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View Full Version : One of College Football's Bigest Upsets!

Phil C
09-12-2006, 11:27 AM
Perhaps maybe of all time occurred on November 28, 1942.
Boston College had a perfect 8 - 0 record and was No. 1 in the National Poll. They had allowed teams to score no more than 1 td and had 4 shutouts. Their opponent Holy Cross had a 3 - 4 -1 record. Plus Boston College had the home field advantage and were heavy favorites to win easily and get an invitation to the Rose Bowl.
But right away Holy Cross took control of the game and routed Boston College 55 to 12. The upset was a big surprise but the score was even more so. This cost Boston College the NC and the Rose Bowl bid which went to Georgia at 10 - 1 who Beat UCLA 9 to 0. Boston College did get invited to the Orange Bowl where they lost 37 to 21.

This was a big upset that year and spoiled a party that the Boston College players and fans were supposed to have at a ballroom of one of Boston's biggest hotels. But maybe the loss was a blessing in disguise or predestined or maybe even divinely inspired. No one knows but that night that hotel burned down and had the party been going on there is a strong possibility according to the Boston Fire Department that many of them would have lost their lives.