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View Full Version : Wills Point 20 Lindale 7 Final

eye of the tiger
09-06-2002, 10:23 PM
Big win for the Tigers over # 10 ranked Lindale.

09-06-2002, 11:20 PM
Yea... yea... That's right, what did I tell ya'll? I keep hearing an echo... UNDERRATED... This is WpSr03 BTW just at a diff house, and I told ya'll it would be like a 20 pt difference, close enough! Let's see if that get's up above 8, hmmm let's go with team of the week! http://bbs.3adownlow.com/ubb/smile.gif Who's next? Was you at the game Tiger? Cuz you had more than one post on it... GREAT GAME!!

eye of the tiger
09-06-2002, 11:41 PM
No I was stranded in Ft Worth so I managed to go to half of the Everman/FW Eastern Hills game. Everman is awesome. Then I had to come home for my wifes BDay. I listend to the Wills Point Game on the internet while trying to pay attention to my wife. Good thing she understands me and Friday night football. Cant get Commerce games on the net anymore. It was an exciting game. Mosts impressed with WP's defense. Lindale got a lot of yards towards the end of the game but prevent defenses often give up lots of yards. A really great win tonight for WP

09-07-2002, 10:49 AM
It was a great game, I was there, A defencive showdown that showed that Wills Point is just That damn good. Gilmer is next, it is going to be another great game, they are another team that is on a roll should be a great game.

09-07-2002, 12:10 PM
Yes Sir, gilmer is next. We are not rated so highly,maybe you will underestimate us also.We plan to bring our A-game.

09-07-2002, 03:23 PM
I am that confident in my team and I will go ahead and predict WP by 14 over Gilmer. WP is just to deep in every position to bet against them.

09-07-2002, 03:27 PM
I am rather confident also,I feel we may squeeze this one out in OT.

09-08-2002, 09:22 PM
Gilmer, take WP to OT? Yea right... I think putting WP 14 over is generous to say the least...

Old Cardinal
09-08-2002, 10:01 PM
I think Wills Point has been, and will be the strongest team in Region II. I just can't see rating Lindale, Spring Hill, Atlanta or Daingerfield over a good squad like Wills Point!

09-09-2002, 12:16 AM
They have been the strongest in region 2? When is the last time Wills Point even won a playoff game??

09-09-2002, 12:22 AM
That's naive Showtime... Look into it before you speak. The last 3 years were GREAT teams that we played, all making it to the finals I believe. And last year we were defeated by Commerce in Round 1. And hmmm how far did they go? I'm sure you know... And we gave Commerce a run for their money last year, awesome considering our team was basically juniors. We got the experience we need, and last years juniors are this years seniors! Read into it before you say something not so educated...

09-09-2002, 02:16 PM
All I can say is Gilmer better be ready because WP has been knocking on the door for the last three years and this year we are going to knock it down.
My boys pack a punch!!!!

09-09-2002, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by WpSr03:
That's naive Showtime... Look into it before you speak. The last 3 years were GREAT teams that we played, all making it to the finals I believe. And last year we were defeated by Commerce in Round 1. And hmmm how far did they go? I'm sure you know... And we gave Commerce a run for their money last year, awesome considering our team was basically juniors. We got the experience we need, and last years juniors are this years seniors! Read into it before you say something not so educated...

09-09-2002, 02:44 PM
Gilmer better be ready because these boys pack a punch and they have been knocking on the door for three years now! It's time to knock that door down...

09-09-2002, 06:59 PM
Naive huh? Well I dont think I need to read into anything because I have watched Wills Point play the past 2 years. As I recall, they didnt even win district. I am not taking anything away from the team Wills Point has this year. They beat a decent Lindale team. All I was doing was repling to the post where the guy said that Wills Point has always been the strongest team in region 2. Well if your the strongest team in region 2 then you would think you would at least be able to win a distrcit title or a playoff game right? But yall should win district this year now that Crandall is out of yalls district. I would love to see Crandall and Wills Point meet up in the playoffs. Its always a good game when those two play.

09-09-2002, 10:31 PM
You still don't get it... Last year was a team run by inexperienced juniors. And they did awesome for that fact. But this year is our time, we are seniors and we have our experiece, getting more with every game. No, we didn't win district last year, Crandall was the better team. But this year I'm afraid it appears that Crandall will be no match while were on the subject of them. Didn't Lindale beat them 16-10? Didn't we beat Lindale 20-7? Yes, I believe so. And there is no rivalry with WP and Crandall, only the fact that we lost to them last year when we really wanted that game. But this is our year for revenge. WP has more reason to beat Crandall than they have to beat us. It wouldn't be much of a game. Sorry to say that, but I'm sure I'm by far not the only one who feels like that. And if we see Forney in the first round, than that's too bad for them. Hate to see those guys go down terribly in the first round. It's time to get ours, and I don't see WP holding out on anyone.

09-09-2002, 11:05 PM
You just dont get it do you? I was replying to the guy that said Wills Point has always " BEEN " one of the strongest teams in the past. "BEEN" meaning in the PAST. And I wouldnt be so sure to say that WP would beat Crandall. Crandall dominated Lindale. Lindale only won that game because of a costly fumble by a RB who is not starting anymore. The team Crandall played last week, Kennedale, was a lot better team than Lindale, I can promise you that. Crandall's offense is really starting to click and the defense is always solid. But you are right, Crandall lost to Lindale and yall beat Lindale. So does that automatically mean yall can beat Crandall? No. Yall are a different team than Crandall. Yall are a passing team were as Crandall is a running team. Lindale has an outstanding run defense but I think that the weakness in their defense is against the pass, and yall being a very good passing team were able to expose there weakness. And as far as Lindales offense goes, they did absolutly nothing against Crandall. They had only 7 first downs all game. Crandall lost because of mistakes which you cant make against a decent team. All of that is water under the bridge now though. Like I said, you guys have a very talented team this year and should do very well. There is no team in yalls district that should beat yall. Looks like yall have a cake-walk until the playoffs get here.

09-10-2002, 09:53 AM
You say that the only reason Lindale beat Crandall was because of mistakes. Isn't that the name of the game capitalize on your opponents mistakes. Believe me WP should have beat Lindale by two more td's if they wouldn't have lost a fumble and threw an interception. But that is the name of the game. Lindale never had a chance, WP dominated them on both sides of the ball. WP pitched a shutout until 4:35 left in the game while WP was in their prevent defense and that is when Lindale got most of their offensive yardage and first downs. Maybe some outrageous thing will happen and WP and Crandall can go at it in the first round. That would be great!

09-10-2002, 12:21 PM
Time will tell all but, if I where the players on the other team coming to WP to play you better tighten your jock strap because something may get knock off!

09-10-2002, 10:06 PM
Cajun, you are a WP fan and that is great, but I have to say something... You are half-retarded on here. Wish I knew who you were. Say something intelligent, maybe give a real reason WHY we are going to win. Other than that all you are saying is blah blah blah... And wpgrad, you actually make sense, keep up the posts man.

09-10-2002, 10:17 PM
WpGrad, if you would have read my post you would have seen where I stated Crandall lost the game to Lindale because of mistakes, and then I said that you can not make mistakes against a decent team and expect to win. I know that mistakes are part of the game and in order to beat decent teams you cant make them. Crandall has made the adjustments they need to make now and I think they are ready to roll. They just got to cut down on penalties and they will be fine.

09-10-2002, 10:42 PM
Ummm he obviously read your post Showtime... I mean he did respond to it didn't he?

09-10-2002, 10:43 PM
Ummm he obviously read your post Showtime... I mean he did respond to it didn't he?

09-11-2002, 01:14 AM
Well if he would have read the post and UNDERSTOOD my post he would have seen what I was saying. I have complimented the team yall have but it seems that you still want to jump down my throat. Well thats fine. Maybe this year yall will get to hold a district title trophy after the last regular season game instead of watching the opposining team hold it like yall have the past two years.

09-11-2002, 11:33 AM
Originally posted by WpSr03:
Cajun, you are a WP fan and that is great, but I have to say something... You are half-retarded on here. Wish I knew who you were. Say something intelligent, maybe give a real reason WHY we are going to win. Other than that all you are saying is blah blah blah... And wpgrad, you actually make sense, keep up the posts man.

Well, after reading your reply and commit.
I definitly want to meet you, I will be at
the game Friday night. Just ask any one
and they will point you in the right direction. Just let you know My name Scott Stevens... "Look forward to meeting you"

09-11-2002, 06:51 PM
SRwp03 what is wrong I gave my name what about yours? I have not seen a reply yet from you! I will be waiting to meet you Friday night..
I will tell you how good our team is in person...

09-11-2002, 10:56 PM
Hey, now don't go taking a post all offensive Scott, I was telling you to tell ppl why we are good instead of just saying that we pack a punch. Becuase ppl on here really don't care too much about bragging, or so I have noticed. And Sorry it took so long for me to reply, I havn't really been home man. Yea I will be there Friday night too, maybe late though, I have to work. And I don't give out my name online, sorry. Or at least not on posts. But uh you related to Brandon Stevens? If so, younger or older brother? Your name sounds familiar, like you were grades ahead of me or something, but maybe I am wrong. But anyways I see that we are game of the week but picked to lose AGAIN. Didn't anyone learn anything from last week? Oh well we will have to prove ourselves once again by comming through with a win that isn't suspected. It's cool, we are used to it. WP has kind of learned that we will not get respect, no matter how good we get, or how awesome of a team we may have. But hey at least we moved up to #6! That's a little love I guess. But it's getting late, I need a beer...

09-12-2002, 08:03 AM
Yes, I am the father of Brandon that plays DB and my oldest son is Derek which plays for Howard Payne college as a wide receiver.