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View Full Version : Port Isabel Band thoughts!

11-04-2002, 06:10 PM
For those of you from Port Isabel. They were the last band to preform and went right after Wylie (my old HS). I really enjoyed their show and congrats on their preformance. I especially liked seeing the battery throwing out the Cadets 2000 percussion feature. It's good to see another 3A drumline besides Wylie throwing out some drum corps stuff. Congrats on a great year!

11-06-2002, 03:19 AM
Hey, I didn't get to see PI at state but when they performed in Raymondville....I was floored. They did real good. I was surprised that they didn't go to finals this year but....then I was told that it was raining when they went on and it was about 40-50 degrees. I'm sure it was cold for all the bands but...certain instruments do not work the way they are supposed to in that type of weather. muh home girl said that her instrument wouldnt let out certain notes cuz of the cold rain and the saxophones were gettin water all up in their bells that they couldnt play with. Well I know for sure that PI is gonna have to put in a lot of money for repairing instruments because those wooden ones are going to be cracked and messed up from what i was told. It's also not fair that not all bands had the same weather and some were given a MAJOR disadvantage.
and they should also be marching on normal turf. when raymondville went to state a while back, that turf...is not grass...its astroturf but it's not normal turf like the turf at psja or brownsville...it's like a plastic shaggy carpet...remember those carpets? Marching band comps need to be under a dome or something because it takes all day and all bands should perform under the same circumstances for all fairness.

I head the 5a bands at Baylor...I heard it came down to how many bands ahd the least people slip and fall.

11-06-2002, 03:23 AM
Would anybody be able to tell me how Burnet faired at the state band contest. I don't think they made the finals but I would like to know how they did.

11-06-2002, 05:14 PM
the best score you can receive is a 5 with recieving a 1 from each judge. In the pre-lims, Burnet scored a 57. They were 14th place. From the 3 music judges, they got 10, 12, 17 and from the two marching judges, they got 8 and 10. The best score in pre-lims was Robinson with a 9. after that, the scores dropped to Canton with a 28. the last band, zapata, got 85.

11-06-2002, 05:25 PM
Is there a site you can go to see about all the Bands?

eye of the tiger
11-06-2002, 07:14 PM
the web site for the results is:


11-09-2002, 10:34 PM
you can also go to regionxvband.com
and then any additional info you may want may come from atssb.org or tmea.org