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09-06-2006, 07:38 PM
I know of several athletes (high school) that take creatine, whey protein, amino acid tablets, etc.......
Creatine was a big story back when Mark McGwire was going for his 60+ HR season.
What are your thoughts on kids using these supplements? Good? Bad?

09-06-2006, 07:48 PM
when i was in 7th grade i was close to start taking creatine but i decided not to because i heard that it can hurt your kidneys....i just worked hard enough to get me strong w/out using supplements....btw i was benching 250 my soph. year so i would recommend not to take them just work hard

09-06-2006, 07:49 PM
There's nothing wrong with creatine.

The only thing bad about it is that scientists don't know the long-term affects. Other than that, it's good for athletes to use.

Protein is just protein. Even grown adults should drink a protein shake every now and again. I've got my parents doing it and they love it.

09-06-2006, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by Pmoney
when i was in 7th grade i was close to start taking creatine but i decided not to because i heard that it can hurt your kidneys....i just worked hard enough to get me strong w/out using supplements....btw i was benching 250 my soph. year so i would recommend not to take them just work hard
you would have been doing 400 if you had taken creatine.

09-06-2006, 07:56 PM
We cant use creatine where i am but we can use the whey stuff if we want.

09-06-2006, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by MagicMan
you would have been doing 400 if you had taken creatine.
doubt it....i would rather do less weight w/ my own natural strength that i worked to get by myself than doing more weight with supplemental help

09-06-2006, 09:06 PM
i did hear that Wheyprotein is a good product...it is not really a supplement...it is like a protein shake

09-06-2006, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by Pmoney
doubt it....i would rather do less weight w/ my own natural strength that i worked to get by myself than doing more weight with supplemental help


09-06-2006, 09:08 PM
Im pretty sure i went from 155 on bench freshman year to 350 summer after my junior year and I took nothing. If you work hard, you dont need anything. Whey protein is not bad at all, its like eating 10 eggs or a big steak, but creatine is already produced in the body so adding more overworks your kidneys

09-06-2006, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by Pmoney
i did hear that Wheyprotein is a good product...it is not really a supplement...it is like a protein shake
it is too a supplement. the protein increases muscle size and speeds up muscle recovery which in turns allows u to work out with more weight which means you are getting stronger.

09-06-2006, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by bulldogman06
Im pretty sure i went from 155 on bench freshman year to 350 summer after my junior year and I took nothing. If you work hard, you dont need anything. Whey protein is not bad at all, its like eating 10 eggs or a big steak, but creatine is already produced in the body so adding more overworks your kidneys

some ppl dont mature the same...

09-06-2006, 09:22 PM
Originally posted by MagicMan
it is too a supplement. the protein increases muscle size and speeds up muscle recovery which in turns allows u to work out with more weight which means you are getting stronger.

however, you can get whey protein in your diet, but your body does not naturally produce it. that is the difference between protein and creatine

09-06-2006, 09:22 PM
Originally posted by bulldogman06
Im pretty sure i went from 155 on bench freshman year to 350 summer after my junior year and I took nothing. If you work hard, you dont need anything. Whey protein is not bad at all, its like eating 10 eggs or a big steak, but creatine is already produced in the body so adding more overworks your kidneys

That is pure speculation about what it does to your kidney. The product has not been around long enough to know if there are any long term effects. We honestly wont know that for anohter 5-10 years.

09-06-2006, 09:22 PM
Originally posted by mustang04
some ppl dont mature the same...

That is true, but with enough work you could get the results you wanted naturally

09-06-2006, 09:23 PM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
That is pure speculation about what it does to your kidney. The product has not been around long enough to know if there are any long term effects. We honestly wont know that for anohter 5-10 years.

My cousin-in-law took it 10 years ago and the doctor told him to stop because it was damaging his kidneys

09-06-2006, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by KTJ
There's nothing wrong with creatine.

The only thing bad about it is that scientists don't know the long-term affects. Other than that, it's good for athletes to use.

what? thats a pretty HUGE negative ...

09-06-2006, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by bulldogman06
My cousin-in-law took it 10 years ago and the doctor told him to stop because it was damaging his kidneys

there re several things that can damage your kidneys.....doesnt mean that it was the creatine

09-06-2006, 09:27 PM
before he took it, his kidneys were fine. the doctors told him that they were almost positive that the high levels of creatine in his system were the cause. once he got off of the creatine, his kidneys got better

09-06-2006, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by mustang04
there re several things that can damage your kidneys.....doesnt mean that it was the creatine

i think the doctor would know better than you, dont ya think? :cool:

09-06-2006, 10:43 PM
check this article out and then tell me what you think.... remember.. the supplement people are out for the money in selling their products.


09-06-2006, 11:39 PM
i took creatine(cell-tech) last year, worked out the same, maybe a tad bit harder....noticed my bench go up about 80 lbs in about 6 weeks...i loved it, expecially my muscles not hurting near as much after an intense workout

havent been back on it cause i dont have the money to fork over right now, but i wouldnt mind doing another cycle

09-06-2006, 11:44 PM

check your pm's...lhpm

09-07-2006, 03:42 AM
Go eat 12 bowls of rasin bran and see what happens.........you can take too much of anything and it will adversly attack you. In moderation my friend, whether it is alcohol. steroids, creatine or whey. Your body must have at least 1 to 1-1/2 gram of whey protein (not soy) per pound of body muscle to grow. 1/2 gram to maintain. As far as creatine you must drink, drink, drink water, then more water. Do not take it when you are doing cardo are sweating alot or you can dehydrate. It absorbes water like oatmeal. Cokes will screw up your kidneys if you drink them without lots of water. Use any of these in moderation and you will do fine. (yes I have a degree in this field)

09-07-2006, 03:46 AM
Originally posted by 3afan
i think the doctor would know better than you, dont ya think? :cool: No .........most Doc's would refer you to a registered certified nutritionist as they would a pharmacist if it was medication advice.

09-07-2006, 08:01 AM
I would say just to take protien!! But if you do take creatine don't take the whole cycle take less!! All creatine does is make you gain water weight!! And when you take the whole cycle you can mess your kidneys up! Don't take the whole cycle b/c you don't need to, once or twice a day, before and sometime after!! They make you think that you after to take it 4-5 times a day so you can run out faster and then after buy more!! IMO just take protien its the best for you if you want to grow and get stronger!!! Start to focus on one muscle group a day! Like do all chest one day, all shoulder the next all legs next day!!! 4 Sets of 10 is can really make you grow!! Use a weight that you can at least do 8-9 times and have a spotter help you b/c when you put your muscles to the max thats when you grow!! And when that gets easy add weight!!!

raider red 2000
09-07-2006, 08:21 AM
Originally posted by wedo
I would say just to take protien!! But if you do take creatine don't take the whole cycle take less!! All creatine does is make you gain water weight!! And when you take the whole cycle you can mess your kidneys up! Don't take the whole cycle b/c you don't need to, once or twice a day, before and sometime after!! They make you think that you after to take it 4-5 times a day so you can run out faster and then after buy more!! IMO just take protien its the best for you if you want to grow and get stronger!!! Start to focus on one muscle group a day! Like do all chest one day, all shoulder the next all legs next day!!! 4 Sets of 10 is can really make you grow!! Use a weight that you can at least do 8-9 times and have a spotter help you b/c when you put your muscles to the max thats when you grow!! And when that gets easy add weight!!!

what i was told while taking my exercise physiology classes and from trainers is that if you take more than needed you will just piss it out.

the key is hydration....you must drink lots of water.

Creatine does make you gain water weight....in your muscles.....that is how they get bigger and stronger.

also, your workout depends on your goals....are you trying to get bigger and stronger or more lean and ripped?

there are tons of workouts that are good depending on your goals.

the main thing is working out.....if you dont work, you dont get stronger.

pancho villa
09-07-2006, 08:27 AM
I am a HS coach with a son that is a sophmore football player. And there is no way I will let him take creatine.

09-07-2006, 08:38 AM
Originally posted by raider red 2000
what i was told while taking my exercise physiology classes and from trainers is that if you take more than needed you will just piss it out.

the key is hydration....you must drink lots of water.

Creatine does make you gain water weight....in your muscles.....that is how they get bigger and stronger.

also, your workout depends on your goals....are you trying to get bigger and stronger or more lean and ripped?

there are tons of workouts that are good depending on your goals.

the main thing is working out.....if you dont work, you dont get stronger.

A lot of people think that if you lift light weights you will just get cut and ripped but thats not true b/c you burn more calories and gain muscle when you lift heavy!!!

raider red 2000
09-07-2006, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by wedo
A lot of people think that if you lift light weights you will just get cut and ripped but thats not true b/c you burn more calories and gain muscle when you lift heavy!!!

it is all relative.

how many reps, how much weight, and how much rest.

09-07-2006, 01:59 PM
check out this article........


09-07-2006, 02:33 PM
if you want to be ripped and lean, do low weight at high reps...if u want to be swoll and buff, high weight low reps

raider red 2000
09-07-2006, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by mustang04
if you want to be ripped and lean, do low weight at high reps...if u want to be swoll and buff, high weight low reps

what do you consider high reps and low reps?

09-07-2006, 02:37 PM
Originally posted by 3afan
i think the doctor would know better than you, dont ya think? :cool:

did the doctor have a patient in a controlled experiment??? i dont think so and therefore has no evidence for any rock solid PROOF of what caused the kidney damage

09-07-2006, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by raider red 2000
what do you consider high reps and low reps?

well it depends on how much you lift and your preference..i mean someone can bench press 100 lbs in 3 sets of 20 times and get as ripped as one who does 135 in a few sets of say 12-15

i know some ppl who can max more than me, but i can say do 150lbs more reps than them

what do u consider high reps and low reps??
oh, and for my low reps, i do 6-5-4-3-2-1, pretty much maxing out at the end and the 6 reps are 25lbs less than my max

09-07-2006, 02:44 PM
Creatine is a protein supplement not steriods people. Creatine is produced naturally within the body (already noted by another poster) and in sufficient enough amounts to sustain the body at rest. Weightlifters use it to supplement their workouts because much of the creatine produced in the body on a daily basis is used up before the end of a workout. The amount of creatine needed to supplement a long workout is far less than what most people actually take in supplamentally, that is why it is recommeneded that you drink more than average amounts of water when you use the supplement. As for the reference to Mark McGuire he was using Andro not Creatine.

09-07-2006, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by zeus63
Creatine is a protein supplement not steriods people. Creatine is produced naturally within the body (already noted by another poster) and in sufficient enough amounts to sustain the body at rest. Weightlifters use it to supplement their workouts because much of the creatine produced in the body on a daily basis is used up before the end of a workout. The amount of creatine needed to supplement a long workout is far less than what most people actually take in supplamentally, that is why it is recommeneded that you drink more than average amounts of water when you use the supplement. As for the reference to Mark McGuire he was using Andro not Creatine.


PHS Wildcats
09-07-2006, 02:49 PM
When I was at Tarleton State, we used creatine and it help. No effects what so ever. I stopped after college.

09-07-2006, 02:50 PM
i have taken creatine for a while...and im still pissin the same:D

09-07-2006, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by SwtwtrMstngs04
We cant use creatine where i am but we can use the whey stuff if we want.

It hurts my eyes to look at your signature.....:crazy1:

09-07-2006, 04:06 PM
Well, here is my position on creatine, lifting weights, getting stronger, and being bigger. I think that creatine is useless and I thoroughly disagree with the idea that you have to take it to get bigger. I've never taken creatine in my life and have done very well. As for lifting weights, you should cycle between heavy weight and low reps and light weight and high reps. The more reps you do results in a more total tear down of the muscles themselves, while the heavier weight helps strengthen tendons, muscle memory, and helps the lifter have confidence to tackle heavier weights. As an avid weightlifter and a decent athlete, I would recommend a balanced diet; eating right is crucial. It is a common fact that a person cannot get all of the nutrients they will need out of a bottle. If you are going to take supplements, be careful. There is a big difference between taking supplements that are commonly found in food and supplements that are created by man with the specific goal of high-performance in mind, and yes, I am aware that creatine is found in food, but the younger the athlete, the more a human body manufactures it's own natural creatine. The older a person gets, this production decreases, and once a person gets into their younger 20s, then it would behoove them to take creatine to supplement their workouts. If a person does not fall in that range, it creates an excess in the human body and is passed with their urine.

09-07-2006, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by mustang04
if you want to be ripped and lean, do low weight at high reps...if u want to be swoll and buff, high weight low reps

From what i have learned from working at a gym is that doing light wieghts does not do that much!! If you want to get cut you still have to get strong!! Your not going to have definition and be weak!! And you get the best definition when lifting heavy b/c you burn more calories and therefore you get cut!!!

Here s what i do for chest:


Bench 4 sets of 10! Do a wieght that you can do at least 8-9 times and have a spot guide not lift it for you but help you finish b/c when you push your muscles like that thats when you grow the most!! Make sure rest good in between sets!

Incline: same thing
Decline: Same thing
Chest flies same thing

09-07-2006, 05:39 PM
they also test creatine levels when someone is getting a urine test for say marijuana use...did yall know that?

09-07-2006, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by wedo
Your not going to have definition and be weak!! And you get the best definition when lifting heavy b/c you burn more calories and therefore you get cut!!!

are u kidding....some of the most toned guys on our football team were some of the weakest....alot of running and aerobic can get you cut and not build muscle like lifting weights

09-07-2006, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by mustang04
are u kidding....some of the most toned guys on our football team were some of the weakest....alot of running and aerobic can get you cut and not build muscle like lifting weights

A naturaly skinny guy is already a lil toned b/c he has no body fat and he doesn't weigh much therefore he his weak!!

09-07-2006, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by mustang04
did the doctor have a patient in a controlled experiment??? i dont think so and therefore has no evidence for any rock solid PROOF of what caused the kidney damage

lets see -- you give advise on this subject or an MD ....... think whatever you want but 99.9% of the folks will go with the MD

09-07-2006, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by wedo
A lot of people think that if you lift light weights you will just get cut and ripped but thats not true b/c you burn more calories and gain muscle when you lift heavy!!! This isn't exactly true. INTENSITY of your workout is what determines what will happen to your body. There are different ways that INTENSITY can be measured though. Sure, you can lift heavy and do very few reps and have a high INTENSITY workout but you can actually have a higher INTENSITY workout by going light and doing more reps. It depends on what outcome you are working towards. Also, if you are taking Creatine I suggest heavier lifting with fewer reps. 2 sets of 2 at 90-95% of your max will make you blow up in a hurry, especially if you only workout 2 or maybe 3 times a week and eat everything in sight. Do not worry about gaining a little bit of fat in this process, fat drops off much quicker than muscle and you can follow a 6 week bulk up with a 3 week trim down and lose 0 of what you gained strength wise but all the fat that you gained will drop off. If you want to get ripped I recommend getting off the Creatine eating a low-fat high protein low carb diet, extreme amounts of cardio, and low weight high rep workouts. Like 8 sets of 10 at like 40-45% of you max. Do this workout 4 times a week and you will get shredded quickly. Working the major muscle groups every workout as well. Back, Legs/Butt, and Abs.

09-07-2006, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by bulldogman06
That is true, but with enough work you could get the results you wanted naturally

I gotta argue this point........depending on when you want the reults..............

In HS, I worked out all the time, and never gained much muscle mass. I ate as well as any other 18 yo HS athlete - ALL I COULD! I worked out, ran, etc. I did get stronger, but not bigger.

When I turned 20 in college, BOOM! I grew 2 1/2 more inches and added about 30 lbs over the course of a year. I wasn't lifting anymore, but I was in the Corps at A&M, and getting a pretty rigourous amount of varied exercise (a lot of push-ups, mainly:rolleyes: ).

My Dad, who I favor in looks and build, did the same thing. 6' 0" out of HS and skinny (pictures to prove it).......6' 2" and "built" when he was 21 in the Army in Korea (after the conflict).

Some people mature at different times. (I assume) by heredity, I am a "late bloomer", as was my dad.

My oldest daughter (Sr - 18 this month) is already 3/4" shorter than my youngest daughter (Fr - 14). The oldest is built like me, while the youngest is built like my wife. 2 kids, same parents, different physical maturation rate.

All of that said to say this - As a young adult, you'll bulk up when Mother Nature says you're ready. Creatine may help, but "you can't fool Mother Nature"!

09-07-2006, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by Pmoney
i did hear that Wheyprotein is a good product...it is not really a supplement...it is like a protein shake
Little Miss Muffet
Little Miss Muffet, sat on a tuffet,
Eating her curds and whey;
Along came a spider, who sat down beside her
And frightened Miss Muffet away.