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View Full Version : I guess the thread was removed

08-09-2006, 06:24 PM
I guess the tread over the Confederacy was removed, But I wanted to give my opinion. If the moderators want to remove this they have every right and I will not be offended.

I wanted to add my two cents even if what I want to say has been said. As a history teacher, that would be a bad and unfair
idea. Forgetting about a pivitol moment in history like the Civil War and the Confederacy would be like forgetting about our forefathers signing the Declaration of Independence or Adolf Hitler personally responsible for the deaths of 50 million people. Taking away our history would be like taking away who we are and where we have come from, both good and bad. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. For me personally, I am extremely proud of my ancestors that fought for the south just as I am for my ancestors that fought for the north. No matter if it right or wrong, they believed in something strong enough to fight and to die for. And for those of you who see the Confederacy as representing treason and slavery, I recall a certain country who was treasonous and broke away from another country in 1776 with slavery strongly intact. Does that mean you want to forget about everything The United States is because of it's past? I hope not. When I see the Confederate Flag at a memorial or something similar, I am filled with pride in the south. I do however have a problem with people who fly while burning crosses and shouting racial slurs. They give the rest of the southeners abad name. People can be proud of who they are and what the represent without taking away from other people and cultures. That is what burns me up about people having to be politically correct in this country. I don't tell you how to live your life, so don't tell me how to live mine. I think I'll get off my soapbox now.

Ranger Mom
08-09-2006, 09:45 PM
It ticks me off when a thread that I innocently start gets closed because people feel the need to "go off"!!

I STILL think of Rednecks, beer and copenhagen!!:)