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02-25-2004, 06:14 PM
Does anyone know the score of this scrimmage played yesterday in Calallen? Heard that Sinton was beaten pretty good. Sinton usually always starts slow with Basketball still going on and Coach K more interested in finding out about his underclassmen and how they will handle the game situations against top notch competition.

02-25-2004, 07:08 PM
Calallen won 13-3 after 5 innings. Sinton started bad in the 1st inning a few errors allowing Calallen to put up 6 or 7 on the board, but after that Sinton didn't do to badly. Calallen should contend for a State Title in 4A once again this year.

Phil C
02-26-2004, 09:40 AM
Remember there are 5 key players from Sinton still playing basketball as they are in the playoffs and play Rio Hondo on Saturday. I am sure Calallen has the same situation. At least the polls will keep Sinton down now probably which decreases the pressure. I was surprised they played since it had rained and was cold. I know they cancelled the girls softball game with them because of it.

02-26-2004, 02:27 PM
Calallen cancelled last year's baseball game with Sinton under almost the same weather conditions?????? Hummmmmmmmm????????