Big Bird, Clifford the Big Red Dog, and the Red Green Show. Well, I'm glad that you think he's a gob, whoever he is or should I say it is. I have no idea if PPSB is a he or a she. I hope he/she is wrong. I want IP to win state. Guess I had better run out and get me a box of GOBSTOPPERS so I can put a hex on this PPSB character.

09-13-2006, 10:17 PM
and what the heck is a gob?:D